Application Process

Students who are interested in applying for the NSF CyberCorps® Scholarship for Service (SFS) Program at FAU must provide the following as part of their application process:

Complete the online application by providing the following documents: 

  • Two (2) letters of recommendation directly sent from faculty, staff, or employers to (FAU faculty referrals are given higher weight), 
  • Official transcripts from all colleges or universities attended (scan of official copies are fine during the application, hard copies should be provided if selected),
  •  A one-minute video describing your interests in Cybersecurity, and why you would be interested in working for the Federal government.
  • A CV that includes work experience, key skills, honors/awards, and GPA (no more than two pages).

Upon selection, applicants will be required to sign a "Service Agreement" form (Download PDF) and a "Promissory Note" form (Download PDF) prior to formal acceptance into the program.

Please review this draft application (PDF) to familiarize yourself and gather all required materials before completing the online application:  Review here.

Application window: Open
Applications must be submitted completely (including recommendation letters) to be considered for review.