Center for SMART Health's Transformative Research on Fall Prediction in Older Adults

by Debbi Johnson-Rais | Tuesday, Aug 29, 2023
Research Spotlight: Rebecca Koszalinski and the Center for SMART Health

Researchers from the Center for SMART Health (CSH) at Florida Atlantic University (FAU) have recently forged a remarkable collaboration, bringing together esteemed experts from different disciplines to advance the health and safety of older adults. This visionary initiative unites the collective expertise of Dr. Ruth Tappen and Dr. Rebecca Koszalinski from the Christine E. Lynn College of Nursing at FAU, along with Dr. Borko Furht, Dr. Behnaz Ghoraani, and Dr. Oge Marques from the College of Engineering and Computer Science (COECS) at FAU. Adding further strength to the team is Dr. Edgar Viera, an Associate Professor from the Department of Physical Therapy at Florida International University (FIU).

The shared goal of this diverse and highly skilled team is to harness technology to predict falls and identify potential risks, ultimately enhancing patient outcomes and promoting overall well-being among older adults. To achieve this, the researchers conducted an extensive scoping review, focusing on the innovative use of sensor technology in fall prediction, risk assessment, fall detection, daily activity monitoring, and gait assessment among older adults residing in various settings, including nursing homes, assisted living facilities, community-based studies, and laboratory environments.

The interdisciplinary nature of this collaboration played a pivotal role in its success. Nurse scientists Drs. Tappen and Koszalinski brought invaluable insights from clinical research, application development, testing, and their experience in working with vulnerable and chronically ill populations. Complementing their expertise, the engineering team led by Drs. Furht, Ghoraani, and Marques contributed profound knowledge in technology, engineering, and mHealth. Dr. Viera's expertise provided a unique perspective on integrating technology in assessing and managing fall risks, adding significant depth to the collaborative research.

The research findings from this multidisciplinary endeavor unveiled the immense potential for nurse scientists and engineering and computer science experts to collaborate effectively, revolutionizing healthcare outcomes, particularly in South Florida. The strategic application of sensor technology demonstrated its power to significantly impact fall prediction and management, thereby ensuring improved care for older adults.

Embodying the core principles of the Center for SMART Health, this collaborative effort fosters synergistic partnerships across disciplines, taking on complex health challenges with innovation and dedication. By propelling technology in fall prediction and related healthcare domains, the researchers aim to open pathways for further advancements that will positively impact older adults' lives within their communities and healthcare settings.

The publication "Use of Sensors for Fall Prediction in Older Adults: A Scoping Review" is a remarkable milestone in pursuing excellence and innovation in smart health technologies. The Center for SMART Health continues to lead the charge in fostering transformative research initiatives driven by a shared commitment to improving health outcomes through interdisciplinary collaboration.


Citation: Koszalinski, R., Tappen, R., Ghoraani, B., Viera, E., Marques, O., Furht, B. (2023). Use of Sensors for Fall Prediction in Older Adults: A Scoping Review. Computers, Informatics, Nursing (CIN).