What They Say About Us, Testimonials from Trainees

Monday, Apr 22, 2024
what they say about us image

We measure success by knowing that our NRT students are being hired and starting outstanding careers in the STEM field. Our students getting hired is proof that their education and experiences have prepared them for the future.  

There is much success to celebrate from many of our trainees from different cohorts. Many have earned patents, publications, degrees, scholarships, and jobs!  We looked back to see how success is going and these are some of the testimonials we received:


“The NRT program was an excellent starting point for my career and continued education. It gave me relevant experience in research and class projects that I was able to use to find employment opportunities in my areas of interest. It also exposed me to the environment of higher education beyond a standard bachelor’s degree, including the pursuit of a PhD, graduate research, patents, and academic conferences.” – J. Goedmakers


The NRT program was pivotal in shaping my career as a data analyst, allowing me to quickly find employment before graduation. It provided me with the experience, skills, and confidence needed to excel in the industry. During interviews, my NRT projects were highly valued and played a significant role in securing my current position. I am grateful for the program's support and mentorship, which have been instrumental in my professional journey.”- S. Lajic


The NRT program made my decision for choosing FAU as my graduate school easy. I believe it is especially helpful for students to build their skills into becoming practical researchers. My favorite aspect was the connections I could make with industry/field experts and students with similar interests to mine. I'm happy to say that even now I get to work closely with people I've met because of the program.”- A. Perera


The NRT program helped graduate students like me to become the next generation of data professionals. Through workshops, seminars, and mentorship, I learned how to navigate the professional world, explore different skill sets, and communicate effectively in the workplace. Also, I was able to meet like-minded individuals and get to work with them on several projects even after the program ended.” N. Tran


The NRT program exceeded my expectations! This master degree in AI was enlightening and enjoyable. I gained a wealth of knowledge that surpassed my prior understanding about this topic, and I am grateful to have been a part of it. Collaborating with different professionals allowed me to form new friendships, and illustrated the significance of AI in the medical field, engineering, etc. I’m working on opening my own company using my military background and expertise in AI.” - D. Cuentas.