College of Education Doctoral Dissertations and Master's Thesis Listing

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* College of Education Outstanding Dissertation Award winners
This award is generally given the year after graduation

Department Name Dissertation / Thesis Title Doctoral Advisor Semester / Year of Graduation
CI Alicia Haywood Toward Media Literacy Parent Education: Identifying Characteristics of Media Use as Proximal Processes Through the Perspectives of Mothers of Adolescents in Current Media Dominant Bioecological Structures Jillian Powers, Ph.D. Spring / 2024
CI Michael Lewis Integrating Visual art and Public Speaking: Student Perceptions and Experiences of Engagement Susannah Brown, Ph.D. Spring / 2024
ELRM Justin Grasing The Handcuffs of Poverty: An Analysis of the Relationship Between Government Intervention in Public Elementary Schools and Student Academic Achievement in a Large Urban District Meredith Mountford, Ph.D. Spring / 2024
ELRM Allyson Miller How the Changes in Title IX Guidance Shape Higher Education Institutions’ Liability in Federal Court Cases, 2000-2022: A Content Analysis Cristobal Salinas, Jr., Ph.D. & Jarrett Warshaw, Ph.D. Spring / 2024
CE Erin Beattie Exploring Therapist Factors on Premature Termination and the Therapeutic Relationship Paul Peluso, Ph.D. Fall / 2023
CE Kadeem Campbell Advocating Student Within Environment in Application: The Lived Experience of 6th Grade Students’ Participation in a Small Group Intervention Hannah Bowers Parker, Ph.D. Fall / 2023
CE Matt D'Urso Examining the Relationship between 12-Step Knowledge and Opioid Use Disorder Counseling Self-Efficacy Brian Canfield, Ph.D. Fall / 2023
CI Paul Massy "Panyard ” Steelpan Experiences Impact on Secondary School Teachers’ Pedagogical Practices: A Case Study Bianca Nightengale-Lee, Ph.D. Fall / 2023
CI Pilar Forero Taylor Raising the Bar: Hispanic/Latin* High School Students' Experiences in an Early College Program Patricia Willems, Ph.D. Fall / 2023
CI Lucas Williams Toward a Framework for Creative Teacher Preparation Sabrina Sembiante, Ph.D. Fall / 2023
ELRM Adam DeRosa The Impact of COVID-19 on Dual Enrollment Including Access, Equity, and Learning Environment: Lessons Learned from the Secondary and Post-Secondary School Staff and Administrators Who Facilitate These Programs Deborah L. Floyd, Ph.D., and Patricia Maslin-Ostrowski, Ed.D. Fall / 2023
ELRM Mary Killeen The Consequences of Elementary School State Accountability Data Usage in One Florida School District Meredith Mountford, Ph.D. Fall / 2023
ELRM Sara Kosches* Principals build trusting relationships with novice and experienced teachers and strengthen teacher retention in low-performing, underserved urban schools   Patricia Maslin-Ostrowski, Ed.D. Fall / 2023
ELRM Renee Law Resilient Stretching in Community College Leaders: Institutional Fiscal Decision-Making during the COVID-19 Pandemic Deborah Floyd, Ed.D., and Jarrett Warshaw, Ph.D. Fall / 2023
ELRM Katherine Policastro A Coaching Connection for School Principals to Prepare Aspiring Leaders in Building And Sustaining Equitable Learning Environments Patricia Maslin-Ostrowski, Ed.D. Fall / 2023
CE Joshua Katz Religiosity and Spirituality Among LGBTQ+ Individuals: Mediation Effects on Minority Stress and Symptoms of Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Carman Gill, Ph.D. Summer / 2023
CI Diana Fedderman A Critical Content Analysis of Fountas and Pinnell’s LLI System Michelle Vaughan, Ed.D. Summer / 2023
ELRM Rebecca Goldstein An Exemplar Methodology Study of Student Affairs Directors Who Use Their Assessment Data to Make Changes Jennifer L. Bloom, Ed.D. Summer / 2023
ELRM Aaron Hackman Making a Difference in the World Through Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics: A Phenomenological Study of the Lived Experiences of Graduate Students Engaging in STEM-Based Academic Service-Learning Jennifer L. Bloom, Ed.D. Summer / 2023
ELRM Juan Izaguirre “Unpacking the Meaning of How Latino Men College Students Learned Leadership” Cristobal Salinas, Jr., Ph.D. Summer / 2023
ELRM Laura A. Mooney Psychological Contract Violation Among Administrative Middle Managers: A Phenomenological Study in Higher Education Patricia Maslin-Ostrowski, Ed.D. Summer / 2023
ELRM Elena Steadham Supporting Effective Instructional Coaching: A Multi-Site Study Daniel Reyes-Guerra, Ph.D. Summer / 2023
CE Ashley Cooper Examining Relationships Between Rape Myth Acceptance, Sexual Experience and Victimization and Recovery Self-Efficacy among Minority Women on College Campuses Kelly Emelianchik-Key, Ph.D. Spring / 2023
CI Melissa Antonelli The Educator Perspective: A Case Study Examining the Experiences of LGBTQ Educators with Inclusive Curriculum in K 12 Public Schools Michelle Vaughan, Ed.D. Spring / 2023
CI Teodora Kamburov Grit in Adult Students with Disabilities: A Multiple-Case Study Sabrina Sembiante, Ph.D. Spring / 2023
CI Yoonhee Lee Early Childhood Teachers' Perspectives and Practices in Multicultural Education in South Korea Sabrina Sembiante, Ph.D. Spring / 2023
CI Iris Rodgers Expanding the Narrative: Black Female Doctoral Student's Creating Cultural Safe Spaces as Resistance Traci Baxley, Ed.D. Spring / 2023
CI Agnes Timar Predicting Academic Success in Early College Using Middle School Data Michelle Vaughan, Ed.D. Spring / 2023
ELRM Fahad Algahtani Self-Directed Learning Readiness Among Predental Students at Florida Atlantic University Valerie Bryan, Ed.D. Spring / 2023
ELRM John Critelli Is it Enough? Examining Instructional Management in a New Paradigm of Teaching and Learning Daniel Reyes-Guerra, Ph.D. Spring / 2023
ELRM Paul Houchens Build a Better Mousetrap: A Review of State School Accountability Models and Their Relation to the Socio-Economic Status of Students Daniel Reyes-Guerra, Ph.D. Spring / 2023
SE Lauren Berlingo The Sexual Lives of Individuals with Disabilities: Attitudes from the General Public Charles Dukes, Ed.D., Ph.D. Spring / 2023
SE Angelica Downey Effects of Covert Audio Coaching on Community-Based Employment Communication for College Students with Intellectual Disability Charles Dukes, Ed.D., Ph.D. Spring / 2023
SE Jacqueline M. Wood Using an Instructional Package to Support Adults with Autism in Communicating with a Medical Provider Charles Dukes, Ed.D., Ph.D. Spring / 2023
CE Ashley Nicole Keorick Sauer Emotional Dynamics In The Therapeutic Relationship On Client Symptom Outcomes Paul Peluso, Ph.D. Fall / 2022
CI Kaitlin Salzman Achievement Centers for Children and Families: History of a Full-Service Community School Sabrina Sembiante, Ph.D. Fall / 2022
ELRM Meagan Elsberry Appreciative Administration: A Grounded Theory of How the Appreciative Education Theory-To-Practice Framework is Being Infused into Higher Education Jennifer L. Bloom, Ed.D. Fall / 2022
ELRM Bonnie Keene Exploration and Comparison of Efficacy and Mindset Perceptions Held by K-12 School Leaders and Teachers Valerie C. Bryan, Ed.D. Fall / 2022
ELRM Eleanor Su-Keene* Under Pressure: Exploring School Leadership Changes Peri-COVID-19 and Post-George Floyd Using an Abductive Approach Ira Bogotch, Ed.D. Fall / 2022
ELRM Patricia Temes The Relationship Between Emotional Intelligence and Perceived Stress among Low-Income Brazilian Mothers Valerie C. Bryan, Ed.D. Fall / 2022
ELRM Stacy Ann Volnick Women College Presidents Who Break Through the Glass Ceiling: At What Price? Deborah L. Floyd, Ed.D. and Patricia Maslin-Ostrowski, Ed.D. Fall / 2022
SE Susanna Launder Virtual Procedural Facilitator Training with Video Modeling: Impact on the Opinion Writing of Elementary School-Aged children with Autism Spectrum Disorder Katie M. Miller, Ph.D. Fall / 2022
SE Kerry A. Wittel Patterns and Trends that Impact Teacher Attrition and Retention: A Retrospective Study Charles Dukes, Ed.D., Ph.D. Fall / 2022
ELRM James Green A Phenomenological Study: The Perceived Effects of a Poverty Simulation on Governmental Employees' Attitudes and Social Empathy toward Individuals Living in Poverty Valerie C. Bryan, Ed.D. Summer / 2022
CE Taylor Irvine Validating the Effectiveness of a Gottman Method Couples Therapy Intervention, the Trust Revival Method, for Affair Recovery: A Randomized Control Trial Paul Peluso, Ph.D. Summer / 2022
CE Lilia Farmanara-Kneidel Development of the Student Engagement in Social-Emotional Learning Skills (SE-SELS) Survey: An Assessment Tool to Measure Students’ Use of SEL Skills Melissa Mariani, Ph.D. Summer / 2022
CE Arielle Bendit The Effects of CBT on Perfectionism, Help-seeking, Negative Affectively, and Social-Emotional Well-being on Early College High School Students Melissa Mariani, Ph.D. Summer / 2022
CE Grisel Lopez-Escobar Teaching Hearing Clients Sign Language in Therapy: The Sign your Feelings Intervention's Effects on the Therapeutic Alliance and Client Outcomes Carman Gill, Ph.D. Summer / 2022
CE Bridget Glass The Relationship Between Pre-Service Teachers' Social Emotional Competence and Teacher Burnout, Secondary Traumatic Stress, and Compassion Satisfaction Dr. Elizabeth Villares Spring / 2022
CE Adriana Labarta The Development and Validation of the Multidimensional Eating and Body Image Screening for LGBTGEQIAP+ Individuals Dr. Kelly Emelianchik-Key Spring / 2022
CE Miriam Moreno-Duany The Relationship Between Women with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus and Marital Satisfaction Dr. Brian Canfield Spring / 2022
CI Renee Rodney-Hillaire A Comparative Analysis of Teacher Job Satisfaction and Job Stress inBbroward County Schools Dr. Ira Bogotch and Dr. Robert Shockley Spring / 2022
CI Linda S. Whitehead No Substitution for Substitute Teaching Experiences: A Case Study Exploring Perspectives of New Substitute Teachers Dr. Michelle Vaughan Spring / 2022
ELRM Keven Allen Jr. Spirituality Empowers Black Leadership: A Phenomenological Study of Black Men Students’ Leadership and Spirituality Dr. Cristobal Salinas Jr., and Dr. Deborah L. Floyd, Co-Chairs Spring / 2022
ELRM Ronald Romances Johnson “I Made My Own Lane at the Community College, Drove It, but Figured Out I Wanted to Continue On From There:” A Narrative Study On The Hero’s Journey of Latino Male Transfer Students Dr. Cristobal Salinas, Jr., and Dr. Deborah L. Floyd, Co-Chairs Spring / 2022
ELRM Georgette T. Perez A Case Study of the College Choice Process for Continuing-Generation College Students at Miami Dade College During the COVID-19 Pandemic Dr. Deborah L. Floyd, and Dr. Patricia Maslin-Ostrowski Spring / 2022
