Non-FAU Entity Alerting
What is it?
A non-FAU entity for this purpose is defined as an entity that provides frequent services for FAU campuses, and therefore has staff on campus regularly, however; it is limited to those entities that have the same staff on campus regularly.
FAU provides a portal through which each appropriate non-FAU entity contact may manage their contact information individually. This is accessible by a secured link that is shared upon approval of a non-FAU entity.
How Does My Entity Sign Up?
If your entity wishes to receive FAU emergency alerts via the call out, email and/or text message modules, please complete the Non-FAU Entity Request Form. If your non-FAU entity fits the criteria, you will be contacted with instructions to complete the registration process.
One way to ensure non-FAU entities receive emergency notifications is to download the Owl Ready App. All emergency notifications sent through the FAU Alert system are also sent to the Owl Ready App.
Other resources include the University status page ( and the FAU hotline 1-888-8FAUOWL (832-8695).
Download Today: Android App on Google play | App Store
How Do I Remove Myself From the System?
For Non-FAU entities wishing to no longer receive emergency notifications through the FAU Alert system, please complete the following:
- Visit the Office of Information Technology's Help Desk
- Complete the form for "Application Support - FAU Alert Phone Removal (NON-FAU Entity)"
- Submit Request
Please direct any questions regarding the FAU Alert system to
For all EMERGENCY CALLS dial 9-1-1
Contact Us
Campus Operations Building
(69) Boca Raton Campus