Faculty Achievements Archive
2020 | 2018-19 | 2017 | 20162020

Dr. Isaac Elishakoff
Distinguished Research Professor, Department of Ocean and Mechanical Engineering
Congratulations to Isaac Elishakoff, Ph.D., distinguished research professor in the Department of Ocean and Mechanical Engineering at the College of Engineering and Computer Science, whose research paper in Zamm – Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, was among the top 10 percent most downloaded papers for the entire year! His essay, “Stepan Prokofievich Timoshenko and America,” delves into the life of S.P. Timoshenko, the father of American engineering mechanics.

Dr. Mehrdad Nojoumian
Associate Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science
Congratulations to Mehrdad Nojoumian, Ph.D., associate professor at FAU College of Engineering and Computer Science and alum Ramiro Alvarez for winning the “Best Paper Award” at the 2020 Future of Information and Communication Conference (FICC). Their research on “Efficient Implementation and Computational Analysis of Privacy-Preserving Auction Protocols” explored privacy-preserving mechanisms used in the construction of efficient sealed-bid auctions, and implemented protocols that can be used to hold online sealed-bid auctions that protect the losing bids. “Our research fills the gaps in the literature of sealed-bid auctions, sheds light on the privacy-preserving protocols for market mechanisms, and demonstrates how these protocols can be efficiently utilized in financial paradigms,” Dr. Nojoumian explained. “It will also lead to a better understanding of privacy and transparency in economics and finance.”

Dr. Stewart Glegg
Professor, Department of Ocean & Mechanical Engineering
Stewart Glegg, Ph.D., director of the Center for Acoustics and Vibrations and professor in the Department of Ocean & Mechanical Engineering, received an Early Concept Grants for Exploratory Research (EAGER) grant from the National Science Foundation for his project entitled “Optimizing Kevlar Fabric for Wind Tunnel Applications.” Dr. Glegg and an interdisciplinary team of researchers from Virginia Tech and North Carolina State University are aiming to improve the performance of aeroacoustic wind tunnels by redesigning the pre-existing Kevlar cloth that make up the walls of the tunnel. These types of wind tunnels are used for the measurement of noise from wind turbine blades, aircraft engines, and aircraft components. Currently there are over 10 aeroacoustic wind tunnels worldwide, including two NASA facilities and one Navy facility, that use Kevlar walls.
“We are conducting a study – the first of its kind – to determine the optimum Kevlar cloth so that it is almost transparent to sound, while minimizing the facility noise that can often mask the noise from the component being tested,” Dr. Glegg explained. “If successful, this would broaden the functionality of the Kevlar walls and transform aeroacoustic and aerodynamic testing in the multimillion-dollar aircraft and wind turbine industries.”
The NSF EAGER award is unique since it supports exploratory work in its early stages on untested but potentially transformative research for ideas that are considered "high risk-high payoff" because they involve radically different approaches, apply new expertise, or engage novel perspectives.

Dr. Ramesh Teegavarapu
Professor, Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatics Engineering
Edited the book "Trends and Changes in Hydroclimatic Variables: Links to Climate Variability and Change,” which discusses the change detection and trend analysis methods used to assess hydroclimatic variables in a changing climate.
As a member of the Surface Water Hydrology Technical Committee edited the textbook “Radar Rainfall Data Estimation and Use,” MOP 139. This Manual of Practice provides a framework for researchers and practicing engineers working in hydrologic engineering to develop radar rainfall data sets and analyze them according to their varied goals and resources.

Dr. Taghi M. Khoshgoftaar
Motorola Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science
Authored the book, "Health Information Science and Systems," a multidisciplinary journal that integrates computer science/information technology with health science and services, embracing information science research coupled with topics related to the modeling, design, development, integration, and management of health information systems.
Panelist/speaker at the Society for Brain Mapping and Therapeutics 2018 World Congress, that will be held in Los Angeles, CA., April 13 – 15, 2018. The event will focus on “Advanced Analytics in Sport Neuroscience and Brain Health.”

Dr. Pierre-Philippe Beaujean
Professor, Department of Ocean and Mechanical Engineering
Dr. Beaujean awarded a grant, sponsored by the Link Foundation for $29,000, for a research project titled "Multi-Vehicle Collaboration for Localizing Underwater Magnetic Anomalies." The purpose of the program is to expand research for multi-vehicle collaboration for underwater target detection being developed by Eric Nieves, an FAU Ph.D. candidate.

