Overview of the RN-BSN Track

** We offer three types of entry into the Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN): Freshman Direct Admit, Accelerated BSN and RN-BSN. We do not accept applications for the Traditional BSN track. 

The RN-to-BSN track is for applicants who have completed a diploma or associate's degree nursing program at an ACEN accredited institution (Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing Education, Inc., formerly NLNAC), possess an unencumbered RN license in the state of residence, and who seek to earn the Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) degree.

At the Christine E. Lynn College of Nursing, the RN-BSN track has fully online didactic courses and in-person clinical experiences providing flexibility to earn the BSN degree. Practicum clinical experiences can be fulfilled in the student's local community.

  • Start your BSN journey any semester:  Spring, Summer, or Fall
  • Plans of study have been designed to facilitate consistent progression to graduation.

Preceptor and practicum/clinical site decisions are determined in collaboration between faculty and students. Every effort is made to accommodate the practicum/clinical  needs of students in various geographic locations. 

FAU is authorized to offer online nursing programs in many states. Individual state authorization status is available online at    https://www.fau.edu/elearning/faculty/about-us/policies/nc-sara/. If you are a resident of a state in which FAU is  not currently authorized  to provide post-secondary educational instruction,  please contact us to discuss program options.

Admission Criteria

Admission and Acceptance Requirements for the RN-BSN Track include:

  • A minimum overall (cumulative) 2.5 GPA on a 4.0 scale.
  • Current unencumbered RN license in state of residency
  • A grade of "C" or better in all required prerequisite courses.
  • Completion of 60 lower division college credits from an accredited institution and an associate's degree in nursing from an ACEN accredited institution    or its international equivalent.
  • The final step in the admission process is the federal background check and fingerprinting. The cost of all components of these procedures, including any repeat procedures if needed, is the responsibility of the applicant/student. The drug screen and immunizations are to be completed within 30 days of admission. 

Prerequisite Requirements
Prerequisites may be completed after admission into the RN-BSN Track

Anatomy and Physiology I & II with labs

Microbiology with lab

Chemistry (no lab required for RN-BSN track only)

College Algebra or Math for Liberal Arts



English Composition I & II

Introduction to Sociology

Introduction to Psychology

Human Growth & Development Through the Life Span


General education requirements can be taken prior to admission or while in the BSN program or will be satisfied with an AA degree from a Florida public community college, state college or university.

1. General Education Requirements

    • Additional Enrichment (6 credits)
    • Humanities (6 credits)

 2. Civic Literacy

Beginning Fall 2018, students entering a Florida public institution as a degree-seeking student for the first time need to demonstrate civic literacy. There are four cohorts of students currently matriculated at Florida public institutions subject to varying requirements. The exact civic literacy requirements are based on the academic term in which a student first enrolled in a Florida public institution.  https://www.fau.edu/ugstudies/civic-literacy-requirement/ 

3. Foreign Language

Completion of 2 years of the same foreign language in high school or through the 2nd semester in college. Students who do not meet the requirement upon admission must satisfy it for any degree from FAU.


FAU Catalog: This links you to the FAU catalog course descriptions and other requirements for graduation:


Thirty (30) credit hours of upper division course work must be completed at FAU in order to be awarded a Bachelor’s Degree. If you are transferring in with an Associate of Arts from a non-public Florida University or an Associate of Science from any university (in-state or out-of-state), you may have additional core classes that are required by the university. At the time of application, a program assistant will review with you to determine if you will need to incorporate it within your curriculum.

Application Process
  1. Step One: Apply to Florida Atlantic University
    • Complete the FAU Undergraduate Online Application
      Note: Being accepted into FAU does NOT guarantee acceptance into the College of Nursing and the Undergraduate Nursing Program
    • When filling out your application:
      1. Click on "Application Type"
      2. Choose "Transfer" - Even if you have a Bachelor's degree in something else, do    NOT    check Second Baccalaureate
      3. Then choose "RN-BSN"
    • Send your official transcripts to the FAU Admissions Office
    • If you have an International Degree, follow the directions at  FAU's International Admissions page
    • When all FAU admission application requirements are received, University Admissions forwards all applications to the College of Nursing Admission, Progression and Retention Sub-Committee for review and preliminary acceptance.

