
The bibliography below represents significant and up to date scholarship on Hispanic Serving Institutions.

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Sanford, A. A., Rudick, C. K., Nainby, K., Golsan, K. B., Rodriguez, S. R., & Claus, C. J. (2019). "'I Was Gonna Go Off, but My Best Friend is White.": Hispanic Students' Co-Cultural Reasoning in a Hispanic Serving InstitutionCommunication Quarterly, 67(2), 158–177.
Garcia, G. A., Ramirez, J. J., Patrón, O. E., & Cristobal, N. L. (2019). Constructing an HSI Organizational Identity at Three Hispanic-Serving Institutions in the Midwest: Ideal Versus Current Identity. Journal of Higher Education, 90(4), 513–538.
Sanchez, M. E. (2019). Perceptions of Campus Climate and Experiences of Racial Microaggressions for Latinos at Hispanic-Serving Institutions. Journal of Hispanic Higher Education, 18(3), 240–253.
Garriott, P. O., Flores, L. Y., Carrero Pinedo, A., Slivensky, D., Gonzalez, R., Luna, L., … Ching-Lan Lin. (2019). Surviving and Thriving: Voices of Latina/o Engineering Students at a Hispanic Serving Institution. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 66(4), 437–448.
Sansone, V. A., Núñez, A., Haschenburger, J. K., Godet, A., Gray, W., Suarez, M. B., … Young, D. (2019). Developing Work‐Based Geosciences Learning Opportunities in a Hispanic‐Serving Institution. New Directions for Student Services, 2019(167), 85–99.
Allen, T. O., Thompson, M. L., & Calderón Galdeano, E. (2019). Guidelines for Fostering Student Affairs‐Academic Affairs Partnerships in Hispanic‐Serving Institutions. New Directions for Student Services, 2019(167), 75–84.
Garcia, G. A., Núñez, A.-M., & Sansone, V. A. (2019). Toward a Multidimensional Conceptual Framework for Understanding “Servingness” in Hispanic-Serving Institutions: A Synthesis of the Research. Review of Educational Research, 89(5), 745–784.
Bladek, M. (2019). Latino students and the academic library: A primer for action. Journal of Academic Librarianship, 45(1), 50–57.
Carter, T. L., & Patterson, J. A. (2019). A Community College HSI: The Effect of an HSI Designation on Organizational Identity. Community College Review, 47(4), 360–381.
Cuellar, M. G. (2019). Creating Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSIs) and Emerging HSIs: Latina/o College Choice at 4-Year Institutions. American Journal of Education. Feb2019, Vol. 125 Issue 2, p231-258. 28p. 4 Charts
Fagan, M. A., Hull, D. M., Gray, R., & Bolen, J. A. (2019). Predicting STEM performance in a Hispanic serving institution, In Personality and Individual Differences, 15 April 2019, 141:18-24.
Jackson, L. M., Rudin, T. (2019). Minority-Serving Institutions: America's Overlooked STEM Asset: Postsecondary institutions with an intentional focus on educating nontraditional students and students of color are a crucial part of solving the nation's STEM workforce supply problem. Issues in Science and Technology. Wntr, 2019, Vol. 35 Issue 2, p53, 3 p.