ELRM Leila Hilal Shatara Muslim Women Leading Islamic Schools in the United States: Their Story Dr. Patricia Maslin-Ostrowski Spring / 2022
ELRM Nicole Michelle Walkinshaw The Relationship between Florida Accountability Programs and Merit-Based Pay in Two Large Urban Based School Districts Dr. Meredith Mountford Spring / 2022
SE Elena McLaughlin Investigating the Current State of Social Validity in Scholarly Journals Published by the Council for Exceptional Children Dr. Charles Dukes Spring / 2022
CCEI/TL Amanda M. Chiplock* Operationalizing Accreditation Standards for Self-directed Learning: Exploring the Impact of Contextual Factors and Capacity on Undergraduate Medical Education Dr. Michelle Vaughan Fall / 2021
CCEI/TL Jeffrey Dockswell Constructing Critical Historical Analyses to Cultivate Critical Historical Literacy:  College Students' Perceptions Dr. Ira Bogotch Fall / 2021
ELRM Molly Adam A Grounded Theory of Overcommitment in Undergraduate College Students Dr. Jennifer L. Bloom Fall / 2021
ELRM Katherine E. Coulson-Johnston “It Would Be Nice To See More Stuff About Indian Culture”: An Explanatory Sequential Mixed Methods Study of Native American Students’ Lived Experiences, Matriculation, and Retention Dr. Cristobal Salinas, Jr., & Dr. Maria Vasquez-Colina Fall / 2021
ELRM Maryellen Quinn-Lunny A Phenomenological Study:  Lived Experiences of Black Parents Through the Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Identification Process Dr. Valerie Bryan Fall / 2021
ELRM Dustin Pappas Facilitators and Barriers to Sustainability of STEM Education in Out-of-School Time (OST): A Tale of Two Cities' Initiatives Dr. Meredith Mountford Fall / 2021
ELRM Todd Price Switching Learning Management Systems: Comparing Effects on Student Perception Dr. Valerie Bryan Fall / 2021
ESE Sylvia Collazo Effects of a Professional Development Training Package on Nature-Based Teaching Strategies for Early Childhood Educators of Children with Developmental Disabilities Dr. Rangasamy Ramasamy Fall / 2021
CCEI Julie Hector Understanding the Banning of the Tucson Unified School District's Mexican American Studies Program from a Historical Perspective: Implications for Multicultural Education Nationwide Dr. Dilys Schoorman Summer / 2021
CCEI Erin Mitchell An Everglades Literacy Workshop for Elementary School Teachers: A Case Study of its Effectiveness and Educator Teaching Experiences Dr. Yash Bhagwanji Summer / 2021
ELRM Dax Boatwright Living with the Scars They Caused: A Portraiture Study of Black American Alumni Giving to a Predominantly White Institution Associated with Slavery Dr. Cristobal Salinas Jr. Summer / 2021
ELRM Ramzy Baroody A Comparative Study of Leadership Effectiveness of Academic Department Chairs in Higher Education Dr. Robert Shockley Summer / 2021
ELRM Francine Baugh The Lived Experiences of Principals Hiring and Retaining Teachers for High Poverty Minority Schools Dr. Maysaa Barakat Summer / 2021
CSD Cassidy Flechaus Perceived Quality of Communication and Effectiveness Before and After the SPEAK OUT! & LOUD Crowd Program Dr. Connie Porcaro Summer / 2021
CCEI Allyson Lynna Copeland Teaching 21st Century Learners: An Analysis of Faculty Mindset and Perceptions of Technology Use in the Higher Education Classroom Dr. Traci Baxley Spring / 2021
CE Gerardo A. Casteleiro The Effects of Mindfulness Training on Student Counselors’ Case Conceptualization Competency Dr. Len Sperry Spring / 2021
CE Danna Demezier Biculturalism, Familism, And Parenting Styles of Haitian Parents with Juvenile Youth: Impact of A Family-Based Intervention Dr. Carman S. Gill Spring / 2021
ELRM Malissa Sanon If You Can’t Make a Sound, Make a Peep: A Narrative Inquiry of the Lived Collegiate Experiences of Black Male Students Who Dealt With Suicide Ideation Dr. Jennifer L. Bloom & Dr. Pat Maslin-Ostrowski Spring / 2021
ELRM Sharon Faithlyn Dianne McKnight Emotional Intelligence and its Impact on Community Association Managers as Transformational Leaders Dr. Valerie C. Bryan Spring / 2021
ELRM Myron J. Davis “Living in a Borrowed Space:” Racial Experiences of Black Male Alumni and their Navigations of Environmental Dualities at Predominately White Institutions in Higher Education Dr. Cristobal Salinas Jr. Spring / 2021
ELRM Badara Alioune F. Taal The Perspectives of Higher Education Leaders and Business Executives on The Funding Gap Between Liberal Arts and Stem Education: A Case Study Dr. Jarrett B. Warshaw & Dr. Meredith Mountford Spring / 2021
ELRM Lazaro Camacho Jr. “We Need to Have More Conversations About Masculinity”: A Phenomenological Exploration of Masculinity and The Undergraduate Experiences of Latino Men Dr. Cristobal Salinas Jr. Spring / 2021
ELRM Melanie Ann Stefanovic The Relationship between Principal Cultural Intelligence and Graduation Rates of Black and Latinx Students: A Study of Cultural Responsiveness in Public High School Principals Dr. Patricia Maslin-Ostrowski Spring / 2021
ELRM Jessica Lopez-Acevedo A Case Study of the Post Degree Experiences of Community College Baccalaureate Graduates Transitioning to University Master’s Programs Dr. Deborah L. Floyd & Dr. Pat Maslin-Ostrowski Spring / 2021
ELRM J. Janell Wildgoose-Carroll The Root and Hue of Science: Black Female STEM Professionals in Palm Beach County Dr. Valerie C. Bryan Spring / 2021
CCEI Tiffany Cox The Impact of Gender on the Music Education Experiences of Female High School Band DirectorsDr. Susannah BrownFall / 2020 Dr. Susannah Brown Fall / 2020
CCEI Christina Joan Cavallaro Using Culturally Sustaining Systemic Functional Linguistics-Informed Lessons to Support Emergent Bilingual Students’ Academic Languaging Dr. Sabrina F. Sembiante Fall / 2020
ELRM Kim-Le Thuy Downes An Examination of Self-Directed Learning Readiness and Academic Achievement Among Community College Students Enrolled in Student Success Courses Dr. Valerie C. Bryan Fall / 2020
ELRM David D. Edris Identifying Strategies for Preparing and Supporting Florida College Students in eLearning: Case Study of a Florida Public State College’s Student Success in eLearning Dr. Valerie C. Bryan Fall / 2020
ELRM Corinth M. Evans The Intersection of Queerly Leading: Lived Experiences of K-12 Queer School Leaders Dr. Meredith Mountford Fall / 2020
ELRM Lydia Bartram Leadership Characteristics of Guatemalan Public Pre-Primary School Leaders: A Case Study in an Area North of Guatemala City Dr. Meredith Mountford Fall / 2020
ELRM Leslie Judd What’s School Got to Do With It? Perceptions of the Educational Experiences of Youth Who Have Experienced Interruptions to their Public School Education Dr. Meredith Mountford Fall / 2020
CCEI Jatiel Infanzon The Effects of End-of-Course Examinations on Teachers’ Lived Experiences Dr. Dilys Schoorman Summer / 2020
ELRM Roy Kaplan How Does Attending the Appreciative Advising Institute Influence Academic Advisor Wellbeing Dr. Jennifer L. Bloom Summer / 2020
ELRM Maria Calzadilla Tracy A Principal’s Perspective: Instructional Leadership in the 21st Century Dr. Robert Shockley Summer / 2020
ELRM Joseph E. Holcombe Breaking the Mold: Implementing Radical Innovation at the District and School Levels Dr. Robert Shockley Summer / 2020
ELRM Jennifer M. Coisson Resetting the Course for Probationary Students: A Case Study of the Access Program at Florida Atlantic University Dr. Jennifer L. Bloom Summer / 2020
ELRM Shernette D. Dunn Factors Predicting the Estimated Success of Culturally Diverse Students in Online Courses in Post-Secondary Education Dr. Valerie Bryan Summer / 2020
CCEI Helen Denise Breitkreuz Impact of Flipped Classroom Model on Student Learning Outcomes for University Fitness/Wellness Learners Dr. Mary G. Lieberman Spring / 2020
CE Kathryn Bosso* The Effects of Mindfulness Training on BDNF Levels, Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Levels of College Students Dr. Greg Brigman Spring / 2020
ELRM Mary E. Albritton Millennial Alumni Giving: Motivations for Donating to Their Alma Mater Dr. Ira Bogotch & Dr. Deborah L. Floyd Spring / 2020
ELRM Qingqing Chui Sustainability Performance in American Higher Education: A Multiple Case Study of Four Exemplary Institutions that Participated in the Sustainability Tracking, Assessment & Rating System Dr. Deborah Floyd & Dr. Patricia Maslin Ostrowski Spring / 2020
CCEI Jillian Berson The Impact of Female English Language Arts Teachers' Intersectionality on Pedagogy Dr. Traci P. Baxley Fall / 2019
CCEI Kevin Leichtman Burnout: The Devastating Impact on a New Teacher Dr. Traci P. Baxley Fall / 2019
CCEI Rebecca K. Lewis Perceptions, Practices, and Policies: Middle and High School Teachers and Transgender Students Dr. Traci P. Baxley Fall / 2019
CCEI Deborah King McEwan The Perspectives of Black Church Leaders on Their Roles in the Empowerment of Black Male Students Dr. Dilys Schoorman Fall / 2019
CCEI Sherrie Blisko Sacharow Information Literacy: A Pathway to Success for Florida College Learners Dr. Sabrina Sembiante & Dr. Michelle Vaughan Fall / 2019
CE Alison B. Bourdeau Quantitative Analysis of Adult Social Group Participations on Autism Symptomology, Social Skills, and Loneliness Dr. Elizabeth Villares Fall / 2019
CE Tiffany E. Vastardis* Developing the Covert Traumatic Experience Scale (CoTES): A Retrospective Early Psychosocial Trauma Assessment Tool Dr. Carman S. Gill Fall / 2019
ELRM Amgad Hirmina The Engagement Practices of Teachers in a Select Elementary School of Palm Beach County: Qualitative Study Dr. Valerie Bryan Fall / 2019
ELRM Kelly Marie Roy How Full-Time Working Professionals Navigate and Complete a Doctoral Program in a Timely Manner Dr. Jennifer L. Bloom Fall / 2019
ELRM Bridget Statler Smith A Mindfulness Meditation Intervention to Decrease Stress, Anxiety, and Depression Among Medical and Premedical Students Dr. Jennifer L. Bloom & Dr. Michael DeDonno Fall / 2019
ELRM Ethan C. Swingle Up, Down, and All-Around: The Swirling-Transfer Student Athlete Experience at Athletic State University Dr. Cristobal Salinas Jr. Fall / 2019
ELRM David George Tomanio Community Colleges’ Transition to Offering Baccalaureate Degrees: A Case Study of the Impact on Human Resources Dr. Deborah L. Floyd & Dr. Cristobal Salinas Jr. Fall / 2019
ELRM Amy L. Varo-Haub Transitional Turbulence: The Relationship Between Organizational Culture, Power, and an Incoming Principal Dr. Patricia Maslin-Ostrowski Fall / 2019
CE Cindy Khan-Jordan The Effects of Motivational Interviewing on Minority Clients in Vocational Rehabilitation Dr. Michael Frain Summer / 2019