  2. Step Two: Complete a Level Two Federal Background Check and Fingerprinting
    • After notification of preliminary acceptance, complete a level two federal background check and fingerprinting through Complio as directed by the College of the Nursing
    • The cost of all components of these procedures including any repeat procedures if needed is the responsibility of the applicant/student
  3. Step Three: Full admittance to the program
    • Once your background check and fingerprinting are cleared, you will receive full admittance to FAU and the BSN program RN-BSN Track.
    • Students are eligible to register after all FAU holds are removed, have met with the advisor and have a plan-of-study in place.
"All materials submitted in support of your application become the property of Florida Atlantic University. We cannot return materials or copies to applicants. Thank you for considering Florida Atlantic University."

Important Deadline Dates

Florida Atlantic University Application Fall Spring Summer
Transfer Students July 1 November 01 April 15
Information Sessions

The dates for the Virtual Information Sessions are below. Please note that all events are Eastern time.

Thursday, January 23, 2025| 2:00PM - 3:00PM
Thursday, February 20, 2025| 2:00PM - 3:00PM
Thursday, March 20, 2025| 2:00PM - 3:00PM
Thursday, May 22, 2025| 2:00PM - 3:00PM
Thursday, June 19, 2025| 2:00PM - 3:00PM
Thursday, September 25, 2025| 2:00PM - 3:00PM
Thursday, October 23, 2025| 2:00PM - 3:00PM

Register HERE

RN-BSN Track: 60 credit hours

30 credits earned at FAU and 30 validated credits from associate/diploma degree nursing program from an ACEN accredited institution. The plans of study have been designed to facilitate your successful progression to graduation. Pre-requisite and co-requisite course information is officially found in the University  catalog.

3 Semester Plan of Study

All prerequisites must be completed to do this plan of study.

Download plan of study

Note: *NUR 4638L and NUR 4829L are practicum experiences. The NUR 4638L practicum requires 45 hours and the NUR 4829L practicum requires135 clinical hours.

4 Semester Plan of Study

Applicants can apply for admission to the RN-BSN Track in the Nursing major before or after completion of all prerequisites. The 4-semester schema will be individualized based upon progression and graduation requirements. Therefore, the 4-semester plan shown below reflects only the nursing courses and may need to be adjusted when you meet with your advisor if prerequisites are still needed.

Download plan of study

Note:    *NUR 4638L and NUR 4829L are practicum experiences. The NUR 4638L practicum requires 45 hours and the NUR 4829L practicum requires135 clinical hours.

5 Semester Plan of Study

Applicants can apply for admission to the RN-BSN Track in the Nursing major before or after completion of all prerequisites.  The 5-semester schema will be individualized based upon progression and graduation requirements. Therefore, the 5-semester plan shown below reflects only the nursing courses and may need to be adjusted when you meet with your advisor if prerequisites are still needed.

Download plan of study

Note:    *NUR 4638L and NUR 4829L are practicum experiences. The NUR 4638L practicum requires 45 hours and the NUR 4829L practicum requires 135 clinical hours.

6 Semester Plan of Study

Applicants can apply for admission to the RN-BSN Track in the Nursing major before or after completion of all prerequisites.  The 6-semester schema will be individualized based upon progression and graduation requirements. Therefore, the 6-semester plan shown below reflects only the nursing courses and may need to be adjusted when you meet with your advisor if prerequisites are still needed.

Download plan of study

Note:    *NUR 4638L and NUR 4829L are practicum experiences. The NUR 4638L practicum requires 45 hours and the NUR 4829L practicum requires 135 clinical hours.

Course Catalog Link: http://www.fau.edu/academic/registrar/FAUcatalog/nursingDES.php


Clinical Experiences

There are two clinical courses in the RN-BSN Track – NUR 4829L and NUR 4638L.

NUR 4829L – Nursing Practice Immersion (135 hours)

This course consists of 135 hours of clinical experience and provides a precepted integrative clinical practicum to synthesize competencies and skills required of the professional nurse. Clinical hours are completed over one full semester at a healthcare facility. 

