FAU Research Cores Internal Pilot (RCIP) Program

Terms and Conditions

  • Principal investigators (PI) may only have one approved award per fiscal year.
  • PIs may not have more than one concurrent RCIP pilot award.
  • Faculty PIs with active internal research core pilot grants are not eligible.
  • Awards may only be used to pay for services provided by the FAU Research Cores listed on our website. For example, non-core faculty, AMP, SP and/or OPS salaries or fringe cannot be charged to this funding. Any other non-core expenses required for the project must be supported by other funding sources.
  • More than one of the approved research cores can be supported by an application.
  • Funds will not be released until all necessary compliance related approvals have been received such as IRB/IACUC/IBC.
  • Use of funds must be initiated within 60 days from the pilot award start date. Failure to do so will result in termination of the award and the funds will be allocated for use towards subsequent awards.
  • RCIP funds are awarded by fiscal year and therefore expire if not expended by June 30 of the awarded fiscal year. These non-transferrable funds expire and must be used within the specified time of the award such that no carryover of funds will be permitted unless approval has been provided by the Division of Research.
  • Within 30 days after completion of the RCIP program, the awardee must complete a brief user survey provided by the Research Cores program.
  • Within one-year after completion of the RCIP program, the awardee may be asked to provide a brief presentation or a poster during a research core symposium, "Core Technology Conversations" webinar or other event to highlight the RCIP program and research cores.
  • The PI must provide an appropriate citation for the publication which will be posted on Research Cores website.
  • The RCIP program must be acknowledged in any resulting publications, including press releases, using the following language: "This project was funded (or partially funded) by the Florida Atlantic University Division of Research through the FAU Research Cores Internal Pilot (RCIP) Program" and mention the core that was used.