Beth Pratt

Beth Pratt

Assistant Professor

Christine E. Lynn College of Nursing, NU 358


p: 561-297-0550


Dr. Pratt is an Assistant Professor of Nursing at Florida Atlantic University (FAU). She earned a Doctor of Philosophy in nursing and Master of Science in nursing education from FAU, a Master of Science in forensic science from Florida International University, a Bachelor of Science in nursing from Johns Hopkins University, a Bachelor of Arts in biology from St. Olaf College and a Second Major in Spanish from St. Catherine University. Dr. Pratt has been a Registered Nurse for over 25 years. She began her career in labor and delivery and had the opportunity to nurse in other areas including corrections, public health, infertility, home health, and nursing education. Dr. Pratt is passionate about holistic mental health care for military veterans and families and has joined the Canines Providing Assistance to Wounded Warriors (C-P.A.W.W.) team to conduct research on the human-animal bond within military families who are affected by PTSD.


  • PhD, Florida Atlantic University (2017)Boca Raton, Florida
  • MS, Florida Atlantic University (2013)Boca Raton, Florida
  • MS, Florida International University (2001) Miami, Florida
  • BSN, Johns Hopkins University (1996)Baltimore, Maryland
  • 2nd Major (Spanish), St. Catherine University (1995)Saint Paul, Minnesota
  • BA Biological Sciences, St. Olaf College (1992) Northfield, Minnesota


  • NUR3065 Health Assessment in Nursing Situations
  • NUR3065L Health Assessment in Nursing Situations Lab
  • NUR3119C Foundations of Nursing Practice
  • NUR3465L The Developing Family Nursing Situations in Practice
  • NGR6002L Advanced Nursing Situations in Practice: Health Assessment
  • NUR4638 Population Health: Nursing Situations
  • NGR7121 Theory Development and Application in Nursing

Grants Awarded

  • Feasibility and Acceptability of Magnetic Resonance Imaging Biomarkers to Explorer the Effects of Canines in Veterans with Posttramautic Stress Symptoms: FAU Institute for Human Health and Disease Intervention and the Stiles-Nicholson Brain Institute ($14,200) (Role: PI) 11/1/2024-1/31/2026.
  • On the Double: A Veteran-driven Dissemination Campaign Spreading Awareness on PTSD Treatment Options.  Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) Engagement Award: Dissemination Initiative ($249, 996) (Role: Project Co-lead) 11/01/2023-10/31/2025. 
  • Assessment of Biopsychosocial Indicators Linked to Canine Intervention Treatment Response in Veterans with Post-traumatic Stress Symptoms: FAU Research Cores Internal Pilot  (RCIP) Award  ($2,696) (Role: PI) 7/18/2023-7/17/2024.
  • Assessment of Psychosocial Indicators Linked to Canine Intervention Treatment Response in Veterans with Post-traumatic Stress Symptoms: FAU OURI Research Award ($1,200) (Role: PI/mentor) 1/7/2023-5/5/2023.
  • Assessment of Biopsychosocial Indicators Linked to Canine Intervention Treatment Response in Veterans with Post-traumatic Stress Symptoms: FAU Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship ($4,000) (Role: PI/mentor) 5/7/2022-8/4/2022.
  • Proof-of-Concept of a Novel Non-Invasive Treatment for Mild Traumatic Brain Injury using Novel Signal Analysis and Machine Learning Methods: FAU I-SENSE Pilot Award ($22,000) (Role: Multi-PI) Anticipated Start: 03/01/2022-02/28/2023.
  • The Effects of Photobiomodulation on Executive Function Brain Network Connectivity and Leukocyte Gene Expression Profile in Veterans with mild TBI: FAU I-HEALTH Pilot Award ($24,960) (Role: Multi-PI) Anticipated Start: 03/01/2022-02/28/2023.
  • Assessment of Biopsychosocial Indicators Linked to Canine Intervention Treatment Response in Veterans with Post-traumatic Stress Symptoms: FAU Stiles-Nicholson Brain Institute Pilot Award ($15,000) (Role: Multi-PI) 12/16/2021-12/15/2022.
  • Mission Alliance: Engaging Veteran communities to capture & prioritize PTSD-related PCOR/CER topics related to COVID-19. Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) Eugene Washington PCORI Engagement Award (EAIN) Special Cycle ($199,993) (Role: Project Lead) 11/01/2021-04/30/2023.
  • Effect of a Mobile Mindfulness-based Intervention on Decreasing Stress and Anxiety in High-Risk Pregnant Women: Association of Women’s Health, Obstetrics, and Neonatal Nurses Research Award ($5,000) (Role: Co-PI) 06/01/2021-05/31/2022.
  • Effect of a Mobile Mindfulness-based Intervention on Decreasing Stress and Anxiety in High-Risk Pregnant Women: Christine E. Lynn Center for Caring Research Initiative Award ($3,000) (Role: Co-PI) 06/01/2021-05/31/2022.
  • Social and Chronic Pain: Veterans sharing a path in developing a patient-centered response to COVID-19 pandemic. Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) Eugene Washington PCORI Engagement Award (EAIN) Enhancement. ($150,000) (Role: Collaborative Academic Research Member) 9/1/2020-8/31/2021.
  • Spouses of veterans with mental health challenges and pet dogs: Exploring human-animal bonds: Florida Nurses Foundation Blanche Case Research Award ($500) (Role: Principal Investigator) 9/1/2020-8/31/2021.
  • Spouses of veterans with mental health challenges and pet dogs: Exploring human-animal bonds: Christine E. Lynn Center for Caring Research Initiative Award ($3,000) (Role: PI) 06/30/2020-07/01/2021.
  • Veterans Action League 2.0: Developing a National Veteran-Centered Chronic Pain Research Agenda. Patient- Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) Eugene Washington PCORI Engagement Award (EAIN): Research Support Award ($249,958) (Role: Collaborative Academic Research Member) 12/3/2019-2/28/2021.