NUR 4638L – Population Health: Nursing Situations in Practice (45 hours)

This course consists of 45 hours of clinical experience and provides practicum for nursing students in community and/or public health settings with an emphasis on population- focused nursing care across the lifespan and continuum of care.

Clinical Requirements:

All clinical requirements must be met prior to starting any clinical course.

  • A level-two background check, fingerprints, and drug screen Please note, a level-two background check is required of all applicants prior to admission to the College of Nursing, and yearly while in the clinical component in the nursing program. Concompliance@health.fau.edu
  • Proof of the following:  
    • Measles, Mumps & Rubella (MMR)  
    • Varicella (Chicken Pox)  
    • Hepatitis B  
    • Tuberculosis Screening (TB)   
    • CPR Certification BLS or ACLS from American Heart Association(AHA) /Red Cross/Military  
    • Tetanus (within 10 year)  
    • Annual Influenza vaccine (August-May)  
    • Health Insurance Card 

Additional requirements and paperwork may be requested by the health care agency.  

Link to Handbook: Uniform Policy


Clinical Experience Frequently Asked Questions:

  1. NUR 4638L: Population Health: Nursing Situations in Practice (45 hours)

What do I need to know prior to registering for this course?

Students must have a Complio account and be compliant with all clinical requirements at least one month prior to the course beginning.

Do I need to set up my own clinical experience?

No. The College of Nursing has developed several community sites that have served our students well over the years.  Your faculty member will contact you regarding any special areas of interests you might have prior to the course beginning. 

Can I set up my own clinical experience?

Students can set up their own clinical experience, but they must do so with permission and in collaboration with the track coordinator.

What type of community agencies will I be placed in?

In consultation with the track coordinator, students are assigned to settings such as home health care agencies, community outreach programs, public health settings, nurse managed clinics and schools. 

Will I be able to complete my clinical hours at my place of employment for NUR 4829L?

If your place of employment has a community outreach program you may be able to complete hours within that program. You will work with the track coordinator to determine the best place for you to meet your goals and the requirements of the program. 

  1. NUR 4829L – Nursing Practice Immersion (135 hours)

What do I need to know prior to registering for this course?

Students must have a Complio account and be compliant with all clinical requirements at least one month prior to the course beginning.

Can I complete my hours at my place of employment?

Students are allowed to complete their clinical hours in their place of employment, but the experience must take place in an area/unit different from where they work. Paid hours cannot be used to satisfy clinical hours.


Do all of my prerequisite courses need to be completed before I apply?

Applicants can apply for admission to the RN-BSN Track in the Nursing major before or after completion of all prerequisites. The plan-of-study will be individualized based upon progression and graduation requirements.

Do I have to follow a specific course plan of studies?

Yes. There are four plans of study and the student with the help of the advisor chooses one for completing the program: 3 semesters, 4 semesters, 5 semesters or 6 semesters.

How are courses delivered?

The RN-BSN track is composed of fully online didactic courses and in-person clinical experiences providing flexibility to earn the BSN degree.

Is there a specific semester to start the program?

Applicants for the RN-BSN track can begin any semester (spring, summer or fall). Applicants must apply by the published FAU application deadline and be admitted to the University.

How many clinical courses are required?

There are two clinical courses required in the RN-BSN Track NUR4638L Population Health: Nursing Situations in Practice (45 hours) and NUR 4829L - Nursing Practice Immersion (135 hours).

Can I use my background check from work so I don’t have to repeat it?

No. The State of Florida protects your sensitive information. The VECHS waiver that you sign protects use of your background check and fingerprint information only for the purpose for which it was intended. For your employer, that was the purpose: employment.

Is drug testing required?

Yes, at admission and yearly while in the clinical component of the program.

Am I required to have proof of updated immunizations?




Ms. Latchmin Harrilal

Academic Advisor I: RN-BSN

Phone: 561-297-6261

Fax: 561-297-3652


Additional Information
Christine E. Lynn College of Nursing’s academic programs are nationally ranked and grounded in a holistic, caring-based philosophy.
777 Glades Road
Boca Raton, FL 33431