Autonomous Receptionist Robot Dog

Autonomous Receptionist Robot Dog


This project aims to enhance the efficiency and uniqueness of receptionists' tasks, specifically greeting and guiding visitors to their destinations. By utilizing innovative technology in artificial intelligence, a smart check-in web application, and 3D LiDAR, this project aims to be a reliable and efficient solution for guests in need of assistance. In an educational context, the Autonomous Robot Dog will handle welcoming and guiding students, while also being an enjoyable and memorable experience for all users.


Community Benefit

After implementation, it is expected that the workload and stress on academic advising receptionists will decrease, allowing them to focus on more important tasks such as completing sensitive paperwork, taking more urgent phone calls, and assisting students in need. It is also expected that interest in FAU’s technology programs among incoming students will increase, as well as a closer-knit community of those who have interacted with the Autonomous Receptionist Robot Dog.


Team Members

Endian Escott 

Meer Hossain 

Caleb Panoch 

Luciano Scarpaci

Brandon Wetzel



Dr. Hari Kalva