Students must meet all the degree requirements for the PhD CS General program, click here. In addition, the following requirements must be satisfied:
- Graduate coursework counted for the Ph.D. program must contain at least three graduate courses from the Cybersecurity course list below. These courses focus on theoretical and/or applied cybersecurity. Additional courses may be approved by the dissertation advisor. Graduate courses completed during the master's degree program may also be used to meet this requirement.
- The student's Ph.D. dissertation research and scholarship must have a strong emphasis on one or more areas of cybersecurity, including but not limited to applied and/or theoretical areas.
Cybersecurity course list:
- CDA 5326 Cryptographic Engineering
- CIS 5371 Practical Aspects of Modern Cryptography
- CIS 6370 Computer Data Security
- CIS 6375 Distributed Systems Security
- COT 6427 Secret Sharing Protocols
- CAI 6803 Data Analysis and Modeling for Cybersecurity
- CIS 6730 Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain Technologies
- MAD 5474 Introduction to Cryptology and Information Security