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Andrade, Luis M.; Lundberg, Carol A. (2018). The Function to Serve: A Social-Justice-Oriented Investigation of Community College Mission Statements. Journal of Hispanic Higher Education, Jan 2018, Vol. 17 Issue 1, 61-75.
Davila, Mario A.; Hartley, Deborah J.; Lovett, Steve (2018). At Risk on the Border: Assessment of Student Learning at an Hispanic Serving Institution. Journal of Latinos & Education, Jan 2018, Vol. 17 Issue 1, 71-83.
Garcia, Gina A.; Dwyer, Brighid (2018). Exploring College Students' Identification with an Organizational Identity for Serving Latinx Students at a Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI) and an Emerging HSI. American Journal of Education, Feb 2018, Vol. 124 Issue 2, 191-215.
Park, Toby J.; Flores, Stella M.; Ryan, Christopher J. (2018). Labor Market Returns for Graduates of Hispanic-Serving Institutions. Research in Higher Education, Feb 2018, Vol. 59 Issue 1, 29-53.
Garcia, Gina A.; Ramirez, Jenesis J. (2018). Institutional Agents at a Hispanic Serving Institution: Using Social Capital to Empower Students. Urban Education, Mar 2018, Vol. 53 Issue 3, 355-381.
Garcia, Gina A. (2018). Decolonizing Hispanic-Serving Institutions: A Framework for Organizing. Urban Education, April 2018, Vol. 17, 132-147.
Vigo-Valentín, A. N., Cervantes, C. M. (2018). (2018). The Hispanic Experience in Physical Education Teacher Education Programs: A Qualitative Study. Urban Education, April 2018, Vol. 8, Article 32, 14.
Samayoa, Andres C. (2018). “People around Me Here, They Know the Struggle”: Students’ Experiences with Faculty Member’s Mentorship at Three Hispanic Serving Institutions. Urban Education, May 2018, Vol. 8 Issue 2, 49.
Daniel, Blake. (2018). Motivations and Paths to Becoming Faculty at Minority Serving Institutions. Urban Education, May 2018, Vol. 8 Article 30, 16.
Martinez, Andrew. (2018). Pathways to the Professoriate: The Experiences of First-Generation Latino Undergraduate Students at Hispanic Serving Institutions Applying to Doctoral Programs.Urban Education, May 2018, Vol. 8, Article 32, 14.
Columna, L., Hodge, S. R., Samalot-Rivera, A., (2018). The Hispanic Experience in Physical Education Teacher Education Programs: A Qualitative Study. Urban Education, April-June 2018, Vol. 70 Issue 2, 256-274.
Crawford-Garrett, Katherine; Sánchez, Rebecca M.; Meyer, Richard J. (2018). Problematizing Silence, Practicing Dissent: Engaging Preservice Teachers in a Critique of the Current Political Times. New Educator, Jan 2018, Vol. 14 Issue 1, 42-58.


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Aguilar, Israel (2017). Internal Revolutions: Auto-Ethnography as a Method for Faculty Who Prepare K-12 Educators and Leaders at Hispanic Serving Institutions. Journal of Latinos & Education, Vol. 16, Issue 4, 359-373.
Garcia, Gina A. (2017). Defined by Outcomes or Culture? Constructing an Organizational Identity for Hispanic-Serving Institutions. American Educational Research Journal, 2017 Supplement, Vol. 54, 111S-134S.
Gasman, Marybeth; Castro Samayoa, Andrés; Nettles, Michael (2017). Investing in Student Success: Examining the Return on Investment for Minority‐Serving Institutions. ETS Research Reports Series, Vol. 2017 Issue 1, 1-66.
Nunez, Anne-Marie (2017). Centering the "Marginalized Majority": How Hispanic-Serving Institutions Advance Postsecondary Attainment. American Educational Research Journal, 2017 Supplement, Vol. 54, 135S-139S.
Ginsberg, Alice; Gasman, Marybeth; Castro Samayoa, Andrés (2017). The Role of Minority Serving Institutions in Transforming Teacher Education and Diversifying the Teaching Profession: A Literature Review and Research Agenda. Teachers College Record, 2017, Vol. 119 Issue 10, 1-31.
Elder, Cristyn L.; Davila, Bethany (2017). Stretch and Studio Composition Practicum: Creating a Culture of Support and Success for Developing Writers at a Hispanic-Serving Institution. Composition Studies, Fall 2017, Vol. 45 Issue 2, 167-179.
Person, Dawn; Gutierrez Keeton, Rebecca; Medina, Noemy; Gonzalez, Jacquelyn; Minero, Laura P. (2017). Effectively Serving AB 540 and Undocumented Students at a Hispanic Serving Institution. Journal of Hispanic Higher Education, Jun 2017, Vol. 16 Issue 3, 256-272.
Estepp, Christopher M.; Velasco, Joseph G.; Culbertson, Avery L.; Conner, Nathan W. (2017). An Investigation into Mentoring Practices of Faculty Who Mentor Undergraduate Researchers at a Hispanic Serving Institution. Journal of Hispanic Higher Education, Oct 2017, Vol. 16 Issue 4, 338-358.
Desai, Shiv R.; Abeita, Andrea (2017). Institutional Microaggressions at a Hispanic Serving Institution: A Diné (Navajo) Woman Utilizing Tribal Critical Race Theory through Student Activism. Equity & Excellence in Education, Aug 2017, Vol. 50 Issue 3, 275-289.
Rudick, C. Kyle; Sollitto, Michael; Claus, Christopher J.; Sanford, Amy Aldridge; Nainby, Keith; Golsan, Kathryn B. (2017). Comparing Hispanic-To-White Co-Cultural Communication at Four-Year, Public Hispanic Serving and Predominately White Institutions. Communication Reports, May-Aug 2017, Vol. 30 Issue 2, 104-115.
Kouyoumdjian, Claudia; Guzmán, Bianca L.; Garcia, Nichole M.; Talavera-Bustillos, Valerie (2017). A Community Cultural Wealth Examination of Sources of Support and Challenges Among Latino First- and Second-Generation College Students at a Hispanic Serving Institution. Journal of Hispanic Higher Education, Jan 2017, Vol. 16 Issue 1, 61-76.
Collins, Timothy W.; Grineski, Sara E.; Shenberger, Jessica; Morales, Xiaodan; Morera, Osvaldo F.; Echegoyen, Lourdes E. (2017). Undergraduate Research Participation Is Associated with Improved Student Outcomes at a Hispanic-Serving Institution. Journal of College Student Development, May 2017, Vol. 58 Issue 4, 583-600.
Davila, Bethany A.; Elder, Cristyn L. (2017). Welcoming Linguistic Diversity and Saying Adios to Remediation: Stretch and Studio Composition at a Hispanic-Serving Institution Composition Forum, v35 Spring 2017.
Martinez, Melissa A.; Chang, Aurora; Welton, Anjalé D. (2017). Assistant Professors of Color Confront the Inequitable Terrain of Academia: A Community Cultural Wealth Perspective Race, Ethnicity and Education, v20n5 696-710.
Enríquez-Loya, Aydé; Leon, Kendall (2017). Chicanx/Latinx Rhetorics as Methodology for Writing Program Design at HSIs. Composition Studies, Fall 2017, Vol. 45 Issue 2, 212-215.
Flores, Stella M.; Park, Toby J.; Baker, Dominique J. (2017). The Racial College Completion Gap: Evidence From Texas. Journal of Higher Education, 2017, Vol.88 Issue 6, 894-921.
Robnett, Rachael D.; Anderson, Kristin J. (2017). Feminist identity among women and men from four ethnic groups. Cultural Diversity & Ethnic Minority Psychology, Jan 2017, Vol. 23 Issue 1, 134-142.


