Florida Atlantic University offers benefits to Faculty, Administrative Managerial Professional (AMP), and Support Personnel (SP) employees. These benefits may include paid annual and sick leave, holidays, state and university sponsored insurance programs, and retirement. OPS assignments MAY BE eligible for state sponsored benefits, including health insurance. OPS benefit eligibility is determined by People First.
New Faculty, Administrative Managerial Professional (AMP) and Support Personnel (SP) employees have only the FIRST 60 CALENDAR DAYS OF EMPLOYMENT to enroll in the insurance plans. The available retirement plan selection is the SUSORP ( Eligibility, How to Enroll), FRS Pension or FRS Investment which all have a mandatory three percent employee contribution. AMP may elect one of the three plans; SP can elect FRS Pension or FRS Investment and Post doctoral employees may only enroll in the SUSORP. Visit to learn more about FRS Pension (defined benefit plan) and FRS Investment (defined contribution plan)
After the initial new hire enrollment period, employees may only enroll or make changes to their coverage during the annual Open Enrollment period in the fall. You may be allowed to make certain changes to your coverage if you experience a Qualifying Status Change (QSC) event (e.g. marriage, divorce, birth or adoption of a child, etc.). You must notify the People First Service Center within 60 days of the QSC.
Employees are eligible for health insurance coverage on the first day of the month following their date of hire. However, the effective date of coverage will depend on the date the enrollment is completed and the required premiums are paid. The effective dates of coverage are always the first of a month and no coverage will be updated with the insurance carrier until premiums are received by People First.
Employee Benefits Directory
- AMP/Faculty/Post Doc Benefits
- SP Benefits Summary
- Sick Pool Leave Program
- FICA Alternative Progrm
- Employee Educational Scholarship Program
- Benefits Calculator
- New Employee Orientation
- As You Prepare to Leave FAU
- Discounts and Perks
- Health and Wellness
- 403(b) Plan Universal Notice
- Make an Appointment
Related Information for Health Plans
- OPS Employees
- Measurement Matrix – New Hire Measurement Period and Open Enrollment Measurement Period
- Health Insurance Mandates – People First does report on a month-by-month basis to the Federal Internal Revenue Service employees who were offered coverage, enrolled in coverage and declined coverage.
Benefits & Retirement Team
Name | Title | Contact |
John Gaskins Jr. | Associate Director, Benefit Services | 561-297-3026 |
Coretta Jones | Benefits & Retirement Manager | 561-297-3073 |
Luke Nordstrom | Senior Benefits & Retirement Specialist | 561-297-0242 |
Marie Smith | Benefits & Retirement Specialist | 561-297-6474 |
Angela Lykins | Benefits & Retirement Specialist | 561-297-1482 |
Confidential Fax | 561-297-4220 |
To reach Benefits and Retirement via email, please contact
and you will receive a response from a representative above.