General Information

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I join a fraternity or sorority?
Fraternities and sororities organize a process of meeting people and building relationships. This process is called membership intake, recruitment, or rush. This process offers each student the opportunity to meet other people on campus and learn what each fraternity or sorority has to offer its members. Each of the four councils follows a slightly different schedule and process for membership recruitment. Contact the Office of Fraternity & Sorority Life or the leadership of any of the four councils for more information.
How do I learn what fraternities & sororities are REALLY all about?

There are two great websites that you should visit...

If I am new to FAU, wouldn’t it be better to “get my feet on the ground” before I join a fraternity or sorority?
Adjusting to college life is often a confusing process. By joining a fraternity or sorority your first semester, you can have an immediate “family” of friends, all willing to help you cope with the hassles of college life and experiences you’ll face. However, it is important to note that several organizations don’t allow first year students to join, allowing for the adjustment to college life. It is important to ask the individual organization about their policies regarding joining the first year.
How do I learn about the fraternities and sororities at FAU?
All of the fraternities & sororities at FAU are nationally affiliated. GOOGLE them! It’s a great way to get to know the values of that organization. Your decision to join is for a lifetime, so it should be done with all seriousness. And-you can only join one!
If I go through recruitment/intake, do I have to join?
No. Recruitment/Intake is a time to see what fraternities and sororities can offer you. Going through this process and its functions does not commit you to join.
Will I have time to be involved in fraternity/sorority life?

Only you can answer that question, but make no mistake - members of fraternities and sororities will have some mandatory commitments, such as chapter meetings. While academic achievement is a primary focus, fraternities and sororities participate in a wide variety of activities, including socials, date functions, philanthropy events, Homecoming, Greek Week, and many other campus activities. Participation in these events is highly encouraged because it gives members an opportunity to meet students from other chapters and teaches the importance of time management

Also, remember that discussing time commitments for new members is an excellent topic of conversation during recruitment events!

If I join a fraternity or sorority, will I be expected to drink?
The decision to drink or not to drink is one that every college student must make for him/herself. Many students, both affiliated and non-affiliated, choose to abstain from using alcohol and find their college experiences just as enjoyable. Fraternity & Sorority Life at Florida Atlantic has strict risk management policies which regulate the consumption of alcohol at events. Every fraternity and sorority educates its new members on these alcohol policies, as well as related issues of personal responsibility and safety.
What opportunities will I have to develop my leadership skills?
Fraternity & Sorority life will offer you the opportunity to excel both within your chapter and on campus. All members are encouraged to take an active role within the chapter ranging from serving on committees to committee chairmanships to executive offices. In addition, there are over 100 student organizations in which you can become involved. Members are involved in nearly every aspect of these activities and can encourage fellow fraternity and sorority members take active roles in campus leadership.
Does it cost a lot of money to join?

Like any opportunity for involvement in college, there is a financial commitment associated with joining a fraternity or sorority. The costs go toward council and national fees, chapter operating expenses and social functions.

Be aware that additional costs may be incurred throughout the semester for gifts, pictures, t-shirts, etc.

What’s the deal with the governing councils? I don’t get it!

All organizations, under the Office of Fraternity & Sorority Life umbrella, fall into one of four representative councils. Each council provides services to their respective chapters, in addition to working collectively to coordinate programming for the entire fraternity and sorority community.

The governing councils at Florida Atlantic University are:

Interfraternity Council (IFC)   : This council is the representative body for the traditional men’s fraternity chapters. Organized IFC Recruitment Week is held every Fall & Spring semester.

College Panhellenic Association (CPA)   : This council is the representative body for traditional women’s sorority chapters. Panhellenic Formal Recruitment is held every Fall semester.

National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC)   : This council is the representative body for the historically African American fraternity & sorority chapters. Intake processes differ from chapter to chapter, so please contact each organization directly.

United Greek Council (UGC   ): This council is the representative body for the culturally based fraternity & sorority chapters. Intake processes differ from chapter to chapter, so please contact each organization directly.

More Information on our individual fraternity & sorority chapters can be found at

It's All Greek to Me...

Member of a sorority who has graduated.

Member of a fraternity who has graduated.

An invitation to join a fraternity or a sorority.

A term used to refer to undergraduate fraternity or sorority students in a particular Greek organization. This term is also used nationally to distinguish one group of students on a particular campus from those on another campus. Many national groups give their chapters names such as a Greek letter, or a combination of letters, or a Greek letter and a state.

College Panhellenic Association
The governing body for Panhellenic sororities at FAU.

A term used by NPHC and MGC groups to indicate that a new member has been fully initiated into the group.

A group of men bonded together by their ritual that contains the founding principles, ideals and aspirations of the group.

Interfraternity Council (IFC)
The governing body of the fraternities (typically NIC groups) at FAU.

The term NPHC & MGC groups use when they bring new members into their organization. Each chapter determines when they will conduct intake and each group is assisted in this process by their Graduate Chapter and/or National Organization.

Being "on line" is a term for when a student is joining an NPHC group. In 1990 all 9 NPHC groups prohibited "pledging" and began a process called intake (see definition above).

Someone whose mother, father, sister or brother, are members of a particular group. Some consider an aunt or an uncle a legacy also.

NPC (National Panhellenic Conference)
The national umbrella organization of the College Panhellenic Association. NPC is made up of a group of 26 women's sororities in North America. Representatives from each national sorority get together to support and promote sororities across North America.

NIC (North American Interfraternity Conference)
The national group of 62 men's fraternities in North America. Representatives from each national fraternity get together to promote fraternities across the country. They work to promote fraternities and Fraternity and Sorority Life.

NPHC (National Pan-Hellenic Council)
The national umbrella organization and governing body for historically African-American fraternities and sororities.

The national umbrella organization for Latino/Latina based fraternities & sororities

New Member
A term used to refer to a new member of a fraternity or a sorority. After the recruitment period, new members learn the history of their national and local chapters, learn the ideals and principles of the group, get to know their fellow new members and get to know the initiated members.

New Member Presentation
A term used by NPHC & MGC groups to designate the time when new members of such groups come out to the campus. Those joining a group are generally not known and thus it is a time when the new members are revealed. Typically stepping is demonstrated as well as testimonials from the new members. Parents and other students are generally in attendance.

Recruitment (nope, it’s not called “RUSH”)
This is the time when fraternities and sororities recruit new members. IFC fraternities usually recruit the first 3 weeks of each semester. Panhellenic sororities usually recruit the first 3 weeks of fall semester. For NPHC & MGC groups, their recruitment process is referred to as an "intake process" because of the nature of their process.

Recruitment Counselor (Rho Gamma)
An initiated member of a fraternity/sorority who guides potential new members through formal sorority recruitment.

The sacred ceremonies practiced by every chapter of a Greek letter organization. These are generally secret.

A group of women bonded together by their ritual that contains the founding principles, ideals and aspirations of the group.

United Greek Council (UGC)
The governing council for multicultural organizations, for both men and women.

A term used by NPHC groups to indicate the campus. Use in phrases such as which groups are on the yard, meaning which groups are on the campus.