Dr. Isaac Elishakoff
Distinguished Research Professor, Department of Ocean and Mechanical Engineering
Dr. Elishakoff's scientific work featured in the book "Structural Mechanics and Theory of structures. History Essays" by V. Bazhenov, A. Perelmuter and Y. Vorona, published by Lambert Academic Publishing, and available on the web at scadsoft.com/tmp/Book-History.pdf.

Dr. Oscar Curet
Assistant Professor, Department of Ocean and Mechanical Engineering
Dr. Curet was awarded a research grant, sponsored by the NSF for $50,000, for his research work titled “National I-Corps Program: Bio-Inspired Underwater Vessels for Coastal Monitoring and Station-Keeping.” The purpose of the project is to demonstrate the precise control of an underwater vessel with undulating fin propulsion in a laboratory setting, and to use the National I-Corps program to conduct potential customer interviews regarding the commercialization of the vessel. Project Duration: July 1, 2018 to December 31, 2018.

Dr. Oge Marques
Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science
Prof. Marques , along with FAU graduate student, Adam Ishay of team fau_ml4cv placed second in the 2018 ImageCLEFtuberculosis Challenge held in May 2018. The task of the challenge is to provide a tuberculosis severity score based on the automatic analysis of lung CT images of patients. Extracting this information from images allows researchers to limit lung washing and laboratory analyses to determine patient’s tuberculosis type and drug resistance, thus reducing antibiotic use and lessening the impact on patients. The paper reporting the proposed method and associated experiments will be published and available at the main CLEF 2018 conference hosted in Avignon, France, Sept., 10 – 14.
Panelist/speaker at the MathWorks Research Summit, held in Newton, MA, June 2 – 4, 2018. The panel is a Deep Learning Mini-symposium. Marques will also give a talk as part of the MathWorks Development Knowledge Forum (DKF) seminar series, June 1, 2018 at the Natick, MA campus. The title of the talk is "Adventures in Image Processing, Machine Learning and Deep Learning using MATLAB," and will be webcast to MathWorks staff worldwide.

Dr. Aleksandar Stevanovic
Associate Professor, Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatics Engineering, and Director, Laboratory for Adaptive Traffic Operations and Management
Dr. Nikola Mitrovic
Research Associate, Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatics Engineering
Dr. Stevanovic was awarded a research grant from the National Academy of Sciences, for his research work titled “Benefits of Adaptive Traffic Control Deployments – A Review of Evaluation Studies.” This is a collaborative work with Prof. Nikola Mitrovic, also from the Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatics Engineering. ATCS is a traffic management strategy in which traffic signal timing changes, or adapts, based on actual traffic demand. This is accomplished using an adaptive traffic control system consisting of both hardware and software. The LATOM research team will be reviewing and analyzing the performance of ATCSs to develop guidance for practitioners on evaluating, selecting, implementing, and maintaining them. Total funding amount: $99,912, project duration: May 24, 2018 – July 23, 2019.

Dr. Reza Azarderakhsh
Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science, and I-SENSE Fellow
Dr. Azarderakhsh was awarded a joint research grant with the University of South Florida from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), for his research work titled “Design for Fault Attack Resiliency of Lightweight Cryptographic Architectures for Deeply-Embedded Systems.” The goal of the project is to design cryptographic architectures applicable to emerging embedded systems. In particular the team will be studying ways to solve crypto architecture bottlenecks in terms of lightweight design of IoT and develop prototypes in terms of speed, area, power, energy, and immunity against power, and fault attacks. Dr. Azarderakhsh will also focus on the implementation, prototype and investigation against Side-Channel analysis attacks. Total funding amount: $49,169, duration: Nov. 1, 2017 to Oct. 31, 2019.

Dr. Myeongsub (Mike) Kim
Assistant Professor, Department of Ocean and Mechanical Engineering
Dr. Kim was awarded a research grant, sponsored by Time Label Technologies, Corp. for $57,772, for his research work titled “Development of a 90 Days Expiration Dot.” The ultimate goal of this project is to invent a smart expiration system that efficiently monitors an expiration status of perishable products. In accordance with the present invention, A Revolutionary New Expiration Date System, this new system can provide the exact information about the expiration date in the range from one hour to one year, ultimately protecting the public from the consumption of expired products. Project Duration: May 17, 2018 to May 30, 2019.

