Proposal Development Series

The Proposal Development Series (PDS) program supports prospective PIs by providing feedback on grant proposals in progress. Participants selected for the program will receive reviews of their proposal sections from experienced researchers and scholars from Florida Atlantic University.

Who is this for?

All PI-eligible faculty members, at any level, are welcome to apply (refer to FAU’s PI eligibility policy here). However, it is highly encouraged that applicants have submitted a pilot or seed grant proposal prior to participating in the program, as it is designed to help researchers and scholars advance to the "next level" in their grant writing trajectories.

How long is PDS?

The program takes place over four academic months (December to March), during which prospective PIs are required to submit a proposal section each month. Monthly meetings typically last approximately one hour.

What is the format?

Guided proposal feedback with reviews from experienced researchers and scholars. Sessions will take place virtually.

What outcomes will I achieve?

This program will help you incrementally refine a grant proposal and advance your research trajectory towards securing a major award.

To apply ...

If you are interested in this program, applications are due by October 2nd. Please email before that date if you would like to receive the guidelines for this program.