Funding Opportunities

funding opportunities banner

The following online databases can be accessed to look for funding for your research, grant, or project.

Provides a common website for federal agencies to post discretionary funding opportunities and for grantees to find and apply to them.


GrantForward is a search engine dedicated to helping institutions and individuals find grants to fund their research. FAU has an institutional affiliation so researchers associated with the university can use the service without any cost for them.

Both and GrantForward can also be accessed by clicking the Funding Sources tab on this page. 

Web of Science

This database allows for more of an indirect search of funding opportunities by looking at certain discipline specific publications, and then finding out who funded the work. For more information and specific searches, contact Ken Frankel, Head of Reference & Instructional Services in the Wimberly Library.

Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities

Funding opportunities are sometimes posted on the "links" page.