Dr. Javad Hashemi
Associate Dean for Research, College of Engineering and Computer Science
Appointed as a Special Advisor to the Link Foundation Board. The Link Foundation is a charitable trust established in 1953 by the late Edwin A. and Marion Link. Since 1953, grants totaling nearly $16M have been awarded to universities, colleges and other non-profit organizations to fund internships, scholarships, fellowships and research projects which have benefited thousands of students nationwide and in Canada.

Dr. Dimitris Pados
Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science, and I-SENSE Fellow
Dr. Stella Batalama
Dean and Professor, College of Engineering and Computer Science
Profs. Pados and Batalama will continue exploratory research on the disruptive idea of L1-norm principal-component analysis (PCA) for robust data analytics in the presence of potentially faulty or corrupted data measurements. In particular, the research will focus on (i) the theory of sparse L1-PC analysis of data and specific applications to major communications and networks systems challenges such as (ii) joint channel estimation and data detection and (iii) network anomaly detection. (sponsor: Univ. of Buffalo at SUNY, total funding amount: $22,152, duration: Nov. 1, 2017 – Aug. 31, 2018).

Dr. Khaled Sobhan
Professor, Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatics Engineering
Awarded the 2018 William Holmes McGuffey Longevity Award for his textbook, "Principles of Geotechnical Engineering," 9th ed., co-authored by Braja M. Das. The McGuffey Longevity Award recognizes textbooks and learning materials whose excellence has been demonstrated over time. To be nominated, a work must have been in print 15 years and still be selling. The award will be presented at the Textbooks and Academic Authors Association (TAAs) 31st Annual Textbook & Academic Authoring Conference in Santa Fe, NM, June 15, 2018.

Dr. Sudhagar Nagarajan
Assistant Professor, Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatics Engineering
Dr. Nagarajan was awarded a research grant, sponsored by Palm Beach County for $16,500, for his research work titled “3D Mobile Laser Scanning of Indian River Lagoon around JILONA (Yr. 2).” The purpose of the project is to map and monitor the loss of land and resources due to active erosion along the Indian River Lagoon and Loxahatchee River, Recommended Action 1.4 in the Jupiter Inlet Lighthouse Outstanding Natural Area (JILONA) Climate Strategy prepared by Palm Beach County for Bureau of Land Management. Project Duration: Jan. 23, 2018 to Nov. 30, 2018.

Dr. Mehrdad Nojoumian
Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science
Appointed as a Fellow in the 2018 Air Force Research Lab Summer Faculty Fellowship Program (AFRL-SFFP) for his proposal titled “New Techniques for Fast Implementation of Secure Multiparty Protocols: Processing Private Data on Resource-Constrained Devices.” The U.S. AFRL-SFFP offers hands-on exposure to Air Force research challenges through 8- to 12-week research residencies at participating Air Force research facilities for full-time science, mathematics, and engineering faculty at U.S. colleges and universities. The program is sponsored by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR) and is administered by Systems Plus, which provides the oversight and administrative structure for the selection and appointment of applicants.

Dr. Myeongsub (Mike) Kim
Assistant Professor, Department of Ocean and Mechanical Engineering
Dr. Myeongsub (Mike) Kim's research featured in Analytical Chemistry for article titled “Microbubbles Loaded with Nickel Nanoparticles: A Perspective for Carbon Sequestration.”

Dr. Dan Meeroff
Associate Chair and Professor, Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatics Engineering
Dr. Meeroff received a grant from the Solid Waste Authority of Palm Beach County for $32,500, titled "Investigation of Leachate Management Solutions at the Solid Waste Authority of Palm Beach County."

Dr. Francisco Presuel-Moreno
Associate Professor, Department of Ocean and Mechanical Engineering
Dr. Presuel-Moreno received a grant from Sandia National Laboratories for $22,335, titled "Metal-Carbon Fiber Composite Interconnects in Seawater."

