Student Testimonials

Masha Mahsa Alemrajabi Firouzabad |
Thesis and Dissertation Writer Workshop
Spring 2023



I am glad for the opportunity to attend the PELS "Thesis and Dissertation Writer" program. Dr. Fahad, our lecturer, was well-versed not just in the subject matter but also in good communication with every one of us. He is a great listener, and I enjoyed talking with him. The meetings were quite amicable, and we could freely communicate our worries without fear of being judged. Now, as a non-native English student, I am much more secure in my writing and in myself.



Manuela Manuela Filomena |
Thesis and Dissertation Writer Workshop
Spring 2023




The PELS Thesis and Dissertation workshop offered each of us the opportunity to recognize and identify our weaknesses in the writing process and try to improve them by applying new strategies. I enjoyed the whole course, Dr. Ahmed Fahad’s extraordinary communication skills put us at ease from the first day of class. A pleasant atmosphere was immediately created, lesson after lesson we were able to overcome our insecurities and collaborate for a common end goal through respectful interaction between everyone. Each class was rich in terms of content, insights, and suggestions. I suggest that everyone attend it to gain a new methodology of working, a new approach, and confidence in the writing phase. I cannot thank Dr. Ahmed enough for this unique experience



Eloise Findlay Eloise Findlay |
Preparing to Write and Research Strategies
Spring 2024




This course gave me the confidence I needed to proceed with my program. I have learned about note-taking, citation, and research tools that will make the process less tedious. I have also learned about the research process and how to read. Dr. Amadori has been a fabulous professor. She is the ideal professor for this course. She allows everyone to feel comfortable with naturally sharing in class. Thank you for making this opportunity available to students.



Madan Thapa Chhetri Madan Thapa Chhetri |
Thesis and Dissertation Writer Workshop
Spring 2024




The Thesis and Dissertation Writer Workshop class effectively improved my thesis writing, especially the Introduction and Methods sections. I gave and received feedback from other students and professor Amadori during writing workshops. At the beginning of the class, I was drafting my thesis manuscript. While reviewing and seeing different perspectives on writing, I also got some ideas on reviewing and writing. This class helped me to improve my manuscript and refine the coherency, and structure. The knowledge gained from this class will be valuable in every aspect of my academic journey. I improved my academic writing with the help of a good mentor and feedback from the class. I recommend this class to other multilingual and international students who are in the phase of preparing their manuscripts. This will help them to engage and get feedback from a wide range of disciplines.