Washington Week 2019

Legislative Update - Holmes Scholars/Doctoral Students Attend Washington Week

FAU College of Education Holmes Scholars/Doctoral students went to Washington, DC in June to discuss the importance of teacher education. During their meetings in Washington, the students discussed advocacy, policy on research and programming that focus on minority populations, and received an insider experience in the world of education policy. The students met with Congressman Ted Deutch, representatives in Congresswoman Lois Frankel and Congressman Alcee Hastings offices and with Frank Brogan, Assistant Secretary for Elementary and Secondary Education at the U.S. Department of Education. The American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE) Holmes Program supports students from historically underrepresented groups who are pursuing careers in education and provides mentorship, peer support, and professional development.

Washingtom week
Left to right FAU COE Holmes Scholars/Doctoral Students
Danna Demezier, Shanett Dean, Denise Dowdie, Frank Brogan, Assistant Secretary for Elementary and Secondary Education, Dr. Rangasamy Ramasamy, Professor and Holmes Scholars Coordinator, Dean Valerie Bristor, Jennifer Kessler, FAU Alum and Brevard County teacher
Washingtom week
FAU COE Holmes Scholars/Doctoral Students meet with Congressman Deutch
How to Share With Just Friends

How to share with just friends.

Posted by Facebook on Friday, December 5, 2014
