Transforming Cybersecurity with Artificial Intelligence, NRT Speaker Presentation

Monday, Jan 30, 2023
Speaker Presentation at NRT Class Spring 2023

On January 25th, the NRT program was delighted to have an invited guest speaker, Visiting Instructor Dr. Nataliia Neshenko from the Information Technology and Operations Management department. 

Dr. Neshenko presented in the NRT class on Advanced Internet Systems where she spoke about Artificial Intelligence and its value for cybersecurity.  She informed students on cybercriminal attacks and misuse of Artificial Intelligence, AI- powered cybercrime, and how AI can be utilized to provided disinformation. A most definitive thought-provoking subject. 

She encouraged the students to consider the benefits of these new technologies as well as evaluate the harm they can cause and what it could cost humanity if it is misused. Her statistics were fascinating and provided students with enlighten as to career paths that will be growing quickly and in which they can tailor their studies to become very successful in specific areas. She provided a sense of awakening to the massive need that will be required to manage the use of AI for protection as well as prevention and the projected shortage of talent we currently face.  

Her presentation captivated the curiosity of the students who engaged in questioning concepts taught by Dr. Neshenko and ended with the request of her presentation slides.