Stealth and Reconnaissance Robot


The Stealth and Reconnaissance Robot (SARR), is a manually driven car that can survive an impact of 8 – 10 feet and drive if the car is right side up or upside down. It is comprised of two 12V DC motors which spin at an average rate of 550 rpm to achieve a speed of 7-10 mph. The suspension is comprised of a housing block to hold the motors which are each supported with springs on either side. This allows for impact to take place on either side of the vehicle without compromising internal structures. Shocks and a rebar surround the car. This makes axial forces acting on the outside of the car not an issue. An accelerometer allows the controls of the car to be inverted if the car were to land upside down. A l298N motor controller is used to control both motors. This allows the car to go forward, backward and turn strictly through motor control. Temperature sensors on the motors allow one to see if they are becoming too hot. A voltmeter is hooked up to the 11.V lipo battery that powers the car and allows one to see when the battery must be charged. Both are displayed on a 16x2 LCD screen for Arduino. A potentiometer is connected to the LCD screen to improve contrast on the screen for easy visibility of data.

Team Members

Khaled Alkandari

Alex Bolton

Jim Cazy

Jim Cazy

Michael Papastavrou

Michael Papastavrou

Dave Picard

Dave Picard


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