Cybersecurity Bootcamp
This course provides an overview of the field of cybersecurity with emphasis on fundamental concepts, e.g., private-key encryption, public-key encryption and security protocols, as well as hot topics, e.g., secure computations, digital currencies, and blockchain. Students will learn the basics of security and applied cryptography. They will be exposed to various applications of security protocols in different domains, such as privacy in auctions and blockchain in supply chain. The course will broaden the participants view of the field of cybersecurity, allowing a better understanding of its foundations, applications, and implications, and motivating students to learn more about the topic.
The course will expose students with concepts, tools and applications in a rapidly expanding field. Students who know cybersecurity have been proven to be in high demand in various sectors of the economy.
Session Length: Monday, August 12th - Friday, August 16th
Please note that each class will be recorded. The recordings will be available online to ensure that participants can access them if they miss a class or want to review any of the sessions.
Course Outline
Length: One week (Monday-Friday, 2 hours/day)
Cost: FREE! For FAU Students, Faculty, & Staff | Not available for Non-FAU Students, Faculty, or Staff
Time: 9:00 A.M. - 11:00 A.M.
Location: Engineering East (EE96) Room 207
Instructor: Mehrdad Nojoumian, PhD
Instructor Bio: Dr. Mehrdad Nojoumian received his PhD from the Cheriton School of Computer Science at the University of Waterloo and his MSc from the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Ottawa, Canada. Dr. Nojoumian is currently an associate professor and the director of the privacy, security, and trust in autonomy lab in the EECS department at Florida Atlantic University. Dr. Nojoumian’s cross-disciplinary research interests lie in AI and society, trust in autonomy, human-autonomy interactions, and cybersecurity. The ARL, NSF, AFRL, and Cyber Florida have funded his research.
Tools and Resources
- Lectures and group discussions will take place live (synchronously) online (using WebEx, Zoom, or equivalent) on specified days and times.
- Slides and supporting materials will be posted online.
Students should have Internet access.
Outline and tentative schedule
The course will consist of 5 modules (of 3 hours each). Each module will have a combination of lecture, demos, and discussions, with ample opportunity for questions.
Module 1
- Preliminaries for Security
- Preliminaries for Cryptography
Module 2
- Classical Cryptography
- Modern Cryptography
Module 3
- Secret Sharing and Secure Multiparty Computation
- Privacy-Preserving Auctions
Module 4
- Hash Function and Digital Signature
- Blockchain and Digital Currency
Module 5
- Automotive Attack Surfaces
- Modern Cybersecurity Attacks
Supported by the NSF Scholarship for Service, learn more at