Presidential Search Timeline

Projected Timeline

Search Activities/ Events


July 24

Search Committee Kick-off Meeting Introductions, search committee charge, legal overview, introduction of the search process

Search Committee

Buffkin/ Baker

August 14th

Search Committee Meeting— Calendar of events and presidential search website, including a link to the home page for meetings related to the search and information on the means of providing stakeholder input

Search Committee

Buffkin/ Baker

August 29th (in person)

Listening Sessions with leadership and key stakeholders to develop understanding of organization including history, opportunities, and challenges

  • Session 1: Faculty
  • Session 2: Staff
  • Session 3: Students
  • Session 4: Donors, Community Members
  • Session 5: Open

Search Committee

Buffkin/ Baker

Internal/ External Stakeholders

September 5th (virtual)

September 6th (virtual - Open Session only)

& September 9th (in person)

Listening Sessions

  • Session 1: Faculty
  • Session 2: Staff
  • Session 3: Students
  • Session 4: Donors, Community Members
  • Session 5: Open

Search Committee


Internal/ External Stakeholders


Develop recomm ended p osition crite ria for appro val by BOT

De ve lop m arketing p lan for submission to BOT

Conduct compensation analysis and e stablish a rang e of comp e nsation for approval by BOT

Buffkin/ Baker

September 25

Search Committee Meeting to approve the position criteria and marketing plan

Search Committee

Buffkin/ Baker


Submit position criteria to BOT for approval

Submit marketing plan to BOT for review

Submit range of compensation to BOT for approval

Search Committee

Buffkin/ Baker

October - January

Place advertisements

Search Committee meetings as determined by the Chair

Identify individuals, consistent with the position criteria, who may apply, be nominated, or recruited to produce a pool of qualified applicants

Vetting applicants

Buffkin/ Baker

Search Committee


Search Committee Update Meeting

Introduction of Committee to secure candidate portal

Search Committee

Buffkin/ Baker

January/ February

Review of candidate slate- the committee reviews, as soon as possible but no later than seven (7) days prior to the interview of any applicant, available public records and online resources in order to narrow the pool of qualified applicants who will be invited to participate in interviews with the search committee.

Determine, under the position criteria, the applicants to be interviewed by the search committee, which may be accomplished, for example, by categorizing applicants from highly qualified to unqualified and conducting a ranking or series of rankings of the applicants to determine where there is consensus. Any ranking process must be completed by search committee members, during a meeting, on the record and where contemporaneous discussion of such rankings can take place

Determine format and parameters for applicant interviews

Search Committee

Buffkin/ Baker

January/ February

Interviews with Search Committee— conduct first applicant interviews, based on the format and parameters set forth by the committee

Search Committee

Buffkin/ Baker

January/ February

Search Committee recommends unranked list of final applicants to BOT

Search Committee

Buffkin/ Baker

January/ February

Conduct preliminary background checks and reference checks

On campus meetings with finalists

Final interviews with BOT

FAU Campus and Community

Board of


Buffkin/ Baker

February/ March

Additional interviews as needed

Select a final qualified candidate under the position criteria as president-elect for recommendation to the Board of Governors

Draft employment contract in consultation with the Board of Governors General Counsel

Seek Board of Governors confirmation

Board of Trustees

Buffkin/ Baker