Resources for PhD Students
This page is designed to help Nursing PhD students successfully progress through their degree program. Any questions about the program or related requirements can be directed to the PhD Advisor, Gerardo Guzman, (email:; telephone: 561-297-0006).
- Academic Calendar
- Advisor Change form
- Application for Degree form
- Background Check Information for Doctoral Students
- Cognate Course Information
- Comprehensive Exam Planning/Proposal form
- Comprehensive Exam Sample Questions
- Comprehensive Exam Result Form
- Directed Independent Study Proposal form
- Directed Independent Study contract
- Dissertation Committee Form
- Dissertation Outline
- Dissertation Proposal Defense Form
- Table of Contents - Qualitative Dissertation
- Table of Contents - Quantitative Dissertation
- Graduate College forms
- Guideline for Membership and Chairing of PhD Comprehensive Exam and Dissertation
- Petition Form - College of Nursing
- PhD Student Annual Review
- Laptop - All College of Nursing students are required to supply their own laptop/personal computing device
Research and Writing
- Faculty Research Interests
- FAU Libraries
- FAU Writing Center - UCEW
- IRB Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) - All PhD students will need to complete the CITI Social & Behavioral Research training module in order to conduct research at FAU. CITI training is valid for three (3) years through FAU’s Institutional Review Board (IRB).
- IRB Florida Atlantic University Institutional Review Board - The purpose of the IRB is primarily to minimize risk to human subjects. All FAU students and faculty who engage in research involving human subjects must obtain prior approval from the FAU IRB. The FAU IRB uses IRBNet, a web-based system to facilitate the process of reviewing human subjects research projects. Information on using IRBNet can be found by clicking here. IRBNet contains all of the forms, information and tutorials you will need to prepare your application for approval of your research. Please be aware that students cannot submit an application to the IRB as principal investigator (PI). Your faculty mentor will be the PI on the IRB application for your project. Your role will be doctoral student and co-investigator. A clear presentation of risks and benefits of your research will facilitate timely approval.
- Literature Review: How to Write One
- PhD Research Practicum Guidelines
- Philosophy of Nursing Education, Dr. Peggy Chin
- Poster Presentation Template
- Power Point Presentation Template
- Purdue OWL (Online Writing Lab)
- Research Posters - The Office of Nursing Research and Scholarship provides assistance to doctoral students preparing a research poster presentation. The College of Nursing has a required template format to use for presentations; all posters require advance approval. Please allow at least one month lead time. Contact the Office of Nursing Research and Scholarship for details. Additional resources for research posters:
- College of Nursing Poster Guidelines
- Recent College of Nursing Faculty Posters
- Scientific Conference Poster Guidelines
- Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing - Each year, the Iota Xi chapter of Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing located at the Christine E. Lynn College of Nursing, invites students, faculty and community members to apply for research funding. Small research grants are available to support dissertation research, pilot studies and other projects. Use the link above to visit their website and click on “Funding” to learn more.
- Tips for Doctoral Students