ELRM Kayla C. Elliott The Influence of State Performance-Based Funding on Public Historically Black Colleges and Universities: A Case Study of Race and Power Dr. Jarrett B. Warshaw Summer / 2019
ELRM Olivia Shand The Impact of Florida Senate Bill 1720 on Student Performance in Mathematics Dr. Robert Shockley Summer / 2019
ELRM Debra S. Vance Noelk The Power of People: How Grassroots Movements Inspire Change in School Communities Dr. Meredith L. Mountford Summer / 2019
ESE Noelle K. Balsamo An Evaluation of a Parent-Delivered Dialogic Reading Intervention in the Home with Young Children with Autism Dr. Mary Louise Duffy & Dr. Charles Dukes Summer / 2019
ESE Maureen M. Carson Personal and School Related Factors Predicting Resilience in Students With Learning Disabilities Dr. Charles Dukes Summer / 2019
ESHP Trevor K. Johnson Acute Response of Neuroprotective Associated Biomarkers to Various Compound Resistance Exercises in Well-Trained Men Dr. Michael C. Zourdos Summer / 2019
CCEI Linda Kim Gordon Developing Empathetic Responses in Third-Grade Students Through Multicultural Literature Dr. Dilys Schoorman Spring / 2019
CCEI Brett Scaglione Transitions into Instructorship as Seen Through the Eyes of Experience Accelerated Freefall Training Skydiving Instructors Dr. Michelle Vaughan & Dr. Traci P. Baxley Spring / 2019
CE Vassilia Binensztok The Influence of Reflective Practice on the Case Conceptualization Competence of Counselor Trainees Dr. Len T. Sperry Spring / 2019
CE Olga M. Rocha Assessing the Relationship Between Client Outcomes, Counselors’ Perceived Importance of Rehabilitation Knowledge, and Counselors’ Education Level in Florida Dr. Elizabeth Villares Spring / 2019
CE Scott L. Lipp The Effects of Case Conceptualization Training and Deliberate Practice Coaching on Counselor Competence Dr. Len T. Sperry Spring / 2019
ELRM Patricia Berchiolli A Quantitative Longitudinal Study Using Astin’s I-E-O Model to Predict Stem Versus Non-Stem Major Choice Among Women Dr. Dianne A. Wright Spring / 2019
ELRM Shireen Lalla West Indian Immigrant Women: The Higher Education Lived Experiences of Undergraduate and Graduate Students at Florida Atlantic University Dr. Deborah L. Floyd & Dr. Patricia Maslin-Ostrowski Spring / 2019
ELRM Nadine L. Leblanc Caribbean Immigrant Women in Educational Leadership: Over Hills and Valleys Too Dr. Valerie C. Bryan Spring / 2019
ELRM Jennifer Pollack Percival A Phenomenological Exploration of Familiar Entrepreneurship as an Employment Option for Individuals with Developmental Disabilities Dr. Valerie C. Bryan Spring / 2019
ELRM Jorge Segovia Bonet Why Parents Choose Non-Denominational Private Schools For Their Children: Preferences in International Settings Dr. Daniel Reyes-Guerra Spring / 2019
ELRM Stephanie D. Taylor A Qualitative Exploratory Single Case Study of Faculty of a College of Business: Attitudes, Perceptions, and Concerns Related to Distance Learning Dr. Dianne Wright Spring / 2019
ESE Gwendolyn C. Carey The Effect of the Mentoring Experience on the Mentors of College Students with Intellectual Disabilities Dr. Mary Louise Duffy Spring / 2019
CCEI Jennifer Mulhall Perspectives of Florida Middle School Social Studies Teachers Regarding the Impact of High-Stakes Testing on Their Instructional Choices and Resulting Student Learning Dr. Dilys Schoorman Fall / 2018
CE Irene LeBlanc Canfield The Impact of Social Support and Stigmatization Upon the Wellness of Females Diagnosed with a Substance Use Disorder Dr. Carman Gill Fall / 2018
CE Karrol-Jo Lee Foster Fostering Resilience for Adults with Substance Use Disorder: A Clinical Study of an Integrative Group Model Dr. Carman Gill Fall / 2018
CE Anna Katharine Owens A Meta-Analysis of School Counselor-Led Interventions on Social-Emotional Skills and Competence for Middle and High School Students Dr. Elizabeth Villares Fall / 2018
ELRM Bashayer Aleisa An Investigation of Kindergarten Teachers’ Attitudes, Knowledge, and Reported Practices Regarding Teacher Leadership in the State of Kuwait Dr. Ira Bogotch Fall / 2018
ELRM Angela R. Fulton Examining the Effectiveness of Turnaround Models in Florida Public Schools Dr. Robert Shockley Fall / 2018
ELRM Shernette D. Grant Examining the Impact of a Leadership Team’s Cognitive and Behavioral Agility on Student Achievement in Broward County Middle Schools Dr. Daniel Reyes-Guerra & Dr. John Pisapia Fall / 2018
ELRM Jacob R. Hidrowoh Shaping the Leaders of Tomorrow: An Assessment of Intergenerational Perceptions of Leadership Traits Dr. Robert Shockley Fall / 2018
ELRM Nancy Rich The University Journey of Stem Transfer Students Dr. Meredith Mountford Fall / 2018
ELRM Tania Renee Tucker Global-Mindedness in Study Abroad Professionals Dr. Ira Bogotch Fall / 2018
ESE Brianna M. Joseph The Effects of an 8-Week Zumba Program for Adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Dr. Cynthia L. Wilson & Dr. Mary Louise Duffy Fall / 2018
CCEI Tammy Hoffman Factors that Contribute to Healthy Professional Relationships and a Positive Perception of School Climate in Christian Schools Dr. Ira Bogotch & Dr. Michelle Vaughan Summer / 2018
CCEI Anala Leichtman Creating Spaces for Culturally Responsive Pedagogy Amidst Standards Driven Curriculum in Secondary School English/Language Arts Classes Dr. Dilys Schoorman Summer / 2018
ELRM Bernice Bain The Relationship Between Undergraduate Instructor Self-Concept and the Degree of Prosocial Behavior Exhibited by Instructors to Online Undergraduate Business First Year Students Dr. Valerie Bryan Summer / 2018
ELRM Washington B. Collado Supportive Programs in Synergistic Middle and High Schools to Increase Engagement and Prevent Students from Dropping Out Dr. Patricia Maslin-Ostrowski & Dr. Daniel Reyes-Guerra Summer / 2018
ELRM Oren Hertz Student Perception of Professors’ Teaching Attributed in Post-Secondary Hospitality Management Degree Programs Dr. Valerie Bryan Summer / 2018
ESE Jennifer A. Agganis Teaching Adolescents and Young Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders How to Respond to Social Media Lures Dr. Charles Dukes Summer / 2018
ESE Kalynn Hall Pistorio An Examination of Literacy Based Behavioral Interventions Delivered in Small Groups to Young Children Dr. Michael Brady Summer / 2018
ESE Kelly B. Kearney Using an Instructional Package to Teach Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation with Automated External Defibrillator to College Students with Developmental Disabilities Dr. Charles Dukes Summer / 2018
ESHP Daniel J. Belcher Time-Course of Muscle Damage and Performance Fatigue in the Squat, Bench Press, and Deadlift in Resistance Trained Men Dr. Michael C. Zourdos Summer / 2018
ESHP Joseph P. Carzoli The Effects of Eccentric Phase Duration on Concentric Outcomes in the Squat and Bench Press Dr. Michael C. Zourdos Summer / 2018
ESHP Hector G. Paez Myokine Cathepsin B Expression with Exercise Training in the 3xTg-AD Murine Model of Alzheimer’s Disease Dr. Andy V. Khamoui Summer / 2018
ESHP Gabriel S. Pena Effects of Resistance and Aerobic Training of IGF-1 and BDNF Expression in a Murine Model of Alzheimer’s Disease Dr. Michael Whitehurst Summer / 2018
ESHP Colby Sousa Assessment of Accuracy of Intra-Set Rating of Perceived Exertion in the Squat, Bench Press, and Deadlift Dr. Michael C. Zourdos Summer / 2018
CCEI Eliana Carvalho Mukherjee Going Global in Costa Rica: A Mixed Method Study Examining Teachers of the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program and Its Growth in a Developing Country Dr. Traci P. Baxley Spring / 2018
CCEI Lascelia Cadienne Dacres Middle Grades (6-8) Reading Teachers’ Beliefs Regarding the State’s Academic Reading Standards, Curriculum Materials, and Instructional Practices Dr. Traci P. Baxley Spring / 2018
CCEI Brian M. McMahon Examining Student Level Variables as Predictors for On-Time High School Cohort Graduation Dr. Sabrina Sembiante Spring / 2018
CCEI Jennifer Malhoyt-Lee Precursors of Sexualization: Perspectives of Mothers and Female Teachers Regarding the Influence of the Media on 4-Year-Old Girls’ Gender Identity Development Dr. Roberta Weber Spring / 2018
CCEI Jennifer Mulhall Perspectives of Florida Middle School Social Studies Teachers Regarding the Impact of High-Stakes Testing on Their Instructional Choices and Resulting Student Learning Dr. Dilys Schoorman Spring / 2018
CCEI Kristen Perez Influence of Subject Taught (STEM), Title I, and Grade Level of Instruction for Components in an Effective Professional Development Design Dr. David Devraj Kumar Spring / 2018
CCEI Jacqueline Marie Rushing Young Children in Foster Care: A Phenomenological Study of Early Childhood Teachers’ Experiences Dr. Yash Bhagwanji Spring / 2018
CCEI Leigh Scruggs A Comparative Analysis of Required Continuing Education in Florida SB1108 and Teacher Self-Efficacy for Inclusion Dr. Roberta K. Weber Spring / 2018
CE Ellen K. Chance The Effects of the Ready for Success Classroom Guidance Program on the Social-Emotional Skills and Competence, Reading Proficiency, and Promotion Rate of Third-Grade Students Dr. Elizabeth Villares Spring / 2018
ELRM William Willett Ballard Student Perception of Online Instructors at a Florida Public University Dr. Robert Shockley Spring / 2018
ELRM Stanford E. Ford A Qualitative Examination of Strategic Planning and Process Improvement in Public Universities: Dynamics of the Relationship to State Funding, Competition, and Undergraduate Degree Completion Dr. Dianne A. Wright Spring / 2018
ELRM Carletha B. Shaw The Relationships Among the Behavioral Agility of School Leadership Teams, Culture, and Performance Dr. Robert Shockley & Dr. John D. Morris Spring / 2018
ELRM Jonathan A. Sweet Predicting Undergraduate Student Course Success in a Lecture Capture Quantitative Methods Course Dr. Michael DeDonno Spring / 2018
CCEI Janny Crespo The Social Construction of Teachers and The Teaching Profession Among Florida State Legislators From 1984 to 2015 Dr. Roberta K. Weber Fall / 2017
CCEI Gisselle Gutierrez Technology. Textbooks, and Mathematics: Perceptions of Online Math Homework from Traditional High School Students Enrolled at Private Schools Dr. Roberta K. Weber Fall / 2017
CCEI Ramonia R. Rochester A Critical Comparative Study of Media Literacy in Australia, England, and the United States Dr. Emery Hyslop-Margison & Dr. Traci P. Baxley Fall / 2017
CCEI Jillian Wojcik The Relationship Between Sense of Belonging and Instructor Self-Efficacy Among Online Adjunct Faculty in Higher Education Dr. Roberta K. Weber Fall / 2017
