Teaching/Learning Grounded
in Caring Science Certificate
Course Description: The Teaching/Learning Grounded in Caring Science course is a virtual learning certificate program for nursing faculty, graduate nursing students and working nursing professionals interested in a teaching career. The focus of the program is to acquire knowledge and competencies for engagement in caring science-based teaching. The content includes the evolution of caring science, philosophical and theoretical foundations of caring science, epistemology, methodologies and praxis exemplars, and a framework for the study of nursing grounded in caring. In addition, the course includes content related to the application of this framework in nursing situations in classroom, clinical and simulation settings, and caring-based measurement and evaluation of learning. The program is designed and presented by scholars, theorists and experts in teaching nursing grounded in caring, who are on the board of the Anne Boykin Institute for the Advancement of Caring in Nursing. In addition, the course includes interviews with 19 international scholars in caring science.
Course Benefits: Through completion of this course, participants will have the knowledge they need to apply a framework for the study of nursing grounded in caring to their teaching and nursing practice. In addition, this course can be a valuable professional development opportunity for nurses transitioning into a potential nursing faculty role, and nursing leaders in health care systems who are involved in the professional development of nurses in practice settings and health care organizations.
Contact information: 561-297-6261 or Matthew Patterson at pattersonm@health.fau.edu
The price for the course is $595, all alumni of the FAU College of Nursing receive a 10% discount. Please contact Matthew Patterson at pattersonm@health.fau.edu to receive the discount code.