What WE Do

The Office of Research Development Office (ORD) helps researchers and scholars to create competitive funding proposals. The ORD is often the first point of contact when investigators have an initial idea or proposal for research funding. 

Proposal Consultation: Our office will meet with individuals or groups to provide an overview of the grant process at FAU and discuss potential opportunities.   

Funding Opportunities: We can meet with individuals, colleges, departments, or research groups to provide information on available funding opportunities and will conduct searches to match ideas with opportunities. 

Potential Collaborators and Team Development: Collaborators can increase the competitiveness of a proposal by filling gaps in expertise, expanding impact, or assisting with outreach efforts. Our office can serve as a liaison between internal and external contacts to help investigators identify research collaborators (individuals or organizations) and develop teams.

Proposal Development: We can coach investigators through the proposal-writing process, targeting funding agency priorities to strategically improve competitiveness. We also review grant proposals, suggesting revisions to strengthen organization, enhance argument, and ensure readability.

Boilerplates/Templates: Our office can also provide proposal templates and suggested language for certain commonly requested proposal sections (e.g., descriptions of institutional programs, partnerships, or processes).

Large-Scale Complex Proposals: We assist with large-scale proposals that require extensive research coordination efforts. We work with investigators to ensure that the overall proposal is cohesive.

Research Development Workshops: We facilitate workshops and offer programs to enhance proposal development skills. 

Limited Submissions Processes: Limited submissions are funding opportunities that only allow a limited number of proposals to be submitted per institution.  We coordinate an internal review process which determines which proposal(s) will represent the institution. If a proposal is not selected, we work with investigators to identify other opportunities.