Recent Publications

Brown-King, C.E., Pratt, B.A., Mammah, K., & Morancy, W. (2024). Exploring the experience of family members caring for a relative with alcohol use disorder: A Phenomenological inquiry. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences.

Pratt, B.A.,   Krause-Parello, C.A., Hardison, S., Moreno, S.J., Glynn, A., Dandu, O., & Liehr, P. (May 2024). My dog, my hero: Assessing the feasibility of a cross-generational digital storytelling intervention for veterans.  Issues in Mental Health Nursing 45(7), 686–694.   

Pratt, B. A., Krause-Parello, C. A., Nguyen-Feng, V. N., Giordano, N. A., Basin, S. B., Peterson, A. L., Walsh, P., Siebert, A. Q., Ruiz, R., Kirkland, D. M., & Nolan, J. P., Jr (2023). Mission Alliance Community Engagement Project: Exploring the Impact of COVID-19 on Social Isolation, Loneliness, Mental Health and Wellbeing in Veterans. Journal of Community Health, 10.1007/s10900-023-01314-5. Advance online publication. 

Kirk Wiese, L.,  Pratt, B.A., Heinz, K., Besser, L., Ifill, A., & Williams, C.L. (2023). Community-based Strategies to Reduce Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementia Incidence among Rural, Racially/ethnically Diverse Older Adults.  Current Geriatrics Reports.  

Pratt, B.A., Krause-Parello, C. A., & Spadola, C. E. (2023). Partners of Military Veterans and Their Pet Dogs: Exploring the Human-Animal Bond. Best Practices in Mental Health, 19(1), 49–64. 

Krause-Parello, C.A., Torres, A., Pratt, B.A., Moreno, S.J., & Hibler, D.A. (2023). Human-animal interaction in the treatment of PTSD. In Gee, N., Townsend, L., & Findling, R.L. (Eds.). The Role of Companion Animals in the Treatment of Mental Health Disorders (Chapter 9).American Psychiatric Association Publishing: Washington, D.C.

Krause-Parello, C. A., Flynn, L., Pratt, B.A., Clarke, R., Colloca, L., Garvin, J., Hibler, D. A., Saban, K. L.,Weaver, F. (23 March 2023). Veterans Action League 2.0: Creating a Veteran-Centered Chronic Pain Research Agenda. Journal of Community Engagement and Scholarship, 15(2). 