Dr. Yufei Tang
Assistant Professor and I-SENSE Fellow, Department of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science
Dr. Tang received a grant from the Florida Center for Cybersecurity (USF) for $20,000, titled “Proactive Defense Against Cyber-Physical Smart Grid Attacks.”

Dr. Elias Bou-Harb
Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science
Dr. Elias Bou-Harb’s team won the Best Paper Award at the 28th edition of the IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications conference for their paper titled, “A First Empirical Look on Internet-scale Exploitations of IoT Devices.”

Dr. Shihong Huang
Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science
Dr. Abhijit Pandya
Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science
Inventors, Prof. Shihong Huang, Prof. Abhijit Pandya, and Prof. Sam Hsu (emeritus), from the Department of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science, and; Prof. Marilyn Parker (emeritus), from the College of Nursing, of the U.S. patent no. 8,799,017, titled "Apparatus and Method for Managing Interaction-Based Services," was sold pursuant to an Intellectual Property Transfer Agreement with Koninklijke Philips N.V. (a.k.a. Philips). The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office issued the patent to FAU on Aug. 5, 2014. The invention is a new software system that manages patient health information gained from nurses' perspectives - such as conversations, observations, and diagnoses - to better improve healthcare to patients.

Dr. Ali Zilouchian
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science
Received the President’s Leadership Award for 2016-2017. The award is given to individual employees of Florida Atlantic University who have rendered services of an extraordinary nature to the University and/or the greater community.

Dr. Fred Bloetscher
Associate Professor, Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatics Engineering
Awarded Weppner Center for LEAD and Service-Learning Change Agent of the Year Faculty Award 2016-2017.

Dr. Isaac E. Elishakoff
Distinguished Research Professor, Department of Ocean and Mechanical Engineering
Authored the book, "Probabilistic Methods in the Theory of Structures, Strength of Materials, Random Vibrations, and Random Buckling." The book is a third, corrected and expanded edition that appears in conjunction with its companion volume Probabilistic Methods in the Theory of Structures: Complete Worked-Through Solutions.

Dr. Amir Abtahi
Associate Professor, Department of Ocean and Mechanical Engineering
Dr. Roger Messenger
Professor Emeritus, Department of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science
Amir Abtahi, Ph.D., Associate Professor in the Department of Ocean and Mechanical Engineering, and Roger Messenger, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus in the FAU Department of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science co-authored the undergraduate/graduate level textbook, "Photovoltaic Systems Engineering, Fourth Edition."

Dr. Kevin Kang
Assistant Professor, Department of Ocean and Mechanical Engineering
Applicant/Mentee Winner of the 2017 Faculty Research Mentoring Program Awards by the FAU Division of Research.

Dr. Khaled Sobhan
Professor, Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatics Engineering
Co-authored the Korean version of the textbook, "Principles of Geotechnical Engineering" with Braja M. Das, Ph.D., Dean Emeritus, College of Engineering and Computer Science, California State University, Sacremento. An introductory text in soil mechanics that offers an overview of soil properties and mechanics together with coverage of field practices and basic engineering procedures.
Mentor Winner of the 2017 Faculty Research Mentoring Program Awards by the FAU Division of Research.

Dr. Hongbo Su
Assistant Professor, Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatics Engineering
Applicant/Mentee Winner of the 2017 Faculty Research Mentoring Program Awards by the FAU Division of Research.

Dr. Ramesh Teegavarapu
Associate Professor, Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatics Engineering
Co-authored the book "Sustainable Water Resources Planning and Management Under Climate Change," with Elpida Kolokytha, Ph.D., associate professor, at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece and Satoru Oishi, Ph.D., professor, at the Kobe University, Kobe, Japan.

Dr. Stewart Glegg
Professor and Director of the Center for Acoustics and Vibration, Department of Ocean and Mechanical Engineering
Co-authored the book "Aeroacoustics of Low Mach Number Flows," with William Devenport, Director of the Virginia Tech Stability Wind Tunnel and Director of the Center for Renewable Energy and Aerodynamic Testing, at Virginia Tech.

Dr. Borko Furht
Professor and Director of NSF Research Center, Department of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science
Guest speaker at the 14th Vienna Congress com•sult, that will be held in Vienna, Austria January 17, 2017. The event will focus on the general topic "Call for Future". The congress is one of the most renowned international economic-political congresses of the region.

