Frequently Asked Questions
The following Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) are provided to address commonly asked questions from researchers about Research Communications.
What does research communications do?
The research communications team in the Division of Research promotes research, scholarship and creative activity at FAU. It provides the division's units with a full-spectrum of marketing support. The team disseminates news and information about FAU research to internal and external audiences. It also supports FAU researchers by providing them information about the division's services and programs.
How do I submit information for dissemination?
If you have news that you would like included on the Division of Research's website, in the Research Link newsletter, please email or or submit a work request through the team's ticketing system , which is available to FAU faculty and staff and can be accessed via the research communication web pages.
How can I be included on the distribution list for the Division of Research's weekly newsletter?
Subscribe to the monthly research newsletter, Research Link.
Magazines & reports
The Division of Research publishes a variety of publications, including the Research Link monthly newsletter. It also puts out newsletters for various units within the division, including The Beacon for the Office of Research Integrity; I-SENSE News for the Institute of Sensing and Embedded Network Systems Engineering and several newsletters for The Runway at Florida Atlantic. In addition, the team publishes MasterMinds, the annual publication for the FAU Brain Institute. Read more
The research communications team works with students, faculty and staff to produce a variety of informational, educational and promotional videos throughout the year. You can watch the division's videos by searching YouTube for the Florida Atlantic University Division of Research. .