Comparative Medicine CORE

Comparative Medicine (CM) is considered a research core facility amongst several other FAU research cores. The Research Core Policy states “Research Cores facilitate cutting-edge research to stimulate and increase research productivity. They provide access to technology, equipment, services, and training that are not typically affordable by a single researcher and are valuable to multiple investigators.” The Policy can be found at . CM provides dedicated resources available through a cost recovery model to researchers who work with animal models. These resources including dedicated and well-trained personnel, housing and experimental space, and specific equipment is available primarily to FAU investigators but also external users.

If you perform work in any Comparative Medicine Core facility, the expectation is that you  acknowledge the Core in any presentation and/or publication.  You can use your own words or use this template:

The authors would like to acknowledge the laboratory animal Core at FAU and thank all the husbandry and veterinary staff for the care of our animal subjects of this study.

Comparative Medicine Advisory Committee

CM as any other FAU Research Core organizes and depends upon the guidance provided by an advisory committee.

Advisory Committee membership comprises of four faculty members from different research units that are served by CM including one member representing satellite facilities and Comparative Medicine staff. The meeting frequency of the Advisory Committee (AC) is at least quarterly in March, June, September, and December. Meeting dates/times will be set forth based on the schedule of the AC members and announced a few weeks before the next meeting. Click here to find out more about AC members and meeting dates.

Role of the AC consists of

  • Make recommendations and/or provide key information and materials to the core manager
  • Liaison between research core users (both active and prospective) and the core manager to facilitate collaboration and core use
  • Provide a fresh expert perspective on core operations, offerings, customer service, and markets
  • Assist in the identification and proposal of new funding opportunities to enhance research core effectiveness
  • Promote research core use and access across the university, its partners, and community

If you want to get involved as a member, please contact the Core Director or the Research Dean at your college. If you want to bring forward a concern contact one of the AC members to move the topic onto the next meeting’s agenda. Please check out the agendas and meeting minutes here.