Dr. Manhar Dhana
Professor and Director of SeaTech - The Institute for Ocean & Systems Engineering, Department of Ocean and Mechanical Engineering
Co-authored the book "Springer Handbook of Ocean Engineering," with Nikolas Xiros, Dr. Eng., associate professor at the University of New Orleans.

Dr. George (Guo-Qiang) Cai
Professor, Department of Ocean and Mechanical Engineering
Co-authored the book "Elements of Stochastic Dynamics," with Weiqiu Zhu, Ph.D., Professor and director of the Institute of Applied Mechanics in the Department of Mechanics, at Zhejiang University, China.

Dr. Isaac E. Elishakoff
Distinguished Research Professor, Department of Ocean and Mechanical Engineering
Received the ASME's prestigious Worcester Reed Warner Medal. This medal is awarded to an individual for outstanding contribution to the permanent literature of engineering. The recipients should have published progressive ideas relating to engineering, scientific and industrial research associated with mechanical engineering; the design and operation of mechanical and associated equipment; industrial engineering or management, organization, operation, and the concomitants of each; or other subjects closely associated with those mentioned. To qualify as having permanent value, any paper or treatise should not be less than five (5) years old.

Dr. Kevin Kang
Assistant Professor, Department of Ocean and Mechanical Engineering
Received a grant from the Osteo Science Foundation for $50K. A prestigious award given to select applicants with promise to make a substantive impact in the field of soft and hard tissue regeneration. The title of the proposal is "Multiple Channels in Bioceramic Scaffolds Promote Rapid Vascularization and Robust Bone Formation". Kang has also published his first FAU journal article in the Advanced Functional Materials journal.

Dr. Mike Kim
Assistant Professor, Department of Ocean and Mechanical Engineering
Received a grant from the Florida Center for Environmental Studies for $50K. The title of the proposal is "Microfluidics for Methane Production and Carbon Storage in Deep Underground Reservoirs".

Dr. George Frisk
Professor, Department of Ocean and Mechanical Engineering
Selected by the IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering Editorial Board to be a 2016 Outstanding Reviewer. Outstanding Reviewers will be recognized in the January 2017 issue of the Journal.

Dr. Maria Petrie
Associate Dean for International Affairs, Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science
Awarded the International Federation of Engineering Education Societies (IFEES) Duncan Fraser Global Award for Excellence in Engineering Education. The award recognizes individuals who have made innovative and meritorious contributions having a significant impact on the advancement of engineering education. The 2016 award is presented at the IFEES annual awards dinner during WEEF & GEDC 2016 in Seoul, South Korea, on November 9, 2016. The winner will receive a medal, a citation, a one-time monetary prize of US $1,000, a roundtrip, economy class air ticket, and three nights lodging to receive the award.

Dr. Taghi M. Khoshgoftaar
Motorola Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science
Organized and chaired a workshop on Large-Scale Deep Learning for Data Mining at the 22nd ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, August 13-17, 2016 in San Francisco, California. The workshop focused on applications of deep learning and more than 400 people were in attendance. It included the presentation of ten papers and a keynote speech by Dr. Li Deng, Chief Scientist for AI Microsoft Research and ASG.

Dr. Tsung-Chow (Joe) Su
Professor, Department of Ocean and Mechanical Engineering
Delivered a keynote lecture at the International Conference of Maritime Technology at China's Harbin Engineering University, July 16 - 18, 2016. Su chaired a technical session on robotics and gave a talk titled, "Control Design of a Hybrid Autonomous Underwater Vehicle with Internal Actuators," based on the recent work of his doctoral candidate, Bo Li. Su also visited Harbin’s State Key Laboratory on Underwater Vehicle Technology, where he gave a presentation about the research activities of his department.

Dr. Ramesh Teegavarapu
Associate Professor, Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatics Engineering
Awarded the prestigious "Fulbright Scholar Award" to work on research related to "El Nino Dynamics and its Impacts," and acknowledged by United States Senator, Marco Rubio.

Dr. Sudhagar Nagarajan
Assistant Professor, Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatics Engineering
Received the Exceptional Faculty Award, FAU Northern Campus Achievement Award 2015-2016 for his outstanding achievement and service to the northern campuses.