Drug Screening
The College of Nursing has contractual agreements with a multitude of clinical facilities/institutions, and each of these institutions has its own policy regarding background checks, immunizations & drug testing.Clinical facilities may require the results of the drug screening either before admission, or immediately before patient contact. In addition, agencies may require on the spot drug screens if there is a suspicion of drug use. Students enrolled in our programs must comply with agency requests.
The curricula of the programs in the College of Nursing offer a variety of nursing practice experiences throughout the State of Florida. The College of Nursing maintains contracts with all sites used for nursing practice experiences requiring a drug-free, healthful and safe workplace. Use of illegal or other substances by students impairing cognitive function, critical thinking and sound judgment cannot be tolerated.
The student should contact the Christine E. Lynn College of Nursing for the directions/code for the CastleBranch company. Charges for the drug screen are the responsibility of the student. The final results will be sent and attached directly to your American Databank -Complio. If your clinical site requires that you provide them the results it is your responsibility to retrieve it from your American Databank.
If the drug screen is returned with a positive/dilute negative result, the student will be notified by email. In addition, the Advisory Panel will be notified in order to determine the action to be taken.
**Florida Atlantic University is committed to providing a campus environment free of the abuse of and illegal use and possession of controlled substances. The unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession or use of a controlled substance is prohibited in or on university owned or controlled property or facilities. No student is to report to work, class, or any university activity while under the influence of illegal drugs. The possession and use of controlled drugs by members of the university community must at all times be in accordance with the provisions of federal and state law, and the regulations and policies of the Florida Board of Governors and the University.
[1.6 Drug-Free Environment ].
Drug Screening Details
For further information, contact: