Research Methodology
Research Methodology Faculty

María D. Vásquez Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Research Methodology
Lead Instructor for EDF 3430
Department of Educational Leadership and Research Methodology
Associate Editor, Florida Journal of Educational Research (FJER)

Michael A. DeDonno, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Research Methodology
Integrated Medical Science (Secondary)
Department of Educational Leadership and Research Methodology

John D. Morris, Ph.D.
Professor Emeritus, Research Methodology
Lead Instructor for STA 7114, EDF 7482 & EDF 6432
Mathematics (Affiliate Faculty)
Department of Educational Leadership and Research Methodology

Mary Lieberman, Ed.D.
Associate Professor, Research Methodology
Lead Instructor for STA 6113 & EDF 6481
Department of Educational Leadership and Research Methodology

Sangbeak Ye, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Research Methodology
Department of Educational Leadership and Research Methodology
Associate Graduate Faculty

Essam Abouzeida, PhD.
Adjunct and Associate Graduate Faculty
STA6113: Educational Statistics
EDF3430: Educational Measurement and Evaluation

Mark Quintana, Ed.D.
Adjunct and Associate Graduate Faculty
EDF 3430 Education Measurement & Evaluation,
STA 6113 - Educational Statistics
Adjunct Faculty

Tunjarnika L. Coleman-Ferrell, PhD.
Adjunct Faculty
EDF3430-Educational Measurement and Evaluation
Affiliate Faculty

Tricia L Meredith, Ph.D.
Director of Research, A.D. Henderson University School/FAU High School/ FAUHS Research Program
Assistant Research Professor, College of Education
Affiliate Faculty, Dept. of Educational Leadership and Research Methodology
Florida Atlantic University

Jasmine Coyle, MS
Research Coordinator, FAU High School/ FAUHS Research Program
Affiliate Faculty, Dept. of Educational Leadership and Research Methodology
Florida Atlantic University

Katherine Hendrickson, M.S.M.Sci
Research Coordinator, A.D. Henderson University School/FAU High School/ FAU HS Research Program
Affiliate Faculty, Dept. of Educational Leadership and Research Methodology
Florida Atlantic University

Tucker Hindle, M.S., GISP
Research Coordinator & Analytics Specialist, A.D. Henderson University School / FAU High School (Student Research Program)
Affiliate Faculty, Department of Educational Leadership and Research Methodology
Research Associate, Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatics Engineering
Florida Atlantic University

Amy Tift, Ph.D.
University School Instructor, FAU High School (Research / Psychology)
Affiliate Faculty, Department of Educational Leadership and Research Methodology
Affiliate Faculty, Department of Psychology
Florida Atlantic University