Opportunities & Awards

2024 Funding Opportunities

The Center for SMART Health is delighted to announce the 2024 seed funding opportunity, specifically seeking transdisciplinary proposals that emphasize 1) the use of data analytics related to local health systems/hospitals, such as Boca Raton Regional Hospital and Network and Memorial Regional Hospital, or 2) focus on basic science research with the eventual goal of technology transfer through collaboration with industry partners.
Proposal submission date: 5 pm, Friday, May 10, 2024. 

Research Internship / Assistantship

Students who are interested in the SMART health research are suggested to inquiry affiliated faculty and labs about research internship and assistantship opportunities.

Seed Funding 2024 Awardees

Project: CALLM: Clinical Assistance Large language Model for Proactive Identification and Linkage of Patients to Care with Undiagnosed HIV Infection


  • Xingquan Zhu, PhD, FIEEE, College of Engineering and Computer Science, FAU
  • Eric Boccio, MD, MPH, Memorial Healthcare System
  • Paula A. Eckardt, MD, FACP, FIDSA, MHS Ryan White Clinic, Memorial Healthcare System


Project: A Machine Learning-Driven Smart Technology to Provide Clinicians Individualized pharmacogenetic Based Precision Prescribing recommendations


  • Richar Shih, MD, Charles E. Schmidt College of Medicine, FAU
  • Mike Wells, MD, PhD, Charles E. Schmidt College of Medicine, FAU
  • Ali Asghar Danesh, PhD, FAAA, CCC-A, College of Engineering and Computer Science, FAU
  • Abhijit Pandya, PhD, College of Engineering and Computer Science, FAU


Project: Machine Learning Analysis & Assessment of a Non-invasive Intervention in Long COVID


  • Adar Pelah, PhD, Center for Complex Systems & Brain Sciences, FAU
  • Saiya George Dalmida, PhD, Christine E. Lynn College of Nursing, FAU
  • Debarshi Datta, PhD, Christine E. Lynn College of Nursing, FAU
  • Hari Kalva, PhD, College of Engineering and Computer Science, FAU
  • Ali A. Danesh, PhD, College of Education, FAU
  • David Newman, PhD, Christine E. Lynn College of Nursing, FAU


Inaugural Seed Funding 2023 Awardees

Project: Development of a Multi-Scale Predictive Model for COVID-19 Patient Outcomes and Long-Term Health Effects


  • Debarshi Datta, PhD. Christine E. Lynn College of Nursing
  • Laurie Martinez, PhD, MBA, MSN, RN.  Christine E. Lynn College of Nursing
  • Safiya George, PhD, APRN-BC, FNAP, FAANP. Christine E. Lynn College of Nursing
  • Taghi M. Khoshgoftaar, PhD. Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, College of
  • Engineering and Computer Science
  • David Newman, PhD. Christine E. Lynn College of Nursing


Project: Regenerative Peripheral Neural Interface (RPNI) on a Chip for Dexterous Prosthetic Hands


  • Dr. Erik D. Engeberg, Department of Ocean & Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering and Computer Science
  • Dr. Jianning Wei, Department of Biomedical Science, Charles E. Schmidt College of Medicine 


Project: TUNAA—Telehealth Use of a Nystagmus Analyzer Algorithm 


  • Ali A. Danesh, Department of Communications Sciences & Disorders, College of Education
  • B. Sue Graves, Department of Exercise Science and Health Promotion (ESHP), Charles E. Schmidt College of Science
  • Sajeel Chowdhary, Charles E Schmidt College of Medicine
  • Abhijit Pandya, Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science, College of Engineering and Computer Science