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Núñez, A.-M., Crisp, G., & Elizondo, D. (2016). Mapping Hispanic-Serving Institutions: A Typology of Institutional Diversity. Journal of Higher Education, 87(1), 55–83. Retrieved from
Excelencia in Education. (2016). Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSIs): 2014-15 at a Glance. Excelencia in Education. Retrieved from
Henrietta Williams Pichon. (2016). Descubriendo mi lugar: Understanding sense of belonging and community of black STEM-H students enrolled at a Hispanic serving institution. Journal for Multicultural Education, 10(2), 135–151
Gina A. Garcia (2016). Complicating a Latina/o-serving Identity at a Hispanic Serving Institution, 40(1), 117–143.
Fosnacht, K., J. N. (2016). Impact of the Environment: How Does Attending a Hispanic-Serving Institution Influence the Engagement of Baccalaureate-Seeking Latina/o Students? Journal of Hispanic Higher Education, 15(3), 187–204.
Arbelo-Marrero, F., & Milacci, F. (2016). A Phenomenological Investigation of the Academic Persistence of Undergraduate Hispanic Nontraditional Students at Hispanic Serving Institutions. Journal of Hispanic Higher Education, 15(1), 22–40.
Marrero, F. A. (2016). Pre-Entry Doctoral Admission Variables and Retention at a Hispanic Serving Institution. International Journal of Doctoral Studies, 11, 269–284.


