5 Simple Steps to Advancing Research Goals
So you're working from home – you must have lots of extra time to do research, or workout, or organize your closet, or maybe even make your first TikTok video. At least that's the illusion.
The reality is, you don't have more time. In fact, you may feel even more pressured for time in this new world.
That's why we've put together five easy things you can do to advance your research goals while working remotely.
1. Update your CV
You are the foundation for all your research. So focus on making sure that foundation is solid and accurate.
- Update your CV
- Create or Update your ORC ID and ScienCV
- BONUS POINTS: Self-Reflect: Where do you see your research in five years? What other areas of research can you collaborate in? Be willing to move outside of your comfort zone.
2. Find Funding Sources
First – if you haven't already – sign up for these top funding sources.
- https://www.Grants.gov
- https://www.GrantForward.com
- Agencies and organizations that have email listservs, like National Institutes of Health, National Science Foundation, National Endowment for the Humanities and National Education Association
- Philanthropy News Digest (http://philanthropynewsdigest.org/rfps)
Next, declutter your inbox by creating a filter that sends all your funding opportunities to one folder. Then, schedule a regular weekly appointment in your calendar for a date to review those emails.
3. Check-In with Your Network Connections
Remember that researcher you met at that conference last October who talked about her really cool research and how she got funded? Well, it's time to reconnect with her – and every other researcher out there you've been meaning to connect with.
- Find out what worked for each of them, and what agency funded them.
Also, identify others in your field, and the sources of funding they have had. Here are some places that will help:
- Web of Science (who has been funded) https://libguides.fau.edu/citationtools-boca/WOS
What has been funded in your field at the agency of your choice (NIH Reporter, NSF Awards Database) https://projectreporter.nih.gov/reporter.cfm
4. Draft, Redraft and Draft Again
Writing is sometimes the hardest part, so break it down into pieces. None of it has to be perfect, but you need to get your great ideas down on paper.
- Block out two hours of time just to get started.
Break it into smaller pieces, like this:
- Project summary or specific aims – in other words, why is your research important? What's your goal?
- Literature review
- Methodology
- Also, don't forget to start on that manuscript – or finish it! Publications still matter for future funding.
5. Talk it Out
Find someone to brainstorm about your ideas, your research and goals. This will motivate even the most reluctant and frazzled researcher! It helps to hear feedback from those in your field, outside of your field and those in the Division of Research. No one should be doing this alone!
Here's a few ways to start your research rap session:
- Make an appointment with your mentor(s) and DOR – official, unofficial, idea generation, grant motivation – whatever you need, we are here for you!
- Reach out to the program officers to discuss concepts.
- Email proposaldevelopment@fau.edu for a one-on-one appointment.
We're here for you. We are all in this together, and when you succeed, we all succeed.