Nursing Continuing Professional Development

Florida Atlantic University Christine E. Lynn College of Nursing, strives to provide the highest quality of continuing education for registered nurses, nurse practitioners and other healthcare providers. Our students come from a wide array of backgrounds and experiences. Yet they share a dedication to this noble profession, and they continually seek to enhance their ability to impact the health & wellness of others. The caring philosophy of our college is evident throughout our curriculum, which has been designed to fit your schedule and your life.  

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Certificate Accredited Seal

Christine E. Lynn College of Nursing is accredited as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation (ANCC).

Florida Atlantic University Christine E. Lynn College of Nursing is an approved provider of continuing education in nursing by the Florida Board of Nursing, Provider NCE 50-696 (valid through 10/31/2025).

For any questions or concerns regarding Dermatology certificate, please contact Joseph Lotito at; for all other inquiries, please contact Matthew Patterson at

Additional Information
Christine E. Lynn College of Nursing’s academic programs are nationally ranked and grounded in a holistic, caring-based philosophy.
777 Glades Road
Boca Raton, FL 33431