CCEI Eleonora Yankelevich Teacher Perceptions of Technology Integration Professional Development in a 1:1 Chromebook Environment Dr. Roberta K. Weber Fall / 2017
CE Andrew Z. Baker Examining Affectual Interaction Within the Therapeutic Relationship Across Three Psychotherapeutic Theoretical Approaches Dr. Paul R. Peluso Fall / 2017
CE Patricia M. Diaz Mastery in the Therapeutic Relationship: Comparing the Emotional Behavior of a Master Therapist with Professional Therapists and Its Impact on Their Clients Dr. Paul R. Peluso Fall / 2017
CE Summer Perhay Kuba The Effect of Participation in the Ready to Learn Program on Kindergarten Students’ Pro-Social Behavior, Self-Regulation, Reading Performance, and Teachers’ Perception of Classroom Climate Dr. Elizabeth Villares Fall / 2017
CE Ayse Torres* The Impact of Motivational Interviewing Training on Rehabilitation Counselors: Assessing Working Alliance and Client Engagement. A Randomized Controlled Trial Dr. Michael Frain Fall / 2017
ELRM Tracy N. Baker The Impact of Undergraduate Research Participation on Research Self-Efficacy Dr. Michael DeDonno Fall / 2017
ELRM Katie Gale Burke Closing the Loop: Student Leader Perceptions of Their Leadership Development at a State University Dr. Deborah L. Floyd Fall / 2017
ELRM Aarika C. Camp The Wicked Decision Maker: A Collective Case Study of Senior Student Affairs Officers Responding to At-Risk Student Retention Dr. Eliah Watlington & Dr. John Pisapia Fall / 2017
ELRM Gisela M. Diaz Time Orientation and Ability to Envision the Distant Future of Higher Education in a Community College Setting Dr. Valerie C. Bryan Fall / 2017
ELRM Suzanne M. Duff A Comparative Look at Student and Faculty Perceptions of Professors at a State College Dr. Valerie C. Bryan Fall / 2017
ELRM Althia Ellis The Influence of Cultural Intelligence (CQ) on Faculty Leadership Dr. Valerie C. Bryan Fall / 2017
ELRM Gianna Ramdin A Quantitative Analysis of Green-Building Features Incorporated in LEED-Certified Campus Buildings Dr. Dianne A. Wright Fall / 2017
ELRM Emily Alice Sacks Communicative Leadership During Organizational Change: A Case Study of a New University President’s Change-Initiative Team Dr. Robert Shockley & Dr. John Pisapia Fall / 2017
ELRM Waweise J. Schmidt African-American Leaders in the Field of Science: A Template for Overcoming Obstacles Dr. Valerie Bryan Fall / 2017
ELRM Mike Sfiropoulos College Professors as Classroom Leaders: Strategic Thinking Capacity, Leader Influence Actions, and Classroom Performance Dr. Daniel Reyes-Guerra Fall / 2017
ELRM Merris A. Smith Lives in Transition: The Impact of Career and Technical Education on Under-Served High School Students’ Career Growth and Development Dr. Patricia Maslin-Ostrowski Fall / 2017
ELRM Elyse A. Steiner Science Comprehension vs. Cultural Cognition as Predictors of Climate Change Risk Perception Dr. Valerie Bryan Fall / 2017
ESE Jazarae K. McCormick A Curriculum-Based Alternative Value-Added Model for Special Education Teacher Preparation Programs Dr. Michael P. Brady Fall / 2017
ESE Lindsey L. Wahlbrink Use of an iPhone to Enhance Interpersonal Daily Living Skills in the Community for Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder Dr. Charles Dukes Fall / 2017
ESE Melody M. Wright Self-Determination in College Programs for Students with Intellectual Disabilities Dr. Mary Louise Duffy Fall / 2017
CE Cheryl L. Bottini The Effects of the Student Success Skills Classroom Program on Self-Regulation, School Attendance, and Test Anxiety on Hispanic Fifth-Grade Students Dr. Greg Brigman Summer / 2017
ELRM James C. Campbell A Model for Improving Teacher Engagement Through Administrative Support Dr. Ira Bogotch Summer / 2017
ELRM Marlena B. Coco Factors That Predict Marijuana Use and Grade Point Average Among Undergraduate College Students Dr. Frankie Santos Laanan Summer / 2017
ELRM Ginger Lea Featherstone Principal Leader Actions and Their Influence on School Culture and Performance Dr. John R. Pisapia Summer / 2017
ELRM Mary K. White The Effect of Teacher Cognitive and Behavioral Agility on Student Achievement Dr. John R. Pisapia Summer / 2017
ESE Christine Honsberger Increasing Language Use in Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder Dr. Rangasamy Ramasamy Summer / 2017
ESE Kathleen M. Randolph The Impact of iCoaching on Teacher-Delivered Opportunities to Respond Dr. Mary Lou Duffy Summer / 2017
ESHP Daniel M. Cooke Relationship Between Anthropometric Measurements and Average Concentric Velocity in the Back Squat Dr. Michael C. Zourdos Summer / 2017
ESHP Brandon G. Fico The Comparison of High-Intensity Interval Exercise vs. Continuous Moderate Exercise on C1q/TNF-Related Protein-9 Expression and Flow-Mediated Vasodilation in Obese Individuals Dr. Chun-Jung Huang Summer / 2017
ESHP Peter J. Ferrandi Circulating Cell-Free DNA and Interleukin-6 Expression Following Acute High-Intensity Interval Exercise in Obesity Dr. Chun-Jung Huang Summer / 2017
ESHP Michael H. Haischer Relationship Between Psychological Factors and Acute Strength Task Performance Dr. Michael C. Zourdos Summer / 2017
ELRM Jaclyn Nicole Falcone For Pets’ Sake: Is There a Need for Dog Safety Community Education? Dr. Valerie Bryan Spring / 2017
ELRM Elizabeth C. Jekanowski District Leadership and Systemic Inclusion: A Case Study of One Inclusive and Effective School District Dr. Patricia Maslin-Ostrowski Spring / 2017
ELRM Ruth E. Pacheco The Fork in the Road: Determining Factors for Diverse Students Choosing a Non-Profit, Open-Access Institution Versus a For-Profit, Open-Access Institution Dr. Frankie Santos Laanan & Dr. Patricia Maslin-Ostrowski Spring / 2017
ELRM Cheryl A. Shields-Proctor The Relationship Between Mandatory 3rd Grade Retention and School Performance in Florida Dr. Daniel Reyes-Guerra Spring / 2017
ELRM Jeannette S. Sullivan The Relationship Between Mcgregor’s Leadership Theory and Happiness Among Higher Educational Leaders Dr. Patricia Maslin-Ostrowski Spring / 2017
ELRM Bryan L. Wilkins Teacher Perspectives on the Marzano Teacher Evaluation Model During Year One of Implementation Dr. Meredith Mountford Spring / 2017
ESHP Mary Jansen Relationships Between Diet and Physical Activity Lifestyle Factors and Body Composition, Waist Circumference, and Body Mass Index in Postmenopausal Women Dr. Robert Zoeller Spring / 2017
CCEI Dominic Grasso Elementary School Teachers’ Perceptions Regarding the Inclusion of LGBTQ Themed Literature Dr. Traci P. Baxley Fall / 2016
CCEI David A. Mann Preparing Pre-service Teachers to Educate Emerging Bilingual Students: A Textual Analysis of Teacher Education Curriculum in Elementary-Level Language Arts Methods Textbooks Dr. Dilys Schoorman Fall / 2016
CCEI Christopher Mimbs Here, Let Me Show You: The Use of Senior Exhibitions in Conjunction with Traditional Assessments Dr. Roberta K. Weber Fall / 2016
CCEI Christina L. Seamster Approaching Authentic Assessment: Using Virtual School Teachers’ Expertise to Develop an Understanding of Full Time K-8 Virtual School Teacher Practices Dr. Roberta K. Weber Fall / 2016
CCEI Mario J. Toussaint The Impact of “Real World” Experiences Through Academic Service Learning on Students’ Success Rate, Attitudes, and Motivation in Intermediate Algebra at a Public University Dr. Joseph M. Furner Fall / 2016
CE Robert R. Freund Assessing Processes of Connection and Development in Observations of the Therapeutic Relationship Dr. Paul R. Peluso Fall / 2016
CE George Stoupas The Effects of Case Conceptualization Training Over Time and Its Relationship to Practitioner Attitudes Towards Evidence-Based Practice Dr. Len Sperry Fall / 2016
ELRM Nasim Alavi Adult Learners’ Preferred Methods of Learning Preventative Heart Disease Care Dr. Valerie Bryan Fall / 2016
ELRM Lisa A. Samuda Byard Was I Ready? The Perceptions of Preparedness of New Student Affairs Professionals Who Served as Graduate Assistants Dr. Frankie Santos Laanan Fall / 2016
ELRM Paul-Arthur Pierre-Louis Exploring the College Choice and Sense of Belonging of Haitian Students at a Highly Selective HBCU Dr. Frankie Santos Laanan Fall / 2016
ELRM Rina Pomerantz The Relationship Between the Self-Efficacy of Monolingual and Bilingual Undergraduate College Students and Their Academic Achievement in Science and Math Dr. Valerie C. Bryan Fall / 2016
ELRM Michael Warkentien Teachers as Strategic Classroom Leaders: The Relationship of Their Cognitive and Behavioral Agility to Student Outcomes and Performance Evaluations Dr. John Pisapia Fall / 2016
CCEI Courtney Beers Early Childhood Preservice Teachers’ Knowledge of Children’s Cognitive Development and Developmentally Appropriate Pedagogical Practices: Understanding the Role of Clinical Experiences Dr. Yash Bhagwanji Summer / 2016
CCEI Allison S. Berger Going on the Grid: Secondary Teachers’ Implementation of Mobile Handheld Devices as Instructional Tools Dr. Roberta K. Weber Summer / 2016
CCEI Andrew D. Binder Fostering Creativity Using Special Library Collections: A Case Study of The Arthur & Mata Jaffe Center for the Book Arts Dr. Roberta K. Weber Summer / 2016
CCEI Deborah Melchers Ferris Missed Opportunities and Connection in Teacher Learning Dr. Emery Hyslop-Margison & Dr. Roberta K. Weber Summer / 2016
CCEI Eva M. Frank Simulation for a Continuing Professional Education Course: Examining the Learning Gains and Perceptions of Athletic Trainers Dr. Roberta K. Weber Summer / 2016
CCEI Christine N. Rodriguez Teacher Expertise in Motion: A Theory of the Synergistic Gears That Shape and Sustain Teacher Expertise Dr. Emery Hyslop-Margison Summer / 2016
CCEI Jared C. Svendsen Possible Futures for Teacher Education Programs: A Meta-Theory Orientation Dr. Ira Bogotch & Dr. Dilys Schoorman Summer / 2016
CCEI Kathryn A. Wolfe Aspiring to a Higher Education: Students’ Perception of Christian Campus Culture at Selected Christian Universities and Colleges Dr. Roberta K. Weber Summer / 2016
CE Clifford Henry Mack, Jr. Grade 5 African American Student Self Regulation, Test Anxiety and School Attendance Dr. Greg Brigman Summer / 2016
CE Sheresa L. T. Fairclough The Effects of the Student Success Skills Program on the Behavioral and Cognitive Engagement of Grade 5 Exceptional Student Education Students Dr. Elizabeth Villares Summer / 2016
ELRM Matias Arellano Managed Discourse: Legitimizing Principal Identity and Agency Dr. Meredith L. Mountford Summer / 2016
