Jack Scott

Jack Scott is the Executive Director of the FAU CARD center. He is an associate professor in the Department of Special Education. He teaches courses on inclusion, special education and behavior analysis. Dr. Scott received his doctoral degree from the University of Florida. He has also written a textbook on autism, "Students with autism: Characteristics and instructional programming", (2000), and has written several chapters and articles on autism and individual instruction.

Dr. Scott has research interests in early intensive behavioral intervention, particularly parent-directed home programs and reading instruction for children with autism. He is a behavior analyst and serves as the autism area program coordinator for the Association for Behavior Analysis. In addition, he serves on the boards of several charter schools and as a board member for Reaching Potentials. He has provided special assistance to the Ministry of Education in Belize to help their teachers become more effective in educating children with autism in this Central American country.

Jack Scott

Jack Scott

Executive Director
Department of Center for Autism and Related Disabilities (CARD)

Office Phone: 561-251-4104
Office Location: EC MC12- 202H
Campus: Jupiter
