Florida Atlantic University Honors and Scholars Building

Project 15


Florida Atlantic University will be establishing a new Honors and Scholars building indicating a commitment to providing enhanced educational opportunities and support for high-achieving students. A dedicated facility can offer specialized resources, such as classrooms, study spaces, library, computer lab, and faculty offices tailored to the needs of honors students. This dedicated facility will serve as a centralized hub for Honors students on the Boca Raton campus, providing them with a range of resources and amenities to support their educational journey. 


Community Benefit

Expanding the campus of Florida Atlantic University with the addition of an Honors and Scholars building is a significant development that underscores the university's commitment to academic excellence and providing enhanced opportunities for its students. A dedicated facility for the future four-year Honors program will not only accommodate the program's growth but also create a focused environment conducive to advanced learning, research, and collaboration among high-achieving students and faculty. This initiative reflects the university's dedication to academic excellence and fostering a vibrant intellectual community. 


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