ELRM Ducarmel S. Augustin An Examination of Academic Performance of Haitian-Creole and Spanish Speaking English Language Learners Based on the Number of Years in the English Language Learners Program Dr. Patricia Maslin-Ostrowski Summer / 2016
ELRM Wade Berstler Historians of 19th Century Baseball: Exploring Their Experiences Regarding Their Avocation Dr. Valerie Bryan Summer / 2016
ELRM Kristin Maria Brittain Self-Directed Learning and the Lupus Patient: Using Adult Education Strategies to Actively Cope with Chronic Illness Dr. Valerie Bryan Summer / 2016
ELRM Einav Cabrera The Quest for Charter School Enrollment: Reported Innovations and Student Achievement Dr. Patricia Maslin-Ostrowski Summer / 2016
ESHP Jacob Goldsmith Validity of Linear Position Transducers Versus the Optotrak Certus 3D Motion Capture System Dr. Michael C. Zourdos Summer / 2016
ESHP Arun Maharaj The Effect of Maximal Aerobic Exercise on Plasma BDNF and BDNF Expression in PBMCS in Obese and Non-Obese Subjects Dr. Michael Whitehurst Summer / 2016
CCEI Audrita G. Drayton A Case Study of the Reported Use of Metacognitive Reading Strategies by Postsecondary Instructors of Developmental Reading Courses with Struggling Adult Readers to Increase Comprehension Dr. Traci P. Baxley Spring / 2016
CCEI Michael Francis Investigating Approaches to Media Literacy: An Analysis of Media Literacy Organizations Dr. Emery Hyslop-Margison Spring / 2016
CCEI Karen Walter An Analysis of High-Performing Science Students’ Preparation for Collegiate Science Courses Dr. Roberta K. Weber Spring / 2016
CE Laura J. Cohen The Impact of Ready to Learn, A School Counselor-Led Intervention, on Pro-Social Skills and Reading Skills of First Grade Students Dr. Greg Brigman Spring / 2016
ELRM Anelle Shanna Jayd Alfred The Impact of Shifting Funding Levels on the Institutional Effectiveness of Historically Black Colleges and Universities Dr. Dianne A. Wright Spring / 2016
ELRM Keith G. Feit* Improving School Performance: Leader Autonomy and Entrepreneurial Orientation Dr. John R. Pisapia Spring / 2016
ELRM Jamonique K. Harrison Predicting Graduation Rates at Non-Residential Research Universities Dr. Deborah L. Floyd & Dr. Frankie Santos Laanan Spring / 2016
ELRM Joaquin G. Martinez Teacher Education Students at Miami Dade College: Perceptions of High Impact Practices Dr. Deborah L. Floyd & Dr. Patricia Maslin-Ostrowski Spring / 2016
ELRM Miguel A. Montanez Martinez, III Multiple Measures as a Placement Instrument in Mathematics at Florida State Colleges Dr. Deborah L. Floyd & Dr. John D. Morris Spring / 2016
ELRM Maria Eugenia Osorio An Assessment of Leadership Practice in High Schools: Improving Graduation Rates Dr. Patricia Maslin-Ostrowski & Dr. Ira Bogotch Spring / 2016
ESE Kerri Morse Enhancing Independent Task Performance of Individuals with Developmental Disabilities Through the Use of an iPad Application Dr. Charles Dukes Spring / 2016
CCEI Fernando Antunez The Effectiveness of the National Board Certification on the Advanced Placement Calculus AB Exam Dr. Joseph M. Furner Fall / 2015
CCEI Martha A. Brown Talking in Circles: A Mixed Methods Study of School-Wide Restorative Practices in Two Urban Middle Schools Dr. Gail Burnaford Fall / 2015
CCEI Mirynne O’Connor Igualada The Beliefs of Advanced Placement Teachers Regarding Equity and Access to Advanced Placement Courses: A Mixed-Methods Study Dr. Dilys Schoorman Fall / 2015
CCEI Alise O’Brien Perceptions of Academic Resilience Among Teachers and Twelfth Grade Adolescent Girls Dr. Gail E. Burnaford Fall / 2015
CCEI Cheryl Shamon Responding to the Florida Teacher Standards for the English as a Second Language Endorsement: A Study of Elementary Preservice Teachers’ Perceptions Dr. Hanizah Zainuddin Fall / 2015
CCEI Kristin L. Shealy Impact of Collaborative Work Analysis Professional Development on Teacher Practice and Student Writing Dr. Gail E. Burnaford Fall / 2015
CCEI Simone Tuinhof de Moed Exploring Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Voices: A Critical Case Study with Middle School Students Dr. Gail E. Burnaford Fall / 2015
CE Anthony G. Foster An Investigation of the Program Curriculum Leading to Successful Sobriety in a Substance Abuse Residential Treatment Center in Florida Dr. Elizabeth Villares Fall / 2015
ELRM Laura Antczak Community College Baccalaureate Transitions in Florida: Student Affairs’ Perspectives Dr. Deborah L. Floyd & Dr. Patricia Maslin-Ostrowski Fall / 2015
ELRM David Christopher Atwell Digital Edification: An Analysis of Technology Readiness and Concept of Ability in the School District of Palm Beach County K-12 School Leaders Dr. Victor C. X. Wang Fall / 2015
ELRM Lulrick Balzora An Examination of African-American Male Awareness of and Application to Honors Programs Dr. Dianne A. Wright Fall / 2015
ELRM Stephen R. Johnson Concurrent Enrollment and Academic Performance of Community College English Language Learners Dr. Deborah L. Floyd & Dr. Ira E. Bogotch Fall / 2015
ELRM Adam Miller Florida’s School Choice Policies and Democracy: Origins and Destinations Dr. Meredith L. Mountford Fall / 2015
ELRM Lori Miller The Perceived Impact of Technology-Based Informal Learning on Membership Organizations Dr. Valerie C. Bryan Fall / 2015
ELRM Mohammad Ilyas Globalization and Higher Education in Florida’s State University System Dr. Ira E. Bogotch Fall / 2015
ELRM Karen D. Pain The Impact of Voluntary Remediation on Gateway Course Success and Minority and Low-income Students in Florida Colleges Dr. Deborah L. Floyd & Dr. Patricia Maslin-Ostrowski Fall / 2015
CCEI Jill A. East Writing, Elementary Teachers, and English Language Learners: A Case Study of Teacher Reported Pedagogical Knowledge and Collaborative Inquiry in a Title 1 School Dr. Gail Burnaford Summer / 2015
CCEI Kalisha A. Waldon* Black Adolescents’ Critical Encounters with Media and the Counteracting Possibilities of Critical Media Literacy Dr. Dilys Schoorman Summer / 2015
CE Michael C. Kane The Effect of Student Participation in Student Success Skills on The Academic Behaviors and Key Learning Skills and Techniques Associated with College-Career Readiness Dr. Greg Brigman Summer / 2015
CE Christina Ladd The Effect of Case Conceptualization Training on Counselor Competence and the Influence of Self-Efficacy Dr. Len Sperry Summer / 2015
ELRM Teeranai (Nong) Ovathanasin Perceived Job Satisfaction of Resident Assistants in Student Housing at Three Florida Public Universities Dr. Deborah L. Floyd & Dr. John D. Morris Summer / 2015
ELRM Karen Marie Fay An Analysis of the Leadership Competencies of Specialized Nonprofit Management Degree Programs Dr. Valerie C. Bryan Summer / 2015
ESHP Rocky Blanco Temporal Response of Creatine Kinase and Fibroblast Growth Factor-21 to High and Low Repetition Resistance Training Dr. Michael C. Zourdos Summer / 2015
ESHP Chad Dolan The Influence of Time-Equated Training Programs on Muscle Hypertrophy, Strength, and Body Composition Dr. Michael C. Zourdos Summer / 2015
ESHP Justin M. Quiles Acute and Temporal Response of Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor and Interleukin-6 to High and Low Repetition Resistance Training Programs Dr. Michael C. Zourdos Summer / 2015
CCEI Kyla L. Williams A Critical Analysis of First Generation Black Male College Students’ Perceptions of Their Preparation for College Level Mathematics Dr. Dilys Schoorman Spring / 2015
CCEI Karen Cook Understanding How National Board Certified Secondary Mathematics Teachers Integrate Academic and Social Knowledge of Students into Their Practice Dr. Gail Burnaford Spring / 2015
CCEI Rebecca A. Hamilton Multicultural Education and High School English Teachers: A Teacher Awareness Study Dr. Roberta K. Weber Spring / 2015
CE Jenny L. Chien The Relationship of Perceived Stress, Religious Coping Styles, and Mental Health Symptoms in University Students Dr. Len Sperry Spring / 2015
ELRM Lauren Adamo The Influence of University Student Leader’s Cognitive and Behavioral Agility on Organizational Member Commitment Dr. John Pisapia Spring / 2015
ELRM Carolyn Siniscalchi Bogaski A Private School Leadership Perspective on Highly Qualified Middle School Science Teachers Dr. Patricia Maslin-Ostrowski Spring / 2015
ELRM Rivka Aliza Felsher Policy Entrepreneurship: A Descriptive Portrait of Higher Education Leaders Dr. John Pisapia Spring / 2015
ELRM Barbara June Rodriguez An Examination of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges’ Quality Enhancement Plans at Two Institutions Through the Lens of Quality Improvement Dr. Deborah L. Floyd & Dr. Patricia Maslin-Ostrowski Spring / 2015
ELRM Faith Gordon Transformational Learning and Self-Efficacy: An Investigation into their Role in Prophylactic Mastectomy Dr. Valerie C. Bryan Spring / 2015
ELRM Edwiygh Franck The Analysis of Barriers and Motivators of Early Care and Education English as a Second Language Students Enrolled in a State College Customized ECE ESL Course Dr. Valerie C. Bryan Spring / 2015
ESE Jessica Cadette The Effectiveness of Direct Instruction in Teaching Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders to Answer “Wh-” Questions Dr. Cynthia L. Wilson Spring / 2015
ESE Toby Honsberger Teaching Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder Safe Pedestrian Skills Using Video Modeling with in SITU Video Prompting Dr. Cynthia L. Wilson Spring / 2015
ESE Elisa M. Cruz-Torres Promoting Daily Living Skills for Adolescents With Autism Spectrum Disorders via Parent Delivery of Video Prompting on the iPad Dr. Mary Louise Duffy Spring / 2015
ESHP Elizabeth Smith Pittinger The Effect of Menopausal Status on Substrate Utilization in Younger Women During Submaximal Exercise Dr. Robert Zoeller Spring / 2015
CCEI Vikaash Moosai Elementary School Teachers’ Perceptions of Bullying and Anti-Bullying Curriculum: A Qualitative Case Study Dr. Emery Hyslop-Margison & Dr. Roberta K. Weber Fall / 2014
CCEI Susan Hyatt Creativity in an Arts Integrated Third Space: A Case Study of Elementary School Students in an International Collaboration Dr. Gail Burnaford Fall / 2014
CE Melissa Rose Renda The Effect of a Student Achievement Curriculum on Grade 9 Completion Rate and Student Engagement Dr. Greg Brigman Fall / 2014
CE Randi J. Schietz The Effect of Participation in the “Girl Talk” Program on Easing the Transition to Middle School Dr. Elizabeth Villares  Fall / 2014
ELRM Idell McLaughlin-Jones* Transformational Experience of African American Women: Their Critical Reflections as Former Migrants Who Evolved from Harvest of Shame to Seeds of Hope Dr. Valerie Bryan Fall / 2014
