Fall 2024 Pinning Ceremony Celebration
Tuesday, Dec 17, 2024
The Christine E. Lynn College of Nursing hosted its Fall 2024 Pinning Ceremony on Thursday, December 12, a cherished tradition honoring the achievements of our graduates at the Boca Raton and Davie campuses.
The event began with welcome remarks from Dr. Michelle Broadbent, interim assistant dean for undergraduate programs, followed by celebratory comments from Interim Dean Patricia Liehr.
Accelerated BSN student Matthew Brown addressed his classmates with heartfelt reflections on their educational journey and the special connection they share.
Assistant Professor Dr. Christine Toledo, selected by the students as the faculty speaker, offered words of encouragement. She shared a touching story about her experience as a nurse, witnessing the enduring love between a husband and wife. She shared the quote, “The greatest gift of health is the time it allows us to spend with those we love” – Unknown, Dr. Toledo emphasized the honor of now being an alumnus of Florida Atlantic’s Christine E. Lynn College of Nursing and the importance of staying connected to each other and the college.
Awards were presented to distinguished students by Drs. Armiel Suriaga, Syvonne Terrell, and Beth King, recognizing their excellence in various areas. The ceremonial pinning of each graduate was conducted by Drs. Chris-Ann Fisher, Rose Haklits, Katherine Heinze, Mary Ann Leavitt, and Wanda Morancy.
The program concluded with the graduates reciting the pinning ceremony pledge, closing remarks from Dr. Joy Longo, associate dean, academic programs, and a senior slideshow presentation highlighting the graduates' journey and accomplishments.
View event photos HERE .