Healthy Relationships

College life provides unique opportunities to meet new people and explore a variety of relationships. Regardless of the type of relationship, in healthy relationships you are able to be yourself, have fun together, respect each other, value each other’s differences, and communicate openly. Relationships with these characteristics can be very fulfilling and contribute to a positive experience while in college.

Unfortunately, not all relationships are healthy relationships. Signs of unhealthy relationships can include demeaning comments, blaming, jealousy or possessiveness, use of force, coercion or pressure, threats, intimidation, and violence. If you are concerned about a relationship, whether your own or someone else’s, Florida Atlantic University, has several resources to help students in these situations.

For more information and additional resources, visit:  Healthy Relationships

Campus Resources

Victim Services 561-297-0500 (24 Hours)
Office of Civil Rights and Title IX  561-297-3004
Dean of Students 561-297-3542
FAU Police Department 561-297-3500
Counseling and Psychological Services 561-297-3540
Owls Care Health Promotion 561-297-1048
Student Health Services 561-297-3512