ELRM Heidi Louisy An Exploratory Multiple Case Study of Succession Planning for Higher Education Community Engagement Practitioners in Selected Higher Education Institutions in the Southeastern Region of the United States Dr. Dianne Wright Fall / 2014
ELRM Deloris Benjamin Deans of Students as Crisis Managers: Perceptions of Roles and Leadership Competencies in 12 Public Higher Education Institutions in Florida Dr. Robert Shockley Fall / 2014
ELRM Sheri Glick-Cuenot Predictors of Undergraduate Student Academic Success Dr. John R. Pisapia Fall / 2014
ESE Lynn Jackson The Effects of Learning Strategy Training on the Writing Performance of College Students with Asperger’s Syndrome Dr. Mary Louise Duffy Fall / 2014
CCEI Betul Erkan A Comparison of Practices for Teaching Math Word Problems in Turkey and the United States Dr. Hanizah Zainuddin Summer / 2014
CCEI Tiffany Patella McCahill Teacher Perceptions of Response to Intervention for English Learners Dr. Gail Burnaford Summer / 2014
CCEI Olga M. Vazquez An Investigation of the Teaching Practices of Music Teaching Artists Participating in Four Selected Elementary School Arts Integration Projects Dr. Gail Burnaford Summer / 2014
CE Elizabeth Smith Kelsey The Effect of Case Conceptualization Training on Competence and Its Relationship to Cognitive Complexity Dr. Len Sperry Summer / 2014
CE Sherron N. Brown The Effect of Ready for Success, A Counselor-Led Intervention Program, on Reading Scores of Hispanic and African American 3rd Grade Students in Title One Elementary Schools Dr. Greg Brigman Summer / 2014
CE Havovi B. Shroff Family Resiliency, Sense of Coherence, Social Support and Psychosocial Interventions: Reducing Caregiver Burden and Determining the Quality of Life in Persons with Alzheimer’s Disease Dr. Michael Frain Summer / 2014
ELRM Nancy D. McDonald In-Country: Identification of Transformational Learning and Leadership in Human Rights Observers Dr. Valerie Bryan Summer / 2014
ESHP Alex Kemp The Effects of High and Low Repetition Daily Undulating Periodization Models with Equated Volume on Strength and Hypertrophy in Trained Males Dr. Michael C. Zourdos Summer / 2014
ESHP J. Thomas Mock The Effect of Acute Moderate-Intensity Continuous and High-Intensity Interval Exercise on Serum Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor in Recreationally Trained Males Dr. Michael Whitehurst Summer / 2014
ESHP Aaron L. Slusher Relationships of Fibroblast Growth Factor 21 with Inflammation and Insulin Resistance in Response to Acute Exercise in Obese Individuals Dr. Chun-Jung Huang Summer / 2014
CCEI Jillian R. Powers Lutheran School Teachers’ Instructional Usage of the Interactive Whiteboard Dr. Roberta K. Weber Spring / 2014
CCEI Sabrina Richards Equitable Access to Educational Resources: An Investigation of the Distribution of Teacher Quality Across Secondary Schools in South Florida Dr. Gail Burnaford Spring / 2014
CE Alexandra Cunningham Effects of the Relationship Enhancement Program on Social Skills, Empathy and Social Support for Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders Dr. Len Sperry Spring / 2014
ELRM Sherry Andre Reliability and Validation Study of the Online Instinctual Variant Questionnaire Dr. Valerie Bryan Spring / 2014
ELRM Noemi Coltea Social Impact of Immigrant Entrepreneurs on Florida’s Gold Coast Dr. Valerie Bryan Spring / 2014
ELRM Gesulla Cavanaugh An Examination of Biomedical Intellectual Reputation in Relationship to Graduates’ Productivity, Regional Innovation and Absorptive Capacity at Selected Universities Worldwide Dr. Dianne A. Wright Spring / 2014
ELRM Harry M. Daniel Effects of the Four Pillars on Statewide High School Graduation Rates Dr. John Pisapia Spring / 2014
ELRM Susan Dennett A Study to Compare the Critical Thinking Dispositions Between Chinese and American College Students Dr. Valerie Bryan Spring / 2014
ELRM Tameka L. King Resegregation: The Impact on Education Dr. Robert Shockley Spring / 2014
ELRM Jessica Miles The Impact of Students’ Choice of Time of Day for Class Activity and Their Sleep Quality on Academic Performance in Multidisciplinary Distance Education Courses Dr. Valerie Bryan Spring / 2014
ELRM Thomas T. Nguyen Perceptions of Lawyers on Career Transition, Transferable Skills and Preparation for Community College Leadership Dr. Deborah L. Floyd Spring / 2014
ELRM Elizabeth Swann Adult Learning for Healthy Aging: An Investigation of Health Literacy and Technology Use in Older Adults Dr. Valerie Bryan Spring / 2014
ELRM Tommy N. Tucker Virtual K-12 Leadership: A Postmodern Paradigm Dr. Ira Bogotch Spring / 2014
ELRM Jonathan M. Leff Leadership Matters: The Relationship Of School Leadership to A Safe School Climate, Bullying And Fighting in Middle School Dr. Patricia Maslin-Ostrowski Spring / 2014
CCEI Barbara Becraft Exploring Pedagogical Relationships Within a Culture of Creativity in a Reggio Emilia-Inspired School Dr. Gail Burnaford Fall / 2013
CCEI Rebecca Solomon The Impact of Parent Communications and Expectations on Teacher Practices in Private Jewish Day Schools Dr. Roberta K. Weber Fall / 2013
CCEI Shoba Anne Thachil Factors that Relate to the Persistence of First-Generation Undergraduate Students in a Public University Dr. Hanizah Zainuddin Fall / 2013
CCEI Christine Todd An Examination of How Middle School Science Teachers Conduct Collaborative Inquiry and Reflection About Students' Conceptual Understanding Dr. Roberta K. Weber Fall / 2013
CCEI Samantha Uribe Curriculum-Based Readers Theatre as an Approach to Teaching English Language Learners: Teachers' Perceptions After Professional Development and Classroom Implementation Dr. Gail Burnaford Fall / 2013
CE Jodie Weinstein The Effect of the Student Success Skills in Small Group Counseling Intervention on Factors Associated with Dropout Potential in High School Dr. Elizabeth Villares Fall / 2013
CE Mindy A. Parson Using the Symbolic Expression of Sand Tray to Kinesthetically Connect to the Inner Cognitions of Individuals Diagnosed with a Dementing Illness Dr. Paul R. Peluso Fall / 2013
ELRM Mehran Basiratmand Transformation of Palm Beach Community College to Palm Beach State College: A Case Study Dr. Deborah L. Floyd Fall / 2013
ELRM Frank Gaines An Exploratory Examination of “Pockets of Success” in Creating Urban High Schools of Opportunity for LSES Students Dr. Ira Bogotch Fall / 2013
ELRM Keietta Givens A New Look at Distributive Leadership in Title I and Non-Title I Schools: Does Distributive Leadership Impact Student Achievement and School Culture? Dr. Meredith Mountford Fall / 2013
ELRM Keara Sodano Early Environmental Adult Education: An Oral History of Citizen Researchers’ Learning in the Appalachian Land Ownership Study, 1979-1981 Dr. Valerie C. Bryan Fall / 2013
ELRM Courtney Curatolo The Public Official Leadership Experience: A Case Study of Leadership Collier and Its Impact on Motivating and Empowering Select Citizens Dr. Valerie C. Bryan Fall / 2013
ESE David Garcia* Effectiveness of Modeling and Rehearsal to Teach Fire Safety Skills to Children with Autism Dr. Charles Dukes Fall / 2013
CCEI Cynthia R. Schaub Preservice Teachers’ Developing Beliefs About Diversity as Revealed Through Reflection and Discourse Dr. Gail Burnaford Summer / 2013
CCEI Ana Escuder Middle School Teachers' Usage of Dynamic Mathematics Learning Environments as Cognitive Instructional Tools Dr. Yash Bhagwanji Summer / 2013
CCEI Christine Higgins Understanding Teacher Leadership and Professional Learning in a Secondary Mathematics Department Dr. Roberta K. Weber Summer / 2013
CCEI Kristin L. Patton The Self-Regulation of a Child with Cochlear Implants within a School Environment Dr. Yash Bhagwanji Summer / 2013
CE Ashley J. Luedke Affect Coding within the Therapeutic Relationship Dr. Paul R. Peluso Summer / 2013
ELRM Paul Metcalf An Exploratory Analysis of the Dimensionality of the Mechanisms that Drive Private Giving Among Alumni Association Members Donors and Non-Member Donors Dr. Dianne A. Wright Summer / 2013
ELRM Jeffrey Peter Nasse Perceptions of Professionalism: A Case Study of Community College Baccalaureate Faculty Dr. Deborah Floyd Summer / 2013
ELRM Leo Nesmith, Jr. The Vestiges of Brown: An Analysis of the Placements of African American Principals in Florida Public Schools (2010-2011) Dr. Ira Bogotch Summer / 2013
ELRM Monica Nicoll The Development of Emotional Intelligence in At-Risk Female Adolescents Dr. Robert Shockley Summer / 2013
ELRM Karline S. Prophete How Race, Gender, and Pell Status Affect the Persistence and Degree Attainment Rates of Dual Enrollment Students Dr. Meredith L. Mountford Summer / 2013
ELRM Francis Serra Florida Career and Technology Education: A Comparative Analysis of CTE Program Participants as a Percentage of Total High School Population for the State of Florida Dr. Robert Shockley Summer / 2013
ELRM Christopher L. Simmons Dropout Prevention: A Study of Prevention Programs Used by High Schools to Increase Graduation Rate Dr. Meredith L. Mountford Summer / 2013
ESE Carlotta A. Rody Digital Assist: A Comparison of Two Note-Taking Methods (Traditional vs. Digital Pen) For Students with Emotional Behavioral Disorders Dr. Michael P. Brady Summer / 2013
ESE Lisa Finn Using Watchminder to Increase the On-Task Behavior of Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder Dr. Rangasamy Ramasamy Summer / 2013
CSD Jamie Heidenreich Effects of Visual Feedback on Developmental Stuttering Dr. Dale Williams Summer / 2013
ESHP Keith Brazendale An Empirical Study of Children’s Enjoyment and Perceived Competence in Physical Education and Its Effect on Their Physical Activity Participation Outside of School Dr. B. Sue Graves Summer / 2013
CCEI Seth M. Alper Advanced Placement (AP) Social Studies Teachers’ Use of Academic Course Blogs as a Supplemental Resource for Student Learning Dr. Roberta K. Weber Spring / 2013
CCEI Rebecca Kerr Comparing Levels of School Performance to Science Teachers' Reports on Knowledge/Skills, Instructional Use and Student Use of Computers Dr. Gail Burnaford Spring / 2013
CCEI Barbara Perez Teacher Quality and Teaching Quality Of 7th-Grade Algebra 1 Honors Teachers Dr. Roberta Weber Spring / 2013
CE John W. McIlveen The Relationship Between Parental, Lifestyle, Attachment Style and the Mediating Effect of Family Environment on the Characteristics of Their Adult Children in Substance Abuse Treatment Dr. Paul Peluso Spring / 2013
CE Pamela Spina The Effects of The Proactive Personality on The Levels of Job Satisfaction and Burnout for Licensed Mental Health Counselors Dr. Paul Peluso Spring / 2013
