Faculty Testimonials
As an instructor, teaching in the LA model allows me the pleasure of seeing the learning happening right in front of me. My students learn math by doing math rather than watching me do math.
-T. Buscemi
The LA model is very efficient in keeping the students focused on the course materials during the lectures. They have more motivations to participate in the active learning and learn from their peers.
-Y. Li
I have had some excellent experiences with LA's. I think that courses taught with LA's are not only more exciting for the students, but they are also a great learning opportunity for the LA's themselves.
-T. Shonbek
student Testimonials
It's been great working with the LA program. The LA's help a lot with understanding the material and do a great job in working with us on the worksheets in class. They facilitate great group interaction.
My experience with my LAs were great. They helped me understand the concepts not just on a surface level but on a deeper understanding of the underlying principles, allowing me [to] gain a better understanding and appreciation of calculus.
-Ivan Y.
I have had nothing but a good experience with my calculus LA's this semester. They are both always on time and super helpful with any questions that I have, and are well-informed on the subjects taught to all of us.
My experience with the LA’s this semester was great! They were extremely helpful when I didn’t understand a certain part of the lecture, or when I was heading in the wrong direction with the solution to a problem. For my first time having LA’s in the class, I really appreciate all the work they did, and genuinely did much better in the class because of the LA’s!
-Rakia J.
Let us know what you think of FAU's LA Program!
Program Outcomes
The LA model increased the number of As earned in Calculus while decreasing the number of Ds, Fs and Ws from the start of the program at FAU in 2014 through fall 2019 as shown in the graph above.
In calculus, we found that women pass the course at more than a 5% greater rate when taking the course with LAs with similar outcome for Black students in LA sections.
In the Spring 2020 pilot of the LA program in CHM 2046 (General Chemistry II), the course section with LAs had significantly better outcomes than the section without LAs (taught by the same instructor). Highlights of the outcomes include:
Results in CHM 2046 in LA vs. Non-LA section (Spring 2020)
Higher overall pass rate (by 3.7%) in LA section
Higher rate of students earning A’s (41.5% as compared to 30.3% in non-LA section; a difference of 11.1%)
Higher rate of Black students passing (5.5% difference: 91.38% in LA section; 85.71% in non-LA section)
Higher rate of Black students earning A’s (36.2% vs only 19.64% in non-LA section)
Higher rate of Hispanic students passing (by 8.79%)
Success Data for MAC 2311 and 2312