Professor working with student in a lab setting

Boldly envisioning the future of FAU

Students playing cards

Boldly envisioning the future of FAU

Campus Master Plan: Boca Raton & Jupiter Campuses

The purpose of the Campus Master Plan is to provide a flexible framework for guiding development and change on FAU’s Boca Raton and Jupiter campuses over the next 10 years. The planning effort will help align the University’s resources with A Strategic Plan for the Race to Excellence.

The Master Plan will contemplate the physical improvements that will enable FAU to meet the following goals outlined in the Strategic Plan:

  • Boldness: Build a geographically-diverse population of students who excel in focused academic areas and engage in enriching activities that drive them to timely graduation and successful futures.
  • Synergy: Invest in focused pillars and platforms – connecting the most talented faculty, staff and students to expand on the robust culture of nationally respected research and inquiry.
  • Place: Partner with a diverse set of local stakeholders and enhance the physical spaces to build upon the unique cultural, demographic and environmental characteristics of each campus community – striving for leadership in developing the South Florida culture and economy.
  • Quality: Design a resilient, lean organization – based on best logistical practices – that identifies economies of scale and incorporates new technologies to promote institutional development.
  • Brand: Communicate the incredible stories of the University to an increasingly global audience, so that key internal stakeholders can link with external constituency groups.
  • Strategy: “Budget to the plan” and pursue new revenue streams in order to make FAU self-reliant and thriving in the midst of competitive public and private funding opportunities.
Master Plan Process


The planning team holds open forums, implements surveys, and conducts meetings with students and University leaders in order to gain a thorough understanding of the campus community’s needs and priorities.

Analysis & Options

The team analyses the information gathered in Phase 1 and begins to formulate initial ideas on how the master plan can help the university achieve its goals through strategic physical changes.

Preferred Option

The planning team uses input from university leadership and the wider campus community to select a preferred direction for the master plan and develops that option to a finer level of detail.

Present Master Plan

The planning team presents the master plan to university leadership, faculty and staff, students, and the wider community, and incorporates the feedback they receive into the master plan.

Review & Adoption

The master plan is presented at various public hearings to ensure there are no concerns from the public and is then officially adopted by the University.

The Planning Process