ELRM Michael R. Hrabak Policy and Practice: An Analysis of 2001 Florida Senate Bill 1162 Dr. Deborah L. Floyd Spring / 2013
ELRM Julie Nash An Examination of the Role and Career Paths of Chief Research Administrators in Selected Major Research Universities in the United States Dr. Dianne Wright Spring / 2013
ELRM Carole Pfeffer Assessing Goal Intent and Achievement of University Learning Community Students Dr. Deborah L. Floyd Spring / 2013
ELRM Scott Smith The Concept of Fit Intersections in Educational Leadership Dr. Ira Bogotch Spring / 2013
ESE Mary Taber Use of a Mathematics Word Problem Strategy to Improve Achievement for Students with Mild Disabilities Dr. Mary Louise Duffy Spring / 2013
CCEI Eudora A. Stephens Leading the Way: The Relationship Between Effective Teachers’ Interactions with Their Students and Their Students’ Interactions with Each Other in Two Multi-Grade Parochial Classrooms Dr. Gail Burnaford Fall / 2012
CE Raffaela Peter Attachment, Locus of Control and Romantic Intimacy in Adult Children of Alcoholics: A Correlational Investigation Dr. Paul Peluso Fall / 2012
ELRM Krista Allison Experience and Perceptions as Expressed by Adolescent Females at a Residential Treatment Center (RTC) Dr. Valerie Bryan Fall / 2012
ELRM Joyce Krzemienski* The Impact of Stress on Elementary School Principals and Their Effective Coping Mechanisms Dr. Meredith Mountford Fall / 2012
ELRM Michael R. Hrabak Policy and Practice: An Analysis of 2001 Florida Senate Bill 1162 Dr. Deborah L. Floyd Fall / 2012
ELRM Courtney Paschal Purnell Exploring Teachers’ Perceptions of Professional Development in Virtual Learning Teams Dr. Valerie Bryan Fall / 2012
ELRM Mary Webster The Possibilities for School Leadership Discourse Within the Dominant Discourse of Public Education A Critical Autoethnography Dr. Ira Bogotch Fall / 2012
CCEI Rachayita Shah The Contributions of a Holocaust and Human Rights Education Program to Teacher Learning Dr. Dilys Schoorman Summer / 2012
CE Jennifer Bilot The Relationship Between Wellness and Burnout Among Novice Counselors Dr. Paul Peluso Summer / 2012
CE Steven Vensel Mobbing, Burnout, and Religious Coping Styles Among Protestant Clergy: A Structural Equation Model and its Implications for Counselors Dr. Paul Peluso Summer / 2012
CE Jacqueline Wirth The Effect of a Classroom Intervention on Adolescent Wellness, Success Skills, and Academic Performance Dr. Elizabeth Villares Summer / 2012
ELRM Denise P. Barrett-Johnson How Jamaican Administrators in a Large School District in Florida Perceive Ethnicity, Gender, and Mentoring Have Impacted Their Career Experiences: A Phenomenological Study Dr. Robert Shockley Summer / 2012
ELRM Lindsay Jesteadt Principals' Knowledge of Special Education Policies and Procedures: Does it Matter in Leadership? Dr. Meredith Mountford Summer / 2012
ELRM Colin Philip Roche Canadian Professional Chefs' Perceived Value of Formal Culinary Education and It's Relationship with Industry Success Dr. Deborah Floyd Summer / 2012
CE Julianne Agonis Family Resiliency, Family Needs and Community Re-Integration in Persons with Brain Injury Dr. Michael Frain Spring / 2012
ELRM Jacqueline Ackerina The Call of Public Service Motivation and Professional Commitment in Education Dr. Ira Bogotch Spring / 2012
ELRM Maria Hersey The Development of Global-Mindedness: School Leadership Perspectives Dr. Ira Bogotch Spring / 2012
ELRM Dildra Martin-Ogburn Cultivating Supportive, Professional Relationships Among Black Women in Educational Leadership: Shattering the Mirror of Self-Destruction Dr. Meredith Mountford Spring / 2012
ELRM Kevin Perry The Art of Leadership: A Study of Administrative Practices in Florida's Schools of the Arts Dr. Ira Bogotch Spring / 2012
ELRM Deborah Robinson A Comparative Holistic, Multiple-Case Study of the Implementation of the Strategic Thinking Protocol and Traditional Strategic Planning Processes at a Southeastern University Dr. John Pisapia Spring / 2012
ESHP Korey Kilsdonk Effects of Compression Stockings on Cycling Performance in Moderately Trained Females Dr. Michael Whitehurst Spring / 2012
ESHP Kelley Rhoads An Educational Tobacco Intervention: Impact of the Health Belief Model on College Students Dr. Tina Penhollow Spring / 2012
CCEI Debbie Beaudry* Technology and Fifth Grade Teaching: A Study of Teacher Reported Classroom Practice, Professional Development, Access, and Support Dr. Gail Burnaford Fall / 2011
CCEI Cathy Bonner Exploring the Impact of Electronic Textbook Tools on Student Achievement in World History Dr. H. James Mclaughlin Fall / 2011
CCEI Tammy Bresnahan Development Experiences that Influence Mentor Teachers' Dr. Gail Burnaford Fall / 2011
CCEI Sophia Munro The Self-Reported Use of Metacognitive Reading Strategies of Community College Students Dr. Gail Burnaford Fall / 2011
CCEI Carmen Newstreet Reading Strategies in Secondary Social Studies: Teacher Reported Practice and Professional Development Dr. Gail Burnaford Fall / 2011
CCEI Joshua Strate Predictors of Scientific Understanding of Middle School Students Dr. David Kumar Fall / 2011
CE Velouse Jean-Jacques The Effects of Culturally Translated School Counselor-LED Intervention on the Academic Achievement Fourth and Fifth Grade Haitian Students Dr. Greg Brigman Fall / 2011
CE Ivett Urbina The Effects of Student Participation in the Cultural Spanish Translation of the Student Success Skills Programs on High School Student Achievement Dr. Greg Brigman Fall / 2011
ELRM Richard Cunningham Florida's Performance Accountability System and the Effectiveness of Workforce Education Providers Dr. John Pisapia Fall / 2011
ELRM Ancil DeLuz Retention in Florida Community Colleges: A Study of the 2005-2008 Academic Years Dr. John Pisapia Fall / 2011
ELRM Angela Ludica University Educational Leadership Technology Course Syllabi Alignment with State and National Technology Standards Dr. Patricia Maslin-Ostrowski Fall / 2011
ELRM Leigh McFarland The Adaptability of Academic Advising Teams in Higher Education Dr. Patricia Maslin-Ostrowski Fall / 2011
ELRM Ora Meles A Multi-Site Case Study of a Professional Learning Community Model: The Impact of Learning Team Meetings on a Teacher Practice and Student Achievement from the Perspective of Teachers and Instructional Leaders Dr. Patricia Maslin-Ostrowski Fall / 2011
ELRM Jessica Pena-Lopez A Study of Persistence of Undergraduate Women Majoring in Engineering and Math Dr. Ira Bogotch Fall / 2011
ELRM Ana Porro Investigation of Instructional Strategies Designed to Promote Achievement and Retention in Online Mathematics Classes Dr. Valerie Bryan Fall / 2011
ELRM Maria de L. Rodriguez English Language Learners in Florida: A Dissertation About a Legal and Policy Study of Florida's Multicultural Education Training and Advocacy (Meta) Consent Decree Dr. Ira Bogotch Fall / 2011
ESE Janice Russell The Impact of Fluency Intervention on the Oral Reading Fluency and Comprehension of Middle School Students with Learning Disabilities Dr. Lydia Smiley Fall / 2011
ESHP Friederike Feil The Effects of Compression Socks on the Perception of Post Exercise Muscle Soreness Dr. Michael Whitehurst Fall / 2011
CCEI Melissa Parks The Nature of Elementary Students' Science Discourse and Conceptual Learning Dr. Gail Burnaford Summer / 2011
CCEI Karin Lynn St. Pierre Influences on Hispanic Student Success at the Community College Dr. H. James McLaughlin Summer / 2011
CCEI Karla Yurick Effects of Problem-Based Learning with Web-Anchored Instruction in Nanotechnology on the Science Conceptual Understanding, the Attitude Towards Science, and the Perception of Science in Society of Elementary Students Dr. David Kumar Summer / 2011
CE Melisa Mariani The Effect of Student Participation in Student Success Skills on Pro-Social and Bullying Behavior Dr. Linda Webb Summer / 2011
CE Jonathan Sperry The Relationship of Self Transcendence, Social Interest, and Spirituality to Well-Being in HIV/AIDS Adults Dr. Paul Peluso Summer / 2011
ELRM E. Allen Bottorff The Community College Baccalaureate: A Study of Capital Costs in Florida Dr. Deborah Floyd Summer / 2011
ELRM Mary Cassell Third Age Adult English Language Learners in Nonformal Library Settings Dr. Valerie Bryan Summer / 2011
ELRM Randye Shanfield The President of the United States as Charismatic Leader: Analysis of the Presidents' Role and Success in Influencing Education Policy between 1981-2009 Dr. Robert Shockley Summer / 2011
ELRM John Vassilou A Comparative Analysis of the Success of Students Placed in the Lowest Level of the Remedial Coursework Taken Through Cal versus a Tradition Remedial Education Mode of Instruction: Implications for Success, Retention, and Costs Dr. Dianne Wright Summer / 2011
ESE Jamie Worrell Effects of an Interactive Computer-Based Reading Strategy on Student Comprehension Dr. Mary Louise Duffy Summer / 2011
ELRM Stephanie Arsht Preparing Florida Community College Faculty to Teach Online Dr. Deborah Floyd Spring / 2011
ELRM Meredith Dee First Year Undergraduate Students' Perception of the Effectiveness and Transfer of Multimedia Training for a University Course Registration System Dr. Valerie Bryan Spring / 2011
ELRM Timothy De Palma Pre-Disaster Planning at Florida Community Colleges: A Comparison of FEMA Guidelines to Processes and Practices Dr. Deborah Floyd Spring / 2011
ELRM Mark Kaplan Sizing Up the Principalship: The Relationship Between School Size and Principal Leadership in Elementary and Middle Schools Dr. Ira Bogotch Spring / 2011
ELRM Anthony Allen A Critical Race Theory Analysis of the Disproportionate Representation of Blacks and Males Participating in Florida's Special Education Programs Dr. Jennifer Sughrue Fall / 2010
ELRM Nancy Patrick Employee’s Perceptions of Employer’s Response After Workplace Injury Dr. Lucy Guglielmino Fall / 2010
ESE Kim Di Lorenzo The Effects of Reciprocal on the Science Literacy of Intermediate of Elementary Students in Inclusive Science Classes Dr. Lydia Smiley Fall / 2010
ESHP Adam Berrones Does Physical Fitness Mediate the Physiological and Perceptual Responses to 10-minutes of Chest Compression - Only CPR Dr. Michael Whitehurst Fall / 2010
CCEI Gail Sigelakis The Effect of Skill-Focused Minilessons on Students' Independent Use of Reading Skills During Literature Circles Dr. Gail Burnaford Summer / 2010
CCEI Joy Stewart A Standards-Based Content Analysis of Selected Biological Science Websites Dr. David Kumar Summer / 2010