Krause-Parello, C. A., Flynn, L., Hibler, D. A., Presciutti, R. E., Pratt, B. A., Walsh, P., Garvin, J. T., Morse, C.Y., Carter, L., & Moreno, S. J. (2022). Social and Chronic Pain: Veterans Sharing a Path in Developing a Patient-Centered Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of Veterans Studies, 8(1), pp. 266–277. 

Pratt, B.A. (2022 July). Engaging veteran communities to create a PTSD-related research agenda informed by COVID-19. Trauma Psychology News, 17(2), 20-22. 

Krause-Parello, C.A., Flynn, L., Meyer, E., Garvin, J, Hinson, R, Pratt, B.A., Clarke, R., Weaver, F., Saban, K., Thompson, M., Colloca, L., Hibler, D., Moreno, S.J., & Nava, G. (2021). Veterans’ Action League 2.0: A White Paper on Patient-Centered Chronic Pain Management [White Paper]. Canines Providing Assistance to Wounded Warriors.

Krause-Parello, C.A., Flynn, L., Meyer, E., Pratt, B.A., Altagracia, A., Garvin, J., Fox, C., Morse, C.Y., Carter, L., Walsh, P., & Prescuitti, R. (2021 August). Veterans Action League 2.0 Toolkit: A capacity building toolkit for engaging veterans in patient-centered outcomes research and dissemination of findings during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Krause-Parello, C.A., Pratt, B.A., Meyer, E., & Browne-Banic, L. (2021). Veterans and animals: A review of the literature on well-being and social isolation and recommendations during COVID-19. Journal of Military, Veteran, and Family Health 7(3), 86-99. 

Opalinski, A.S., Groton, D., Linette, D., Newman, D., Leavitt, M.A., Pratt, B. A., & D’Avolio, D. (2020). Immersion experiences about homelessness and psychological processes of nursing students: Pilot study. Journal of Nursing Education, 60(4), 216-219. 

Pratt, B.A. , Longo, J, Gordon, S.C., & Jones, N.A. (2020). Perceptions of breastfeeding for women with perinatal depression: A descriptive phenomenological study. Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 41(7), 637-644. 

Dyess, S., Sherman, R., Pratt, B., & Chiang-Hanisko, L. (2016). Growing nurse leaders: Their perspectives on nursing leadership and today’s practice environment. The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 21(1).

Dyess, S., Sherman, R., Pratt, B., & Chiang-Hanisko, L. (2016). Growing nurse leaders: Their perspectives on nursing leadership and today’s practice environment. The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 21(1). 


Professional presentations

Pratt, B.A., Krause-Parello, & Sessa, J. (2024, June 14). Evaluation of the psychosocial effects of a novel nurse-led dog adoption and training program in Veterans with PTSD symptoms. [Podium presentation]. Council for the Advancement of Nursing Science: 2024 CANS State of the Science Congress on Nursing Research Conference, Washington, D.C., United States.

Pratt, B.A., & Krause-Parello, C.A. (2023, November 12). Mission Alliance: Community engagement to prioritize a veteran-driven PTSD-related research agenda related to COVID-19. [Podium presentation]. Sigma 47th Biennial Convention, San Antonio, TX, United States. Please add the following award: 2024 FAU College of Nursing Excellence in Research Award. 

Pratt, B.A., Krause-Parello, C.A., Liehr, P., and Glynn, A. (2023, April 1). My Dog, My Hero: A Digital Storytelling Project Engaging Students in Research. [Podium presentation]. National League for Nursing: Nursing Education Research Conference, Washington, D.C., United States. 

Pratt, B.A., Krause-Parello, C.A., & Liehr, P. (2023, March 1).  Feasibility of a Digital Storytelling Intervention for Veterans about their Hero-dogs: A mechanism for engagement during COVID-19.  [Podium presentation]. Southern Nursing Research Society Annual Conference, Orlando, FL, United States. 