Flores, S.M., & Park, T.J. (2015). The Effect of Enrolling in a Minority Serving Institution for Black and Hispanic Students in Texas.& Research in Higher Education, 56(3), 247-276.&

Mendez, J.P., Bonner II, F.A., Mendez-Negrete, J., & Palmer, R.T. (Eds.) (2015).& Hispanic-Serving Institutions in American Higher Education: Their Origin, and Present and Future Challenges. Sterling, VA: Stylus Publishing.&

Nunez, A. M., Murakami, E.T., & Gonzales, L.D. (2015). Weaving Authenticity and Legitimacy: Latina Faculty Peer Mentoring.& New Directions for Higher Education, 171, 87-96.& doi: 10.1002/he.20145


Murakami, E. T., & Nunez, A. M. (2014). Latina Faculty Transcending Barriers: Peer Mentoring in a Hispanic-serving Institution. Mentoring & Tutoring: Partnership in Learning, (ahead-of-print), 1-18.

Cuellar, M. (2014). The Impact of Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSIs), Emerging HSIs, and Non-HSIs on Latina/o Academic Self-Concept. The Review of Higher Education, 37(4), 499-530.

Gooden, S.T., & Martin, K.J. (2014) Facilitating College Success among Emerging Hispanic Serving Institutions: Multiple Perspectives Yield Commonly Shared Diversity Goals. Journal of Public Management & Social Policy, 20(1), 1-28.

Jesse, P., Bonner, I. I., Fred, A., & Robert, T. (2014). Introducing Hispanic-serving institutions: A comprehensive overview of HSIs in American higher education.

Lu, M.T.P., Ward, H.C., Overton, T., & Shin, Y. (2014). The Synergetic Approach to Effective Teachers’ Research Education: An Innovative Initiative for Building Educational Research Capacity in a Hispanic-Serving Institution. Journal of Hispanic Higher Education, 13(4), 269-284.doi:10.1177/1538192714536188

Vaughan, E. L., Chang, T. K., Escobar, O. S., & de Dios, M. A. (2014). Enrollment in Hispanic serving institutions as a moderator of the relationship between drinking norms and quantity of alcohol use among Hispanic college students. Substance abuse, (just-accepted), 00-00.


Garcia, G. A. (2013). Challenging the Manufactured Identity of Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSIs): Co-constructing an Organizational Identity.

Murphy, J. (2013). Institutional Effectiveness: How Well are Hispanic Serving Institutions Meeting the Challenge. Journal of Hispanic Higher Education, 12(4), 321-333. doi:10.1177/1538192713493010

Garcia, G. A. (2013). Does Percentage of Latinas/os Affect Graduation Rates at 4-Year Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSIs), Emerging HSIs, and Non-HSIs?.Journal of Hispanic Higher Education, 12(3), 256-268.

Gonzales, L. D., Murakami, E., & Nunez, A. M. (2013). Latina Faculty in the Labyrinth: Constructing and Contesting Legitimacy in Hispanic Serving Institutions. Educational Foundations, 27, 65-89.

ASHE (2013). Latinos in Higher Education and Hispanic-Serving Institutions: Creating Conditions for Success . ASHE Higher Education Report, 39, 1–132.

Santiago, D. (2013). Emerging Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSIs): 2011-12.

Santiago, D. (2013). Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSIs): 2011-12.

Robbins, L. K., & Hoke, M. M. (2013). RN-to-BSN Culture of Success Model: Promoting Student Achievement at a Hispanic-Serving Institution. Journal of Professional Nursing, 29(1), 21-29.

Santiago, D. (2013). Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSIs): 2011-12- Graduate Programs.

Santiago, D. (2013). Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSIs): 2011-12. Fact Sheet.

Tuttle, L. V., & Musoba, G. D. (2013). Transfer Student Persistence at a Hispanic-Serving University. Journal of Latinos and Education, 12(1), 38-58.


Arciniega, T. A. (2012). The Crucial Role of Hispanic-Serving Institutions in the Education of Latino/a Youth. Journal of Latinos and Education, 11(3), 150-156.

Nunez, A, & Elizondo, D. (2012). Hispanic-Serving institutions in the U.S. mainland and Puerto Rico: Organizational characteristics, institutional financial context, and graduation outcomes.

Calderón Galdeano, E., Flores, A. R., & Moder, J. (2012). The Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities and Hispanic-Serving Institutions: Partners in the Advancement of Hispanic Higher Education. Journal of Latinos and Education, 11(3), 157-162.

Cruz, G. (2012). At a Crossroads- Emerging Hispanic-Serving Institutions and ABET Accreditation: An Exploratory Study. In American Society for Engineering Education. American Society for Engineering Education.

