Research Practicum Requirement
In order to assist doctoral students in gaining experience in conducting research, all students are required to perform 90 hours of supervised research with a faculty member during their program. Students can work with faculty members to accomplish research tasks like collecting, transcribing, and analyzing data or by synthesizing literature and writing summaries. It is acceptable that research hours be done with more than one faculty member as long as all hours are completed and the paperwork is filed with the PhD program coordinator. The form for reporting research hours can be found on the college website under the Research and Writing section within the Resources for PHD Students webpage. Students should note the following about the 90 hour research practicum requirement:
- Students are advised to talk with their faculty mentor about accomplishing the research hours and, if possible, should work with their mentor to accomplish the hours.
- The student is advised to begin the research practicum during the second year of PhD studies.
- Paid research assistant hours cannot be used for the 90 research hour requirement
- The research practicum must be completed prior to enrollment in comprehensive exams.
Research Training
Evidence of Research Training is required of all doctoral students. The training can be completed online at the link below. When the training is complete, students can print a copy of the certificate and bring one copy of the certificate so that to be filed in the student’s folder in the Graduate Office. The address of the training site is: The Graduate College offers a series of seminars "Responsible Conduct of Research" and PhD students are strongly encouraged to complete the series prior to registering for the comprehensive examination.
IRB Research Proposals
Please make sure that you meet with your faculty mentor to obtain guidance. The student role on the application is co-investigator. The faculty mentor is principal investigator. As principal investigator, only the faculty can initiate an IRB application. The PhD coordinator will review the completed application before submission into IRBNet. Once the faculty advisor signs the application it will be reviewed by the Associate Dean for Research and Scholarship for approval prior to being submitted to the IRB. The IRB application is submitted electronically through FAU’s IRBNet. The link for the IRBNet can be found at: