Kappa Delta Pi Rho Omega Chapter
Welcome to the website for Kappa Delta Pi Rho Omega, the FAU chapter of the international honor society for education! Here you can check out the latest news, view upcoming events, and read about current committees and board members. Have a question? Contact us!
About Rho Omega
Rho Omega is the Florida Atlantic University chapter of Kappa Delta Pi. The chapter has over two hundred members, from pre-service educators to education professionals. Rho Omega is based on the Boca Raton campus, but serves all of FAU's campuses.
About Kappa Delta Pi
Kappa Delta Pi is an international honor society in education. Founded in 1911, Kappa Delta Pi now has over one million educators who are dedicated to scholarship and excellence in their field. To learn more about Kappa Delta Pi, please visit the international website.