Greene, D., & Oesterreich, H. A. (2012). White Profs at Hispanic-Serving Institutions: Radical Revolutionaries or Complicit Colonists?. Journal of Latinos and Education, 11(3), 168-174.

Harmon, N. (2012). The role of minority-serving institutions in national college completion goals. Institute for Higher Education Policy.

Hurtado, S., & Ruiz, A. (2012). Realizing the potential of Hispanic-Serving Institutions: Multiple dimensions of institutional diversity for advancing Hispanic higher education.

Soliz, M., & Santiago, D. (2012). Changes in Hispanic-Serving Institution (HSI) Lists: 2009-10 and 2010-11.

Torres, V., & Zerquera, D. (2012). Hispanic-Serving Institutions Patterns, Predictions, and Implications for Informing Policy Discussions. Journal of Hispanic Higher Education, 11(3), 259-278.

Institute for Higher Education Policy (2012). The Role of Minority-Serving Institutions in National College Completion Goals.

Garcia, H. S. (2012). Hispanic-serving institutions and the struggle for cognitive justice. Journal of Latinos and Education, 11(3), 195-200.

Santiago, D. (2012). What Works for Latino students in higher education: 2012 Compendium.


Garcia, G. A. (2011). Predicting Institutional Graduation Rates for Latina/o Students at Four-Year Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSIs), Emerging HSIs, and Non-HSIs.

Vargas, J. G. (2011). Latina Presidents: Making a Difference at Hispanic-Serving Institutions. Diversity in Higher Education, 9, 243-259.

Santiago, D. (2011). Reality Check: Hispanic-Serving Institutions on the Texas Border Strategizing Financial Aid.

Santiago, D. (2011). Creating a List of Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSIs). Retrieved from here.

Santiago, D. (2011). What Works for Latino students in higher education: 2011 Compendium.

Malcom-Piqueux , L. E., & Lee Jr., J. M. (2011). Hispanic-Serving Institutions: Contributions and Challenges.

Núñez, A. M., & Bowers, A. J. (2011). Exploring What Leads High School Students to Enroll in Hispanic-Serving Institutions A Multilevel Analysis. American Educational Research Journal, 48(6), 1286-1313.

Núñez, A. M., Sparks, P. J., & Hernández, E. A. (2011). Latino access to community colleges and Hispanic-serving institutions: A national study. Journal of Hispanic Higher Education, 10(1), 18-40.


Perrakis, A., & Hagedorn, L. S. (2010). Latino/a student success in community colleges and Hispanic-serving institution status. Community College Journal of Research and Practice, 34(10), 797-813.

Gates, A. Q. (2010). The role of Hispanic-serving institutions in contributing to an educated work force. Communications of the ACM, 53(12), 31-33.

Bensimon, E.M., Malcom, E. & Dávila, B. (2010). (Re)Constructing Hispanic-Serving Institutions: Moving Beyond Numbers Toward Student Success. EP3: Education Policy and Practice Perspectives, 6. Iowa State University: Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies.

Crisp, G., & Cruz, I. (2010). Confirmatory factor analysis of a measure of mentoring among undergraduate students attending a Hispanic serving institution. Journal of Hispanic Higher Education, 9(3), 232-244.

Santiago, D. A., & Andrade, S. J. (2010). Emerging Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSIs): Serving Latino Students. Excelencia in Education.



Santiago, D. A. (2009). Leading in a Changing America: Presidential Perspectives from Hispanic-Serving Institutions.


Santiago, D. A. (2008). Modeling Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSIs): Campus Practices that Work for Latino Students. Excelencia in Education.


Cerna, O.S., Perez, P.A., Saenz, V.B. (2007). Examining the Pre-college Attributes and Values of Latina/o College Graduates. Research Report #3. Los Angeles: Higher Education Research Institute.

Li, X., & Carroll, C. D. (2007). Characteristics of Minority-Serving Institutions and Minority Undergraduates Enrolled in These Institutions: Postsecondary Education Descriptive Analysis Report (NCES 2008-156). Washington, DC: National Center for Education Statistics.

Santiago, D. A. (2007). Choosing Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSIs): A Closer Look at Latino Students' College Choices. Excelencia in Education.

Santiago, D. A. (2007). Hearing from Presidents of Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSIs): Defining Student Success, Measures of Accountability, and What it Means to be an HSI.