January 10, 2022
9.2 Social Media: This existing policy has proposed amendments to address the posting or sharing of content or comments by members of the public to FAU social media sites. For more information, please contact Scott Silversten, Associate Vice President, Communications and Marketing (ssilverstan@fau.edu).
6.4 Reporting Foreign Gifts and Contracts: This existing policy has proposed amendments to address the new Florida legislation which requires reporting of foreign gifts and contracts at a $50,000 threshold level (the federal reporting threshold is currently $250,000). For more information, please contact Elizabeth Rubin, Chief Compliance & Ethics Officer (erubin@fau.edu).
6.3 Waiver of Tuition and Fees: This existing policy has proposed amendments to add a new waiver for AA/AS non-resident students from the Broward College International Center. For more information, please contact Tracy Boulukos, Assistant Vice President of Financial Aid & New Student Service Initiatives (tbouluko@fau.edu).