Community Engagement - Research

Comprehensive Educators Research Program

Funded through the Javits Gifted and Talented Students Education Program Grant, Michelle Vaughan has partnered with A.D. Henderson and FAU High School to develop the Comprehensive Educators Research Program, a multi-tiered initiative that intentionally builds the research capacity of educators, leadership, and counselors throughout the school using action research within their own practice. Publications connected to this initiative include:

  • Vaughan, M., Meredith, T., Timar, A., Mariani, M., & and Calabrese, E. (2023). Building the Comprehensive Educator Research Program: Action Research as a Vehicle for Empowerment, Growth, and Professionalization in K12 schools. Educational Action Research.
  • Pavek, C & Vaughan, M. (2023). Digital Reading Check-ins: Supporting independent digital reading. The Reading Teacher.
  • Vaughan, M., Cavallaro, C., Baker, J., Celesti, C., Clevenger, C., Darling, H., Kasten, R., Laing, M., Marbach, R., Timar, A., & Wilder, K. (2019). Positioning teachers as researchers: Lessons in empowerment, change, and growth. Florida Educational Research Association Journal, 57(2), 133-139.

See clip of “The path to change ‘Professional Development for Educators’ to ‘Developing Professional Educators’” podcast here:

Full podcast here

Exceptional Educators Program

Michelle Vaughan is the co-founder of the Exceptional Educators program and a professional development partner of the Gold Coast Down Syndrome organization since 2014. As a prior member of their executive and advisory board, she trains classroom teachers in curriculum inclusion practices at the start of each school year. Publications connected to this initiative include:

  • Vaughan, M. & Henderson, A. (2016). Exceptional educators: A collaborative training partnership for the inclusion of students with Down Syndrome. Support for Learning, 31(1), 46-58. doi: 10.1111/1467-9604.12113