Three FAU women in STEM
Three FAU women in STEM
Three FAU women in STEM
Three FAU women in STEM
Three FAU women in STEM


Researchers will adapt proven programs and procedures in the following areas:

Excellence in Recruitment and Retention

Build on FAU’s program for Strategies and Tactics for Recruiting to Improve and Develop Excellence (STRIDE) to enhance hiring and recruitment. STRIDE provides workshops to help search committees and other decision makers recruit and retain well-qualified and distinctive candidates.

Principal Investigators:

Alka Sapat, Ph.D. Alka Sapat, Ph.D., professor and director, School of Public Administration, Schmidt College of Arts and Letters

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Russell Ivy Russell Ivy, interim provost and vice president for Academic Affairs

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Institutional Intelligence

Review current policies to promote best practices in recruitment and retention at an institutional level, implement leadership training, adapt collaborative leadership models and other policy initiatives to increase representation and participation.


Alka Sapat, Ph.D. Alka Sapat, Ph.D., professor and director, School of Public Administration, Schmidt College of Arts and Letters

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Russell Ivy Russell Ivy, interim provost and vice president for Academic Affairs

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Teresa Wilcox, Ph.D. Teresa Wilcox, Ph.D., professor, Charles E. Schmidt College of Science

Longitudinal Dashboards

Construct and automate a longitudinal demographic data dashboard of faculty that can help inform and guide leadership practices as they pertain to promoting equity.


Chad E. Forbes, Ph.D. Chad E. Forbes, Ph.D., associate professor, Department of Psychology, Charles E. Schmidt College of Science, and associate director, FAU's Stiles-Nicholson Brain Institute

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Ying Liu, Ph.D. Ying Liu, Ph.D., assistant provost, Office of Institutional Effectiveness and Analysis, Office of Information Technology

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Strategic Communication

Create and implement a strategic digital communication plan, which includes a website with resources and findings.


Chad E. Forbes, Ph.D. Chad E. Forbes, Ph.D., associate professor, Department of Psychology, Charles E. Schmidt College of Science, and associate director, FAU's Stiles-Nicholson Brain Institute

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Cammi Clark, Ph.D. Cammi Clark, Ph.D., senior director, Research Communications, University Relations and Public Affairs, and adjunct instructor, School of Communication and Multimedia Studies, Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters

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Aloha Balza-Montes Aloha Balza-Montes, assistant director, Office of Interprofessional Education and Practice

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