The Weizmann House, Israel
The Weizmann House, Israel

Activities and Services

Students and faculty exchange

  • Janet Weinthal UG from FAU/CEECS: Internship at University of Haifa (two)
  • Planned: Two students from Ariel University to FAU and two from FAU to Ariel U. (plus faculty members)
  • UF-like program for summer visits at Technion (currently under Florida Atlantic’s Center of Global Engagement)
  • Four faculty from FAU – summer 2019 (three with JNF)


Research-related Collaborations

  • With Technion: Teaching and learning with Dean of Faculty of Electrical Engineering (Prof. Shimkim)
  • With Technion: Using of VR/AR for learning, Faculty of Science and Technology Education (Prof. M. Barak)
  • Planned for Spring 2020: Collaboration with Ariel University re Autonomous Drones (Professor B. Ben Moshe)

Other Collaborations – on-going explorations

  • Friends of HU, ATS, Technion, BGU, U of Haifa, Weizmann Institute, Rambam Medical Center, …
  • Three Jewish Federations, Community Leaders, AIPAC, Hillel, …
  • AJC, JNF,… Israeli Consulate, Israeli House, Boca Parliament, Israeli American Council (IAC), …
  • Private donors (potential)
  • Promoting other community events
  • Connecting to underrepresented communities
  • Exploring a signature: “B-Right Now”
  • Presentations/talks/cultural events