Dataset information

COPD Bipartite Graph info

bipartite gene disease

Degree Distribution of COPD Bipartite Graph

log scale degree distribution

degree=1 has freq =454

degree=2 has freq =162

degree=3 has freq =76

degree=4 has freq =29

degree=5 has freq =18

degree=6 has freq =13

degree=7 has freq =1

degree=8 has freq =6

degree=9 has freq =1

degree=10 has freq =1

degree=11 has freq =4

degree=14 has freq =1

degree=17 has freq =1

degree=18 has freq =1

degree=20 has freq =1

degree=21 has freq =1

degree=31 has freq =1

degree=67 has freq =1

degree=103 has freq =1

degree=109 has freq =1

degree=336 has freq =1

degree=406 has freq =1

Dataset Files Explained

below is a flow chart of all of the relavant file

leaves whose edges are black indicates that those are the files that are used to generated graph shown above

Steps to generate copd_label.txt (the file that generate copd bipartite graph)