Guided Landing Instrument for Delivering Experiments (GLIDE)
The goal of this project is to design a self-guided parachute system to autonomously recover high-altitude balloon payloads. Closed-loop PID control will maintain guidance, navigation, and control throughout the system’s gliding descent for a landing in a suitable location for recovery. A key objective of the project is to perform a controlled landing within a specified distance of a pre-selected landing site. This would enhance safety over traditional unguided systems by minimizing the risk of the payload landing in remote areas or private property. Furthermore, the project intends to reduce the time required for payload recovery after landing. This may enable a new realm of time-sensitive, high-altitude research.
Community Benefit
High altitude balloon launches provide a relatively inexpensive medium for conducting science experiments. The objective of the project is to increase the accessibility of high-altitude, stratospheric research. The project's objective is to support the development of aerospace programs and research in colleges and universities across the country. The project benefits the aerospace field and future research projects in space.
Team Members
Sponsored By
Office of Undergraduate Research and Inquiry (OURI), Florida Space Grant Consortium