Sexual Assault Prevention

Don't Forget to Ask for Consent

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention define sexual violence as “a sexual act committed against someone without that person’s freely given consent”. Sexual violence, including sexual assault, occurs when one person makes the decision to either ignore or deny someone else’s rights and wishes through violent sexual means.

Estimates suggest that one in five women is sexually assaulted while in college. Although it happens less often, men can also be victims of sexual assault. Most often these individuals are assaulted by someone they know and these assaults are frequently not reported.

Sexual violence of any kind is never the fault of the person who experienced harm, regardless of the circumstance or type of relationship between those who were involved. Survivors may feel that they are to blame for what happened to them, but nobody ever asks or deserves to be raped or sexually assaulted.

Let’s Talk About Consent

Before engaging in any kind of sexual activity with someone, you need to get their permission. This is what is called consent. We define consent as a  continuous, wholehearted, informed, freely-given, sober YES. Sex without consent is rape.

There have been a lot of conversations about consent, and really, it’s not that complicated. We’ve already talked about what consent IS, so let’s look at what consent IS NOT. Consent is not:

  • Being in a relationship
  • Silence
  • The absence of a “no”
  • Flirting
  • Wearing certain types of clothing
  • Coercion
  • Being unable to say “no” (through sleep or unconsciousness)
  • Having had sex before
  • Assumed

Bottom line: Only a YES means YES.

You never owe anyone sex, and likewise, no one ever owes YOU. If you choose to have sex, it should be safer, mutually pleasurable, and consensual.

Remember – sex is optional. Consent is mandatory.

At Florida Atlantic, we believe sexual assault is everyone’s concern and we should all be engaged in its prevention. All members of our community should take responsibility to raise awareness, report incidents, and end sexual assault.

Join us in preventing sexual assaults at Florida Atlantic by saying: Not at OUR University!

Procedures for Reporting Sexual Assault at FAU

Under Regulation 4.007, Student Code of Conduct, any person or entity may request that charges be filed against a student for alleged violation of law or University regulations or policies. The complaint must be submitted as follows:

  1. Filing a police report with the University Police Department or another law enforcement agency.
  2. Providing a written or oral statement to the Dean of Students Office. Contact information and reporting forms can be found at the Dean of Students website:
  3. Report a concern to the Dean of Students Office: Report A Concern

In addition to the procedures for investigation of Title IX complaints outlined in Regulation 4.007, individuals with questions or concerns about Title IX may contact the University’s Title IX Coordinator and may file a complaint directly with that office. Contact information for FAU’s Title IX Coordinator is as follows:
Office of Civil Rights and Title IX (OCR9)