Take Action

FAU Campus

As part of our Bias Busters Initiative, we are implementing several activities:

Assessment: By collecting stories and scenarios from students, faculty, staff and department chairs, we are working to identify the unconscious bias that exists within our College.

Bias Busters Facilitator Training: This is a train-the-trainer session. Facilitators lead training sessions of faculty, staff, and graduate students.

During the train-the-trainer session, the facilitator:

  • Builds foundational knowledge of the science of unconscious bias by reviewing unconscious bias literature and understanding that we are all prone to bias because of the way our brains process information.

  • Becomes familiar with the Bias Busters training material.

  • Learns tips on inclusion facilitation.

Bias Buster workshops: These sessions are led by facilitators who are members of the College community and have gone through facilitator training (above). They provide training sessions to a broader audience on how to:

  • Select scenarios that are most relevant for them.

  • Discuss those scenarios to explore how and when to intervene to counter subtle (and not so subtle) instances of bias.

  • Practice using role-play exercises, including responding to a variety of participant responses.

  • Understand our own bias toward inaction and decide the action and timing that is right for you.

  • Learn tips for formulating unbiased responses.

  • Take action! Commit to practice in the workplace.

Speaker Series Program: We are inviting speakers within the FAU community and outside to share their perspectives on the importance of inclusion and diversity in workplace and discuss what actions we can take to make an impact.

Reading Club: Read and share literature about bias and their societal implications.

Take Action: We are putting into place what we have learned to ensure everyone experiences an inclusion culture, with a specific focus on intervention in situations where bias is recognized and negatively influences others.