teaching Assistantships

TA Application for Graduate Students:

    1. Graduate teaching assistantships are provided for eligible EECS graduate students with a 3.4 GPA, with a priority given to new doctoral students, new BS to PhD Direct-Path program students, and incoming joint BS/MS degree program students. 
    2. Support may be provided up to 20 hours/week with tuition covered proportionally. 
    3. The TA Committee makes the final selection after all the required documentation is reviewed.

 Graduate Teaching Assistantship


TA Application for Undergraduate Students: 

    1. Undergraduate teaching assistantships are provided for eligible EECS undergraduate students with a 3.0 GPA. 
    2. Support may be provided up to 20 hours/week.
    3. The TA Committee makes the final selection after all the required documentation is reviewed.

Undergrad Teaching Assistantship


Application Deadlines:

Summer and fall semesters deadline: March 24th (by Midnight).
Spring semester deadline: October 27th (by Midnight).