Impressive Achievement and Truly Well-deserved Awards

Wednesday, Apr 24, 2024
photo of professors

On April 17, 2024, the university hosted the 55th annual Honors Convocation which is a ceremony that recognizes the University’s most outstanding students and faculty. Tremendous recognition was given to many deserving individuals. However, the spotlight goes to our NRT Program Director, Dr. Borko Furht, earning the President’s Award for Career Achievement 2024 .   Congratulations!

It is also a pleasure to highlight and congratulate, NRT Faculty Participant, Dr. Xingquan Zhu, who earned the Researcher of the Year Award . Last but not least, we could not leave out one of the NRT Program’s Co-PIs, Dr. Taghi Khoshgoftaar, who has been recognized as Highly Cited Google Scholar . “His scientific publications have garnered more than 30,000 citations over the last five years (2018 to 2023), yielding a Google Scholar h-index of 88”. He also “directed the completion of 38 Ph.D. dissertations and 64 master’s theses and received FAU’s “Inaugural Excellence in Graduate Mentoring Award” for his contributions.”

It is a delight to have incredibly talented professors on our program! Congratulations for such amazing success!