Cusumano, A., & Pratt, B.A. (2022, August 18).Assessment of Biopsychosocial Indicators Linked to Canine Intervention Treatment Response in Veterans with Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms.[Poster Presentation].  Office of Undergraduate Research and Inquiry’s Annual Student Summer Showcase. Boca Raton, FL, United States

Pratt, B.A., Krause-Parello, C.A., & Spadola, C.E. (2022, July 7-9).  Spouses of Military Veterans with Mental Health Challenges and Pet Dogs: Exploring the Human-Animal Bond.  [Podium presentation]. 31st  International Society for Anthrozoology Conference, Boise, ID, United States. 

Pratt, B.A., Krause-Parello, C.A., & Spadola, C.E. (2022, April 22-24).  Spouses of veterans with mental health challenges and human-animal bonds: Perceived effects on well-being.  [Podium presentation]. 2nd  Annual Partnerships for Veteran and Military Health, Denver, CO, United States. 

Korpinen, N., & Pratt, B.A. (2022, April 8).  Spouses of Veterans with PTSD Symptoms and their Service Dogs: Exploring the Human-Animal Bond.  [Poster presentation]. 12th Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium, Boca Raton, FL, United States. 

Krause-Parello, C.A., Pratt, B.A., Hibler, D., & Moreno, S.J. (2021, May 13). How puppy love empowers Veterans. [Webinar]. FAU Virtual Research in Action Seminar Series, Boca Raton, FL, United States.

Fowler, S., Iacovetti, P., Krause-Parello, C.A., Pratt, B.A., & White, R. (2021, July 17). Resilience of nursing science beyond the pandemic: Blessings and curses. [Panel presentation]. Florida Nurses Association 7th Annual Nursing Research and Evidence-Based Practice Virtual Conference, Orlando, FL, United States.

Pratt, B.A. , & Krause-Parello, C.A. (2021, November). Spouses of Veterans with mental health challenges and the human-animal bond: Exploring effects on well-being. Poster session presented at the Sigma 46th Biennial Convention, Indianapolis, IN.

PCORI VAL 2.0 Town Hall Meeting, 11/17/2020, Virtual conference. VAL 2.0 Florida Unit Presentation. Florida Unit Collaborative Academic Research Member. Presented with the Florida Unit Veteran Leader.

Pratt, B.A. (2018, May). Appreciating Suffering: An Emerging Concept. Poster session presented at the 39th Annual International Association for Human Conference, Minneapolis, MN.

Pratt, B.A. (2017, July). Breastfeeding Despite the Darkness. Poster session presented at the 3rd Annual Florida Nurses Association Nursing Research Conference, Orlando, FL.

Pratt, B.A. (2017, August). The lived experience of breastfeeding for women with perinatal depression. Doctoral dissertation accepted at Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, FL

Chiang-Hanisko, L. & Pratt, B.A. (2013, October). Perception of Pharmacological Pain Management among Ethnically Diverse Older Adults. Podium presentation at the 39th Annual Conference of the Transcultural Nursing Society, Albuquerque, NM.

Beth A. Pratt, MS, RN, PhD “Breastfeeding Despite the Darkness” 3rd Annual Florida Nurses Association Nursing Research Conference, 2017

Dr. Lenny Chiang-Hanisko and Beth A. Pratt, MS, RN “Perception of Pharmacological Pain Management among Ethnically Diverse Older Adults” 39th Annual Conference of the Transcultural Nursing Society, 2013



2022                   Florida Nurses Association South Region Nurse Researcher Award

2019                    Student Nurses Association Star of the Month Award

2016                    FAU Provost’s Certificate of Recognition for Publishing

2012                    Florida Atlantic University Presidential Fellowship



2023 to present Associate Director,  Canines Providing Assistance to
                                     Wounded Warriors® (

2022 to present     Co-chair of the Biobehavioral Research Interest Implementation Group, Southern Nursing Research Society

2017 to 2019          Treasurer of Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing

2018 to Present     Member, Southern Nursing Research Society

2013 to Present     Member, Sigma Theta Tau International, Iota Xi At-large Chapter

2011 to present     Member, American Nurses Association

2011 to present     Member, Florida Nurses Association

1996                           Johns Hopkins University Community Health Nursing Track Certificate


Additional Information
Christine E. Lynn College of Nursing’s academic programs are nationally ranked and grounded in a holistic, caring-based philosophy.
777 Glades Road
Boca Raton, FL 33431