ELRM Susan Moosai A Prediction Model for Community Colleges Using Graduation Rate as the Performance Indicator Dr. Deborah Floyd Summer / 2010
ELRM Janet Cornella Principal Leadership: The Missing Link in Teacher Retention Dr. Lucy Guglielmino Summer / 2010
ELRM Mary Murray Florida Middle Grades Pupil Progression Policies: Their Effects on Middle School Student Achievement and Retention Rates Dr. Jennifer Sughrue Summer / 2010
ELRM Gerri Penney Executive Fire Officers' Strategic Thinking Capabilities and the Relationship with Information and Communication Technology Dr. Valerie Bryan Summer / 2010
ELRM Robert Murray The Florida Migrant Education Program: An Analysis of Programmatic and Expenditure Practices Dr. Jennifer Sughrue Summer / 2010
CCEI Phyllis T. Pacilli A Study of Seventh Grade Geometry Posttest Scores After Using the Geoleg Manipulative Tool Dr. Joseph M. Furner Spring / 2010
ELRM Artyce-Joy E. Chase Academic Dishonesty in Online Courses: The Influence of Students’ Characteristics, Perception of Connectedness, and Deterrents Dr. Deborah L. Floyd Spring / 2010
ELRM Donna Goldstein Integration of Geospatial Technologies Into K-12 Curriculum: An Investigation of Teacher and Student Perceptions and Student Academic Achievement Dr. Lucy Guglielmino Spring / 2010
ELRM Terri N. Watson* Florida’s Definition and Subsequent Calculations of a Public High School Graduate: A Critical Race Theory Analysis Dr. Jennifer Sughrue Spring / 2010
ESHP Patricia Graham The Effect of Cadence on Time Trial Performance in Novice Female Cyclists Dr. Michael Whitehurst Spring / 2010
ESHP Nina Markil Comparison of Acute Hear Rate Variability Responses to Relaxation Alone vs. Relaxation Preceded by Hatha Yoga Dr. Robert Zoeller Spring / 2010
CCEI Michele Harcarik Fifth-Grade Teachers’ Social Studies Knowledge and Beliefs and Their Relationship to Classroom Practices Dr. Gail Burnaford Fall / 2009
CCEI Jodi McGeary Robson A Study Examining the Impact of Vocabulary Instruction on the Vocabulary Growth and Acquisition of Adults Enrolled in a Community College Developmental Reading Course Dr. Gail Burnaford Fall / 2009
CCEI Jeremy R. Wright An Examination of the Implementation of the Intel Essentials Project-Based Learning Model on Middle and Secondary Reading and Language Arts FCAT Student Achievement and Engagement Dr. Gail Burnaford Fall / 2009
CE Michelle L. Goldberg The Effects of the Ready for Success Program on the Reading Achievement of Second- and Third-Grade Students Dr. Greg Brigman Fall / 2009
ELRM Pradel R. Frank Persistence of EAP Students in Associate Degree and College Credit Certificate Programs Dr. Deborah L. Floyd Fall / 2009
ELRM Tammy J. Gillette Virtual Science Instructional Strategies: A Set of Actual Practices as Perceived by Secondary Science Educators Dr. Valerie Bryan Fall / 2009
ELRM Carole Comarcho African American and Hispanic Male Perceptions of Effective and Ineffective Retention Strategies and the Implications for Undergraduate Persistence in a For-Profit Commuter University Dr. Robert Shockley & Dr. Dianne A. Wright Fall / 2009
ELRM Mary M. Davis An Exploration of Factors Affecting the Academic Success of Students in a College Quantitative Business Course Dr. Valerie Bryan Fall / 2009
ELRM Francisco J. Rodriguez The Impact of Teacher Retention on Student Achievement in High School Mathematics Dr. Robert Shockley Fall / 2009
ELRM Valerie Smith Wanza The Florida School Recognition Program: The Relationship Between Participation in the Program and Adequate Yearly Progress Under the No Child Left Behind Act Dr. Jennifer Sugrue Fall / 2009
ELRM Lewis Jackson Effect of National Board Certification on Retention of Teachers in the Classroom Dr. Robert Shockley Fall / 2009
CCEI Judy L. Somers Using Concept Maps to Explore Preservice Teachers’ Perceptions of Science Content Knowledge, Teaching Practice, and Reflective Processes Dr. H. James McLaughlin Summer / 2009
CCEI Michelle Vaughan The Relationship Between Professional Development and The Changing Reading Practices of Teachers in Low-Performing Elementary Schools Dr. H. James McLaughlin Summer / 2009
CCEI Thomas Doyal Is There a Relationship Between Academic Achievement and School Climate at the Elementary, Middle or High School Grade Level? Dr. Eileen Ariza Summer / 2009
ELRM Jess Everet Tuck Students’ Preference for Online Versus Face-to-Face Academic Advising Based on Individual Learning Styles Dr. Deborah L. Floyd Summer / 2009
ELRM Darwin E. Asper Predicting Hospital Readmissions in Patients with Diabetes: Importance of Diabetes Education and Other Factors Dr. Lucy M. Guglielmino & Dr. John D. Morris Summer / 2009
ELRM Brian W. Findley The Relationship of Self-Directed Learning Readiness to Knowledge-Based and Performance-Based Measures of Success in Third-Year Medical Students Dr. Lucy M. Guglielmino & Dr. John D. Morris Summer / 2009
ELRM Daniel Reyes-Guerra The Relationship Between Principal Leadership Actions and Business and Social Justice Cultures in Schools Dr. John R. Pisapia Summer / 2009
ELRM Treesey Weaver Principals’ Attitudes Toward the Use of Culturally Relevant Pedagogy and Culturally Responsive Leadership in Predominately African American Schools Dr. Ira E. Bogotch Summer / 2009
ESHP Henry J. Allen Pedometers in the Curriculum: An Instrument to Enhance Student Success Through Wellness Education Dr. Tina M. Penhollow Summer / 2009
CCEI Christopher A. Beaulieu A Correlation of Standardized Benchmark Testing and Teacher-Assigned Grades in 10th-Grade English Courses Dr. Penelope Fritzer Spring / 2009
CCEI Ruth Doran Influence of a Professional Development Module Focused on the Researched-Based Evidence of the Culture and Gender Bias Found in Disney Animated Fairy Tales on Preprimary Early Childhood Teachers Dr. Ira Bogotch Spring / 2009
CE Barbara E. Abernathy The Role of Identity in Posttraumatic Growth and Psychological Adjustment for Adults with Cancer Dr. Linda Webb Spring / 2009
CE Ana Leon The Effects of a Culturally Translated School Counselor-led Intervention on Hispanic Students’ Academic Achievement Dr. Greg Brigman Spring / 2009
ELRM Jo Ann Marie Bambas Emerging Narratives of Native American, Asian American, and African American Women in Middle Adulthood with an Education Doctorate Degree Dr. Valerie C. Bryan Spring / 2009
ELRM Lawrence B. Faerman The Relationship Between Organizational Culture and Effectiveness in University Residence Hall Associations: A Competing Values Study Dr. Deborah L. Floyd Spring / 2009
ELRM Nigel Lovell-Martin Attitudinal Study of Older Adult African Americans’ Interaction with Computers Dr. Valerie Bryan Spring / 2009
ELRM Lori Kijanka Exploring the Influence of Middle School Leaders on Middle School Girl’s Interest in High School Science Course Enrollment Dr. Meredith Mountford Spring / 2009
ELRM Guillermo J. Hardman* Regenerative Leadership: An Integral Theory for Transforming People and Organizations for Sustainability in Business, Education, and Community Dr. John R. Pisapia Spring / 2009
ELRM Pauline McLean An Assessment of the Effect of Adult Education on Sustainable Development in Jamaica Dr. Anthony C. Townsend Spring / 2009
ELRM Tracey Miller School Construction: Meeting the Classroom Building Needs of Florida’s Growing Student Population Dr. Ira Bogotch Spring / 2009
ELRM James J. Riordan Perceptions of Industry Practitioners Toward an Academic Degree Program in Public Assembly Facility Management Dr. Valerie C. Bryan Spring / 2009
ESE Kyle D. Bennett The Effects of Covert Audio Coaching on the Job Performance of Supported Employees Dr. Michael P. Brady Spring / 2009
ELRM Edwin P. Bemmel A Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Two Community College Baccalaureate Programs in Florida: An Exploratory Study Dr. Deborah L. Floyd & Dr. Valerie C. Bryan Fall / 2008
ELRM Beth Amey An Exploration of the Relationship Between Experiential Learning and Self-Directed Learning Readiness Dr. Lucy M. Guglielmino & Dr. John D. Morris Fall / 2008
ELRM Jodie Koerner Outcomes of Student Participation in College Freshman Learning Communities Dr. Lucy M. Guglielmino & Dr. John D. Morris Fall / 2008
ELRM Enid Conley Exploring Barriers to Education for Native American Indians: A Native Perspective Dr. Valerie Bryan Fall / 2008
ELRM Veronica Woodard Pino Factors Affecting Retention in a Community College’s Welfare-to-Work Programs: A Heuristic Study of Participants’ Perceptions Dr. Valerie Bryan Fall / 2008
ELRM Steven M. Urdegar* Beyond Fidelity: Relating Educational Practices and Their Determinants to Student Learning Gains Dr. John R. Pisapia Fall / 2008
ELRM Nancy Weissman The Relationship Between Leadership Styles of Directors of Accredited Higher Education Respiratory Care Programs and Faculty Satisfaction, Willingness to Exert Extra Effort, Perceived Director Effectiveness, And Program Outcomes Dr. Deborah Floyd Fall / 2008
ESE Patricia Oliver The Effects of An Audio Coaching Intervention on Parents' Interactions with Their Children with Autism Dr. Michael P. Brady Summer / 2008
CCEI Edmar Bernardes Da-Silva A Comparison of Multimedia Technology Instruction on The Achievement of U.S. Educated and Non-U.S. Educated Community College Geography Students Dr. Penelope Fritzer Spring / 2008
ELRM Laura Heath Community College and University Experiences of High School Dual Enrollment Students Dr. Deborah Floyd Spring / 2008
ELRM Ryan Turner Reardon An Analysis of Florida's School Districts' Attendance Policies and Their Relationship to High School Attendance Rates Dr. Patricia Maslin-Ostrowski Spring / 2008
CCEI Robb Kvasnak Belongingness and Integrative Motivation in Second Language Acquisition Dr. Penelope Fritzer Fall / 2007
ESE Kavin Ming* The Effects of a Fluency Intervention on the Oral Reading Fluency of First Grade Students at Risk for Reading Failure Dr. Lydia R. Smiley Summer / 2007
ELRM Pamela M. Brown* Bowling in different alleys: A story of neighborhood organizations and schools Dr. John Pisapia Spring / 2007
ESE Jessica L. Bucholz Using Social Stories and Literacy Based Behavioral Interventions to Improve Employment Skills in Employees with Mental Retardation Dr. Michael P. Brady Spring / 2007
ESE Debra Leach Effects of Intervention Using Everyday Routines on the Social Reciprocity of Children with Autism Dr. Mary Louise Duffy Spring / 2007
ELRM Deborah Casey Indicators Linked to The Success of Students with Psychological Disabilities in Urban Community College Allied Health Sciences Programs Dr. Deborah Floyd Spring / 2006